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A Key Emergency - Printable Version

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A Key Emergency - Scarlet - 05-12-2012

In a dark, unlit storage room on board of the KA orbital platform, a pair of red lights flare to life, sending semi-transparent beams across the room and the storage crates scattered about. A small metalic whirr echoes through the room, followed by several clunks and a rattle of chains before an object slides forewards from the dark, into the lit doorway. A guard in military blues turns just in time to see the thing lift its arm, before his breains exploded through the back of his head, chased by a high velocity slug. In an office several floors above, a uniformed woman watches the security feed with interest before keying in several commands. Moments later sirens begin to blare across the station, and blast doors come rumbling down on thier guides, sealing each section as she watches the Droid step back into the storage room and begin to saw chains off several crates.

As the doors come down the bar goes dark before emergency lighting kicks in. Fortunately the door to the kitchen remains open, jammed in its half-built state.

Accessing Station Schematics.
Floor One
Floor Two
Floor Three

Accessing Personel Roster.
Data Link Dowload

A Key Emergency - Tailsdoll - 05-12-2012

The office room was nice. Calm, peaceful, sort of clean. Also had a nice plant that provided some awesome stuff.

His watch beeped. Was it time already?

Oh well, pills down the throat. The usual shudder and the shock down the spine. And all was calm.


"The hell...?"

A Key Emergency - Mark - 05-12-2012

A usual day in the bar, then the lights go out.

Sighing, he walks over to the comms unit on the wall, pushing the transmit button.

Oi, engineering, the hell is going on?

Cursing mildly as he is returned with silence, changing the recipient console.

Command, this is Samuels, what's going on and why can't I reach engineering?

A Key Emergency - KST - 05-12-2012

A security terminal on the wall jingles before the display comes to life, the only source of light apart from the dim red emergency bulbs.

A Key Emergency - Tailsdoll - 05-12-2012

Joey quickly grabbed his communicator and dialed the first number he could find.

"Smudge, what the hell is going on?"

A Key Emergency - stardust47 - 05-12-2012

Terrwyn's night vision came on almost immediately. Remaining calm, she scanned the base. There seemed to be something down in storage. She activated the tactical cloak and slipped silently away, through an air vent.
The storage room was pitch black and there were no life signs, on any scans. Either the thing she had seen was a glitch or they (it?) knew that she was there and knew the weaknesses of her scanners.
She heard movement. There was something coming up behind her.
Terrwyn ducked away behind a crate. A high-velocity shell tore through the crate, missing her head by a few inches. She jumped away, bullet holes on the crates behind her marking her path. She readied her Ageira AA-12 assault shotgun, loaded with a high-capacity drum magazine and opened fire. tearing the droid apart.
The droid was a small, four-legged spider droid, with a gun mounted on it like a tank.
Another droid popped out behind her and opened fire. A bullet hit her power pack, causing the cloak to come down, not that it had meant anything in the first place. Terrwyn scrambled back to the vent and clambered through, over what appeared to be swarms of droids. There was a sharp electromagnetic burst, followed by nothing.
The EMP had disabled Terrwyn's implants, leaving her blind, deaf and immobile. A specially-shielded transmitter started beaming a distress call out to the rest of the base, in the hope that someone would come and help her.

A Key Emergency - Mark - 05-12-2012

Anyone? Hello? Anyone? Damnit!

He smacks the side of the security terminal a couple times, swearing again as that fails to yield any answers, then the door, finding that locked out as well.

Willy! Where's the repair kit? I'm gunna try "manually overriding" this door.

Grabbing a large, flat screwdriver, he shoves it behind the control panel for the door, prising it off as a few sparks shoot out. Grabbing a couple wires and flicking the bare ends together to try and get the door to open, letting out a small grinding noise then silence, the door still shut.

Ah hell! Oh damn it, Plan B.

Pulling out his pistol, he fires a couple shots at the bare control "hole," shielding his eyes from some sparks, then, amazingly, it works.

Finally. Stay here Willy I'm going to see if I can't get into the security room. Find out what the hell is going on.

Stalking off towards the security station, weapon in hand, still carrying the screwdriver in case any more "manual overrides" are required.

A Key Emergency - KST - 05-12-2012

The Terminal emits another jingle before text begins scrolling across the screen.

~The Postman is here~

A Key Emergency - Febreze - 05-12-2012

*Smudge came to the doorway from his neighbouring "office"*

"Whatever ever it is, Joe, I'm pretty sure it's not me."

A Key Emergency - Tijno - 05-13-2012

Willy was looking around, looking into the darkness. He stepped on something.
Apparently Tijno was lying as drunk as always on the ground.
''Willy protect the beer, I'€™m going to find some more."

Willy grabbed Tijno
"You are not going anywhere, I'€™m not going to lose a friend again!"

Willy was going behind the bar
"Here mate I think you know how to use one of these."
Willy gave Tijno a pump action shotgun
"Lets lock and load"