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King's Cross Docking Permits - Printable Version

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King's Cross Docking Permits - Bowex - 06-04-2012

[Image: KingsCrossLogofinalbluetext.png]
Class: Burke
Amenities: Level 4
Population: 800
Establishment: 09/04/819
Location: Cambridge Jump Gate, New London

King's Cross Station currently operates on a semi-restricted basis, allowing access to entities who have been granted a "King's Cross Docking License". These are issued to vessel name registries after a paid purchase, although the Crown Services umbrella reserves the right to dispense or revoke licenses at their discretion. Office, commercial and residential space may also be rented aboard, subject to negotiation with the Crown Services umbrella group*. Purchasing a permit will grant you:
  • One 'Cross visitors security passcard for public decks, per crew member.
  • Unlimited access to BMM's premium quality mineral ores (subject to stocks and availability).
  • Access to King's Cross' docking bays, opening a safe port of call during perilous times.
  • The protection of King's Cross' local defence force and security platforms while in close proximity.
  • Entry to the exclusive Bombardier's Brewery pub.

Docking permits are priced based on a number of factors which have been conveniently ordered for potential clients into an easily understood 'band' system. Organisations may shift bands based on their relations with the Crown and the Crown Services umbrella group*. 'Primary' representative organisations may shift independently of their parent group, and vice-versa. Permits are sold on an individual or organisational level - organisations are considered to be any group consisting of five or more ships.
Band 0 - Free.
Band Zero applies to the following entities: BAF (primary and secondary), BMM (primary only), Bowex (primary only), BPA (primary and secondary), BIS (primary and secondary), QCG.

Band 1 - 2.5 million per ship or 10 million per organisation.
Band One applies to the following entities: Ageira (primary and secondary), BMM (secondary only), Bowex (secondary only), Cryer (primary and secondary), DHC (primary and secondary), DSE (primary and secondary), Gallic Council (primary and secondary), Planetform (primary and secondary), USI (primary and secondary).

Band 2 - 3 million per ship or 15 million per organisation.
Band Two applies to the following entities: BHG** (primary and secondary), GMG (primary and secondary), IC (primary and secondary), Synth Foods (primary and secondary), OS&C (primary and secondary).

Band 3 - 3.5 million per ship or 17.5 million per organisation.
Band Three applies to the following entities: ALG (primary and secondary), freelancers (pending review of reputation and credentials), Junkers (primary and secondary), Kruger (primary and secondary), Kusari Exiles (primary and secondary), RepEx (primary and secondary), Zoners (all of them).

Band ∞ - 400 million per ship or 2 billion per organisation.
Band infinity applies to the following entities: Gateway Shipping (primary and secondary), IMG (primary and secondary).

Due to ore quality controls, King's Cross will only be accepting imported ore from official BMM- validated sources. Due to this, BMM subcontracted pilots will not be able to purchase contracts for the installation's supply - attempting to bypass this will be considered breach of contract, and grounds to have your docking license revoked. King's Cross docking permits may be revoked by the Crown or the Crown Services umbrella group based on the conduct or actions of the bearer. Prices are subject to change.

Funds for a King's Cross permit should be dispatched to the King's.Cross.Control account. To apply for a King's Cross docking permit, please fill out the following form:

[b]Permit:[/b] [Individual/Organisation]
[b]Zone:[/b] [0/1/2/3/∞]
[b]Proof of identity:[/b] [Images of your affiliation, ID and rep with BPA, Bowex, BMM  - only one is required for groups]
[b]Ship:[/b] [Only applicable for individuals]
[b]Proof of Payment:[/b]

*The Crown Services group includes but is not limited to; Bowex) and BMM-
**Individual docking licenses for BHG pilots may be redeemed by working for the Bowex bounty board. Submit proof of claims to an equal value in order to receive access.

King's Cross Docking Permits - escopton - 06-05-2012


Location: Fuxyueru Trade Hub, Okinawa
From: Mamimi Samejima, Gas Miners Guild
To: King's Cross Administrators
Subject: Docking permits

[Image: mjvarto222222.jpg]

Konichiwa gentlemen of Bretonia!

First of all let me congratulate you people personally for the inauguration of this fine station of yours. I see the Realm's economics are in good hands.

Secondly I would like to have the honour of being the first applicant for the station's docking rights. I go regularly to New London and it's offer is already tempting me.

Last but not least, you will find a wiring from my account to that one of your station. Fifteen million credits for an individual permit.

I hope I didn't steal much of your time.

