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Guns don't do enough damage - Printable Version

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Guns don't do enough damage - beedo - 06-03-2012

Flame me, hate me, I thoroughly expect it.

Background information: I have been playing Freelancer since 2003. I am an active PvPer. I also like RP, which is why I am on this wonderful server to begin with.

Nukes are nice. MR's are nice.

Class 10 guns simply don't pack enough damage to ships running around with AU 8s. One direct hit salvo will knock off a paltry bar of hull where a mine or MR drops hull well below halfway from hull.

These mod weapons don't bother me, I think they are properly balanced for end-level pvp. But it seems they have been balanced for pvp involving AU8s, where the class 10 guns have been left behind and have stats suitable for pvp at the standard armor level.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

Maybe I'm just bad at this game.

Don't get me wrong, the guns are fine for their shield damage output because there's no upgrade that increases your shield by x2.5. The proper way to balance this it seems to me would to make all class 9 and 10 guns do at least 50% more hull damage while keeping shield damage the same.

Guns don't do enough damage - Ichiru - 06-03-2012

It depends on what codies you use really. Jades don't do enough damage in a single hit, but Archangels to quite a bit. As for nuke mines being stronger, you don't use 6000 credits every time you fire a Codie. You get what you pay for.

Guns don't do enough damage - Govedo13 - 06-03-2012

' Wrote:Maybe I'm just bad at this game.
Indeed you are- pro PvPers with good aim have no problems doing enormous amount of DPS- really fast.
Indeed if you come from some PvP server fast in discovery might be a long time for you. In discovery DPS does not mean so much as DPE as well- DPE is a way more important especially in group fights.
I also have bad aim but the game is skill based so you would need to deal with it or use smaller Monitor-on 15 inch with less resolution the aiming is twice easier as on 24 inch with full HD like I use it.
Second option is to train a lot with good PvP whores then eventually if you are not 25+ like me and still have fast reflexes you would get considerably better. Try to visit conn and train with some good people there.
I am not that good but you can drop me in PM your char name and we could train together.

Guns don't do enough damage - beedo - 06-03-2012

The "Maybe I'm bad" part was sarcasm.

Guns don't do enough damage - beedo - 06-03-2012

' Wrote:It depends on what codies you use really. Jades don't do enough damage in a single hit, but Archangels to quite a bit. As for nuke mines being stronger, you don't use 6000 credits every time you fire a Codie. You get what you pay for.

Because 6000 credits is a lot of money here.

Or 420k total, whichever you prefer.

Guns don't do enough damage - Friday - 06-03-2012

6000 credits is a lot of money?

Guns don't do enough damage - Vulkhard Muller - 06-03-2012

I have to say i agree i fly some rheinland ship using the class 9 rheinland weps and normaly NPC should be a snack for any weapon and rheinland ones maybe a large snack but nothin to difficult right? But using Class 9 Rheinland Tychs(2) and barely scratching the hull of a NPC Hessian thats pretty bad news for some one like me who prefers LFs over any other ships. which limits me to 4 weapons which usually consist of the set up of 2 shield breakers to hull breachers and on the occasion that their is a turret? a Shield breaker there. I do agree with Bee here Class 9 weps dont do enough damage though i dont use codes cause i can never get them and i see no reason in paying 50mil or some other outrageous price for a wep that is rly Not all that special except for its look.But barely scratching an Unarmored NPC is one thing imagine what i would do to a armored Player? Bubkis. Im in LPI and we have a similar problem with this issue were we cant help except for to drop shields and then have a heavier ship take out the hull. I see this realy Impactings LFs more then other fighters LFs only have 4 spots so they Have to Maximize the damage potential but for a VHF or a HF were they can mount 5-8 weps i believe is the range(dont quote me) they dont have to worry as much as we in the LFs who get butchered well i have schpieled enough now to let people go to work Nitpicking my post and Nagging about it:D

Guns don't do enough damage - Vulkhard Muller - 06-03-2012

' Wrote:6000 credits is a lot of money?

For some who dont powertrade/mine/Mission Grind (like me) yes yes it is

Guns don't do enough damage - phileditin51 - 06-03-2012

I have to agree that guns that are coded should be better than any other gun as they're supposedly high tech military grade, in the original version the ships lacked the power to use most coded weaps, and in that respect, some of the bigger class ships have a slighlty biased advantage, and as said in the above posts, not everyone can earn a decent amount of credits to pay ludicruos prices anyway as code hunters are a major issue.

A ship's power plant should be capable of much more efficient usage, especially as weaps are fundamentally the most vital component of a fighter.

Some lawful weaps are grossly, and in my mind, criminally neglected to give pirates the greater advantage, which isn't the direction the Vanilla game was meant to go in.

Guns don't do enough damage - Cond0r - 06-03-2012

You're bad, thats why they don't do enough damage.