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JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - Printable Version

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JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - sindroms - 05-29-2012

[Image: JZ_3.png]


[color=#66FFFF]While the evolution of man kind was always hindered by politics, prejudice and war, noone can deny that those hings were also the main driving force behind the massive advance in technology. The technology and information brought along and used after the settlement was not left untended. More than 800 years have passed and they have been fruitful.

The advance in cross-space jump technology was one of these break-troughs. Even though the technology was publicly revealed, it took a lot to perfect the concept itself. One of the groups to aid in its non-military usage were the JZ.

Zoners were well known for their rapid advances in technology, the brutal warzone of the Edge Worlds was a good teacher along with their own thirst to maintain their freedom and eagerness to explore the far reaches of deep space. Obviously, the alliance with the Order also helped a lot in that regard.

However, it was the JZ, formally one of the many branched off science divisions, who took on the risk of testing the newly adapted mobile jump technology. A heavily modified ''Aquilon'' carrier class warship was the initial stepping stone for their progress. The amusingly called ''Mother Whale'' carrier sacrificed much of its internal modules, all of which were adapted or replaced completely to not only make enough room for the still green technology, but also to provide enough power to sustain it. The defensive capabilities of the ship were made almost non-existent and even the carrier bay was nothing short of being outright removed.

The first successful cross-system jump was done from the Baffin system. The Mother Whale successfully arrived to Freeport 11 under less than ten minutes from the start of the operation. The technology was impressive.

It did not take long for the scientists to notice the opportunities which were piling up on the horizon. Soon enough a new group, now unironically dubbed as the Jumping Zoners, was made, consisting mostly out of the technology testing groups working on the project at the time. They were given right to use the technology to their profit as long as all of the data they gathered during the usage of the still unstable jump drives was forwarded to the original research team to be used for further improvements.

Not too long after, the first modifications were done to a handful of the famous ''ZBT-100Z 2'' transport grade ships. By now enough information was gathered about the effects of long range jumps. Frequent damage caused by the lack of stabilization was only one of the many issues. However, the ZBT-100Z 2 were already created with harsh environment in-mind and were easily upgraded to, if not withstand, then at least resist the negative effects of the jumps.

Fun fact: All of the JZ transports are equipped with military grade armor reinforcement. Even so, all of the crew involved were required to provide a testament in the event of the technology backfiring. Critical damage during jumps was rare, but still not unheard of.

Today, the JZ are actively integrating warp drive tech into common transit, surely a way of the future. The results have been lucrative at best. Each week more and more zoners apply for the group, driven by curiosity, the thrill and risk that never left the group and, most importantly, the chance to earn their riches.

Mostly viewed as a trading group, the JZ have been known to receive requests to transport high risk cargo in the form of raw ore, weapon technology and even other vessels.

[color=#FFFFFF]Legalization of Jump Drive Technology used in common transit.
Jump Drive Technology research, development and testing.
Establishing Zoners as the most preferred high-risk-cargo transporters.
Establishing Zoners as the most preferred base supply transporters.
Making embarrassingly huge amount of profit by doing so.


[color=#FFFFFF]Faction ID: Zoner ID
Faction IFF: Zoners
Faction Tag: JZ-
Naming Convention: JZ-COLOR.Whale (Subject to change)

ZOI: Sirius-wide (With the exception of house space)

Ranking system: NONE

Allowed Ships:
[Image: 50px-Aquilon-s.png] Aquilon - Zoner Carrier (Flagship/Jumper)
[Image: 50px-ZBT-100Z-s.png] ZBT-100Z 2 - Zoner Borderworld Transport
[Image: 50px-BWTrans-s.png] Border Worlds Transport (House Space Usage)


Typical Zonerzonerzonerneutrality, unless specified by the appropriate groups. If you would like to be added to either category, please say so.

(Our bros, people we help for free):

Friendly (People we work with):
IMG (Ore shipments)
GMG (Fuel shipments)
Kishiro (Barge barge barge)
GRP (They forced us, I swear D:)

Neutral (People we ignore):
Everything else

Unfriendly (People we avoid):
House Military (Due to the carrier)

Hostile (People we run away from):
Anything that shoots us

How Jump Trading Works

[color=#FFFFFF]The Zoner Carrier, due to its small size, is able to jump up to:
2 Barges
16 Whales

1. The Jumper owner (Raul) sets a time for the operation. (Usually every 5 hours...I swear the guy has too much free time)
2. Everyone logs in and meets up with the Mother.Whale.

3. Everyone initially uses their own money to buy cargo.
3.1 The person responsible for buying fuel (~3000 Hfuel per jump) also needs to buy fuel and eject it into space for the carrier, before docking again and buying his own cargo.