Safe travels & godspeed,

Mamimi Samejima


[Image: gmgbanner.png]

Name: Mamimi Samejima

Permit: Individual

Zone: 2

Proof of identity: Link 1 - Link 2

Ship: GMG|GTS-Furi.Kuri - Kujira Whale

Proof of Payment: Transfer

[Image: gmgbanner.png]

King's Cross Docking Permits - Daumann Heavy Construction - 06-05-2012

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: Man%20in%20nSuit.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Dieter Mittermeier.

Guten Tag our dear Bowex partners, on behalf of Daumann Heavy Construction I present you proofs of payment.

Name: Daumann Heavy Construction
Permit: [<strike>Individua</strike>l/Organisation]
Zone: [1]
Proof of identity: Daumann Heavy Construction - Identification Card example
Proof of Payment: Payment1
Due to software error, our NeuralPay service sent additional 15 M for your bank, please sent it back.

Thank you in advance,

Dieter Mittermeier
===Transmission Terminated===

King's Cross Docking Permits - Bowex - 06-05-2012

To: Mamimi Samejima, Gas Miners Guild; Daumann Heavy Construction.
From: Ryan Manning, Chief Logistics Manager, Trade Combine, Bowex.
RE: Permits.
[Image: KingsCrossLogoNoText.png]
Good day to you, gentlemen. All docking permits have been installed correctly, and you will now have access to our facilities. I wish you the best of luck during your ventures aboard King's Cross, and profitable projects to you all.

To: Dieter Mittermeier only.
From: Ryan Manning, Chief Logistics Manager, Trade Combine, Bowex.
RE: Oh?
Sir, the Crown Services group does not take kindly to attempted fraud. We find it in extremely poor taste that you attempted to illegally claim back 15 million credits not owed to you. Our administrators only received one payment from your own accounts; furthermore, your 'proof' for a refund utilises the same neural net address as the payment confirmation from another of our clients. Repeated breaches of common courtesy and decency may well result in the revocation of docking permits - that is your first warning.


King's Cross Docking Permits - Daumann Heavy Construction - 06-05-2012

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: Man%20in%20nSuit.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Dieter Mittermeier.

Our dear partners from Borderworld Exports,

I'm sorry for that terrible mistake, but as I said before Daumann Heavy Construction servers experienced software malfunction during installation of new NeuralPay program version. Libertonian software, produced by Ageira... Fortunately, it seems our technicians already solved that problem. I believe Bowex Board of Directors realise that 15 M of Krediten, sum smaller than production cost of most medium-sized transports is not "fraud attempt" , and must be a mistake.

Let's forget about that unpleasant incident and start businesses again, with mutual benefits.


Dieter Mittermeier
===Transmission Terminated===

King's Cross Docking Permits - meoshi - 06-06-2012

-= Incoming Message =-
-= From: GMG CEO Kami Aiko =-
-= From: Planet Miura Okinawa =-

The gas miners guild wishes to purchase a Zone 2 permit for all members of the Gas miners guild.
Enclosed below is the required papers.

Quote:Name: Kami Aiko
Proof of identity:GMG ID
Proof of Payment:Payment Sent

Sayonara and safe travels
Kami Aiko
-= Transmission ends =-

King's Cross Docking Permits - Bowex - 06-06-2012

To: GMG CEO Kami Aiko, Gas Miners Guild.
From: Ryan Manning, Chief Logistics Manager, Trade Combine, Bowex.
RE: Permits.
[Image: KingsCrossLogoNoText.png]
Good day to you, Guildmaster. Station command is greatly anticipating the arrival of the bulk of the Guilds' Bretonian fleets. Our positive business relationships in the past make this an ideal stepping-stone into the future. All of your ships have been granted docking permissions - passcards will be issued to your captains as they land.


King's Cross Docking Permits - hollowpoint - 06-10-2012

Good day to you all I am interested in Purchasing a permit. The funds have been sent I hope to hear from you ASAP. Enclosed is the Application Form.

Good day.

Name:Simon Langhurst
Permit: [Individual/<strike>Organisation</strike>]
Zone: [1]
Proof of identity: 1 2
Ship: The_Wholesaler
Proof of Payment: :Payment

King's Cross Docking Permits - Bowex - 06-10-2012

To: Simon Langhurst, The_Wholesaler.
From: Ryan Manning, Chief Logistics Manager, Trade Combine, Bowex.
RE: Permits.
[Image: KingsCrossLogoNoText.png]
Good day to you, sir. Station command finds no issue with your application, and the funds have been received. Your passcards will either be dispatched in the post or delivered to you upon your arrival at King's Cross, depending on which is most convenient. You will now find our mooring points and cargo bays open to your business. We wish you prosperity and success in your ventures.


King's Cross Docking Permits - hollowpoint - 06-10-2012

Thank you Mr Manning.

I was wondering what imports you accept at king's cross or if there is private list you could send me.