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Banned without Reason and without warning - Printable Version

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Banned without Reason and without warning - Occam Razor - 05-12-2012

I was mining with a friend when i lost connection to the server.
When i tried to rejoin it said i was banned from the server
I havent done anything wrong so i hope that was a mistake.
I played as "[Polity]Miner12" when i was banned
I hope that can be fixed cause i really like the server

Banned without Reason and without warning - Wraga - 05-12-2012

Look for your chars here. It could solve the mistery maybe. If not, just PM your problem to the admins, I'm well sure they will help you out.

Banned without Reason and without warning - bloogaL - 05-12-2012

If not where Wraga said to look, best not to PM admins about it but post here:\?

Banned without Reason and without warning - Occam Razor - 05-12-2012

ah ok didnt know that thanks