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Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - Kuraine - 04-26-2008

Greetings everyone,

Some of you may know me, a lot possibly won't. Either way, as the leader of the Golden Chrysanthemum your comments/views are important and i'd like to hear from people what they think so far. From what I can personally gather, there haven't been too many negative incidences yet, and minor ones at that for the most part. Still, it is wise not to take anything for granted.

Anyway, i'd just like to get some feedback on a faction that has been going good for almost four months now. Thanks in advance for taking the time to do this.

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-26-2008

The RP seems fine, the in-game actions seem okay from my limited Kusari experiences...

However, i would prefer if your members didn't all have blood dragon equipment (from what I've seen). I know that you have a deal with the NovaPG, but the GC npcs do use civilian ships.

By the way, is there any in-game references to the initiation? If you could "initiate" each new member, in a sort of ritual, that'd add to the roleplay.

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - Unseelie - 04-26-2008

I'm a bit confused as to your relations with Bretonia, Bretonian Corporations in particular.
I've seen 3 different sorts of behavior from you towards my bowex...and I dunno what the mo is.

Otherwise, unless you're flying BD stuff I loves you. (if you are flying BD stuff, I'll love you anyways, but maybe frown a bit.)
Btw, do you carry cardi? You should. Juno does, and its great fun.

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - mjolnir - 04-26-2008

well yes.... most members in Blood Dragons fighters...:(

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - Guyton - 04-26-2008

You guys are doing fine. Just keep on working with what your doing now.

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - chopper - 04-26-2008

As I said before, when the faction appeared, I don't like you using BD equipment fully.

I am yet to see someone from [GC] to fly an eagle.

And I am of opinion that GC is more closely tied to Outcasts then to Blood Dragons.

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - Unseelie - 04-26-2008

I dunno about that, chopper.
I think the GC are closer to dragons than Outcasts, because they find the outcasts a bit creepy. EVIDENCE:
...took me forever to dig that one up again...

On the BD fighters, those things are supposed to be Blood Dragon family heirlooms, hand crafted like an ancient katana, each piece mastercrafted, and I really don't see them giving them away to anyone.

Also, guys....Juno.Kietan in all of her variations was raised by the GC. She's left, and working in bretonia, and I'm not sure how the sisterhood handles absenteeism, but I do consider her a bit of a GC. Just saying, because I've recently come back ingame, and everyone who knew her backstory seems to have left, and I'm stuck saying "Hullo, its been a long time since a sister came this near to bretonia." and getting something like "You have a problem with it, sir?" as a reply, which is sortof like, oh, the wrong direction entirely for such a conversation to take....

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - Dusty Lens - 04-26-2008

In all honesty I've always found the GC/BD chummyness a might puzzling.

I'm not an ace guru on Kusarian political wackyness or anything, but my impression was that the GC are lookin to get a fair shake (or more) of ladyish representation within society whilst the Dragons are whiling away their days looking to give the boot to Samara/The current political machine and return to the days of yore.

Said days of yore believing that the best sentence that involved a woman included the words barefoot and kitchen.

I'm more than eager to be informed either one way or the other, as it's always been a point of some confusion for me.

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - mangadrive - 04-26-2008

GC is actually a terrorist faction looking to put a queen in office. One Ruler.. under.. them. Theres really no said ties/breaks I can find aside from what the game putson the faction list. If you wanna live with that great, but I hate the idea that the SP game is deciding things in peoples brains in an online persistant setting. I'm assuming on Discovery they are Pirates from what I was told.

Give them terrorist badges and rights (god you better not), then you can ask they only fly civilian ships. Leave them with Pirate badges and they fall into the organized catagory that is allowed to have a multi-ship fleet using components from all of the world (ala Outcast with the LR boat, etc etc).

