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Coucil Rep - Printable Version

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Coucil Rep - OPTICAL - 05-29-2012

I've tried getting good with the Council. The bribes bring me up a bit, I blew up some storage depots in Tau-23 belonging to GMS. The missions are 1 mil + too high for a fighter and I'm sure capital ship weapons can't be bought until the reputation is completely full. Any suggestions?

Coucil Rep - aerelm - 05-30-2012

Lixheim base in Lorraine and Lodeve Space Port in Languedoc offer double bribe for the Council, so you'll be better off making a Council char from scratch using either the Kusari or Freelancer restart.

Coucil Rep - OPTICAL - 06-03-2012

' Wrote:Lixheim base in Lorraine and Lodeve Space Port in Languedoc offer double bribe for the Council, so you'll be better off making a Council char from scratch using either the Kusari or Freelancer restart.

I found it, the council has a triple bribe, that mixed with all the other bribes, is enough for full rep