4. Once everyone is full, they send away all of the leftover cash to their own banks.

5. After the jump trading session (Usually about a hour) is over, everyone sends their money to the Mother.Whale and the cash is distributed. The reason for this is-
5.1 The Carrier cannot carry cargo and gets his share for the jumping.
5.2 The person, who buys fuel makes ~1/4 less than the others.

6. Depending on the swiftness of the whales, the interactions and ore prices, every individual makes ~200million per hour. Which is then split to compensate the fueler and the jumper.


One Carrier.
7 Whales, one of which is on fuel duty.

Total profit after one hour:
Carrier: 0$
6 Whales: ~200mil each
Fuel whale: ~150mil

We all send our money to the carrier:

200mil x 6 = 1 200 000 000 credits + Fueler whale's 150 Mil = 1 350 000 000$ (One Cap8 Battleship per hour...not bad)

Then we split it in 8, for every person.
1 350 000 000 / 8 = ~168 000 000$ per person/hour.

In other words. The more Whales are online at the time, the less each one has to pay to the Jumper and Fueler.

Feedback Appreciated.
Post is work in progress.

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - sindroms - 05-29-2012


[color=#FFFFFF]Let us not make this into more than it should be. We are here to make money. Make a Zoner Whale, PM me and you are in. Simple as that.
No Ranks.
No Obligations.
No Restrictions.

You do not need to have a mic or speak during the jumps. You must be connected to our TS server and listen to the jump coordinators.

How to set up a Zoner Whale:

1. Restart Liberty for the map update and such.
2. Fly to the Zoner base in Penny.
3. Get a double Zoner bribe to become neutral to the Zoner Guard.
4. Fly to Pueblo Bonito station in Baffin to get your ship and ID.
5. PM me on Skype to get the password for the namechange.
6. Move to whatever system we have set as home base at the time.

7. Do not forget to mount a Mk8 Armor upgrade. Accidents happen.

8. If you do not have enough money for a Whale, we have a shared one. One hour of jumping and you can get your own.

By joining JZ- and adding the tag, keep in mind we do not promote regular trading. All JZ- tagged ships should be used for jumping and ONLY jumping with the respective JZ- tagged jumper. Solo trading or jumping with NON ZONER groups will result in a boot to the rear.

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - sindroms - 05-29-2012

Current Deals.

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - Friday - 05-29-2012

Important note - you may not be as friendly with that Kishiro Barge as you think! Especially after the group was busted by an IDF vessel in Languedoc.

Another note:

"Legalization of Jump Drive Technology used in common transit."

In order to achieve this goal, it is very important that Jump-Drives are used in a lawful manner.

How can one expect to argue for legalisation of jump-drives, if they are used to jump into places where Zoners are not welcome?

Overall though, I applaud the concept. You guys need to push this as hard as possible - to show what can be achieved.

Whether people think it is a good or a bad thing, this group seeks to explore the limits of the new features available in Disco. You cannot get this kind of data from a test server!

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - Jack_Henderson - 05-29-2012

Kudos for your JZ-

Loved the interactions in Omega 7 (on IMG|) and the one in Languedoc (on |IDF).

You are also the only party that manages to strip Falster clean of incredibly massive amounts of Silver ore in one run. When I was told that Falster is empty... I just went::shok:

Keep it up, it is a cool coop use of the new technology. :)


JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - sindroms - 05-29-2012

Thanks, Jack. But keep in mind that we noticed your guys upped the price on the ore. We are already devising a new route.

Just saying.


As for the lawful thing....perhaps....who knows. We ARE zoners, after all.

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - Hell Hunter - 05-29-2012

Can I join?
I have a whale ready. just need to rename.

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - ulfsarkhuskarl - 05-29-2012

Thanks a lot guys, and yes, we do intend to empty any station of ore in just a minute.
Quote:In order to achieve this goal, it is very important that Jump-Drives are used in a lawful manner.

How can one expect to argue for legalisation of jump-drives, if they are used to jump into places where Zoners are not welcome?

As much as possible, we use the Jump Drive for lawful maners, of course if it is unlawful we do try to keep it secret.

And if we aren't welcome somewhere, we either try to get welcome or we try to avoid or /ignore... we'll find out a way.

' Wrote:Can I join?
I have a whale ready. just need to rename.

Yes, of course, you have my skype, so...yea, will get to you soon.

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - Snak6 - 05-29-2012

True story.

Whoever says regular convoys needs teamwork, I will shove effort needed for jumping in the face :cool:

:ylove:from future Father.Whale

JZ- The Jumping Zoners - Your local jump-trading faction - ulfsarkhuskarl - 05-29-2012

Jump trading isin't that easy, specially with the barges, was a pain in the back.