I'm all about this hard-coded storybook faction blocking, but certain factions were'nt too fleshed out in the original game and in a persistant online settings you can't assume that diplomacy isnt an option. Pirate and Terrorist are two different thigns ID wise. One is organized and funded through piracy. One is organized and generally not even funded at all. You can't give someone an ID that allows them use a variety of ships, and then ask they not fly those ships because the MOD hasnt made them avaible for it in all fairness and M$ got lazy with modeling. Theres not civilian alternatives for some of a Pirate fleet. If you want to encourage more active and useful factions ,then you arent gunna do it by suggesting everyone uses upgraded Starfleas to defend themselves and rob people in a PIRATE faction.

Golden Chrysanthemum Feedback - Kuraine - 04-26-2008

Quote:I'm a bit confused as to your relations with Bretonia, Bretonian Corporations in particular.
I've seen 3 different sorts of behavior from you towards my bowex...and I dunno what the mo is.

Otherwise, unless you're flying BD stuff I loves you. (if you are flying BD stuff, I'll love you anyways, but maybe frown a bit.)

The GC as a whole are actively seeking an alliance with the Bretonian government and are, on the whole, friendly towards all Bretonian corporations. I have added my own spin on some of their background and history, but as Mangadrive commented, they weren't all hugely fleshed out to begin with so there are holes to fill in places anyway, and plenty of room to manouver RP-wise.

Such as we RP as terrorists but have to (due to ID/rule constraints) as pirates. That's fine, i'm all cool with that though. Also, the GC are an extremely radical group and while we'd like to see Kusari governed by a fair minded Kusari ruler who grants equal rights to all the sexes, we'll happily settle for a Kusari ruled by the Queen of Bretonia should that prove to be an alternative.

At the end of the day, we don't really care who is in charge, so long as we get our equal rights to men. And we're guaranteed that if Queen Carina happened to win the war and annex Kusari. Even if she didn't, a Bretonian victory would likely allow Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums to force a collapse of the current regime and install a new government, either through politics or force of arms. Our support of the Blood Dragons should enable us to get them to grant us equal rights should they ever successfully carry through and retake control of the Shogunate. And if not, we'd continue the fight regardless until we get the political and social concessions we're fighting for.

There have been some bones of contention over our goals with the Blood Dragons, but on the whole we are both content to fight the good fight for the future of Kusari together, with more or less similar goals in mind, just different method. As for the Outcasts, while we're friendly with them, we're not as friendly with them as we are with the Blood Dragons. The Outcasts, while they seem alright, do creep us out a little with their mask breathers. Still, we rely on them for cardamine and so we need them regardless.

Regarding Blood Dragon fighters and bombers: we made an agreement with the Blood Dragons to keep them within both our factions and neither of us will let them out of our sights and anyone not registered with either group caught flying them are ruthlessly pursued and destroyed. In exchange for Blood Dragon Fighters and Bombers, we supply the Blood Dragons with as many Griffins, Eagles and civilian bombers as they desire for their various missions (some of the NovaPG and indie blood dragons do indeed use these ships).

As for weapons, I have just barred the use of any codenames or nomad weapons within the GC and from now on, the only weapons you should see equipped will be either civilian or Kusari weaponry (disinfectors and suncannons). I myself just removed the four codenames I was using and have gotten myself four GC Suncannon Ds today, as have two other GC members. I will also be getting myself an Eagle fighter. I will not restrict the ships we already have available, and it is up to personal choice and the rank of the pilot within the faction, but I personally will be trying to set an example for RP regardless. Anyone you see in GC not using Kusari or civilian weapons, please report them to me and i'll get it fixed ASAP. There's bound to be one or two that'll slip through my restructuring.

Still, in my mind the Blood Dragon ships are in better keeping with Kusari aesthetically, as opposed to the Eagles which do look rather out of place.

Quote:Btw, do you carry cardi? You should. Juno does, and its great fun.
we don't actually, but I have been meaning to ask that all members carry one unit of cardamine at all times. I will get on that now, as I think it'll be a laugh. Thanks for reminding me of it.