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Vanishing equipment - Habeo - 06-01-2012

I just logged onto my Nomad character Mahdi and his sheild, torpedo launcher, mine launcher, and thurster II are all missing. I have no sanctions posted nor a notice in my hold and the equipment was not destroyed. It's just simply gone.

Vanishing equipment - Echo 7-7 - 06-01-2012

When was the last time you logged in to that ship? Was it before v4.86?

Vanishing equipment - Habeo - 06-01-2012

' Wrote:When was the last time you logged in to that ship? Was it before v4.86?
I took about a four-six hour break today, then logged on later to find the items missing.

Vanishing equipment - kikatsu - 06-01-2012

Read the Nomad Trial ID and that may explain things.
If you have violated the rules therein then the administrators can act accordingly.

Vanishing equipment - Mickk - 06-01-2012

' Wrote:Read the Nomad Trial ID and that may explain things.
If you have violated the rules therein then the administrators can act accordingly.

Even so, the Admins should have put a note in the hold to explain, right?

Vanishing equipment - Habeo - 06-01-2012

' Wrote:Read the Nomad Trial ID and that may explain things.
If you have violated the rules therein then the administrators can act accordingly.

' Wrote:I have no sanctions posted nor a notice in my hold

Vanishing equipment - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-01-2012

Apologies, seems I forgot to add the note ... That equipment is not allowed on that ID. Do not get it replaced

Vanishing equipment - HuggieSunrise - 06-01-2012

More weirdness with the nomad morph I see.

Since the morph when purchased comes WITH the level 9 veil i don't see why it was removed.

the nomad cm and mine. purchasable on the trial id if thats not intended it should have been fixed with the removal of those points.. why they where re added? no idea. the hook can also be tweaked for this but then again they can get any of the human equipment which would look silly.

lastly the fighter torpedo. again this was fixed in 85 but miraculously became re mountable.

I keep hearing from different morphs and different sources whats allowed so im going to say it here.

I dont care. They can put whatever the heck they want on the trial morph not everyone wants to join khara nor should they feel compelled to shes just a tiny version of the labriad and is as close to a public nomad as folks can get.

Why bother with it.. and restrict its loadout especially since in 4 updates the id hasn't be revised or my notice(s) about the reversion of the morph (to be able to buy all this crap) were heeded or cared about at all till now.

If there are intended admin restrictions get them on the id or on the ship asap so that these invisible rules don't have to be prompted ad nausea to every single new morph. Not every one of them even asks me anything so this "case" isnt the last.. hood you have alot of morphs to hunt down.

Vanishing equipment - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-01-2012

The purchase restrictions, which are in place, allow for Lesser Laser type 1s, thruster, disruptor and cm dropper.
Thats is it. Anything else 'can't' be bought according to the software.
Would seem certain people may be shifting kit around again.

Vanishing equipment - Habeo - 06-01-2012

I feel a tad shafted that I lost the shield over something not written anywhere, but it's an easy replace. See you ingame!