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Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Printable Version

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Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Tenacity - 04-29-2008

Is there anything we can do about this?

Every day I see dozens of smugglers/traders/pirates/etc going through the alaska jump gate without clearance, completely ignoring the few liberty lawfuls that try to enforce the zone's classified nature.

Isnt the alaska gate supposed to be code locked? Encrypted, allowing only ships and personnel with the proper clearance and entry codes through? As a matter of RP - nobody but LSF and Navy ID'd players should be able to go through that gate unless granted permission by one of those players with appropriate reason.

It's frustrating as all hell trying to chase smugglers moving cardamine through alaska to no avail because of this.

Even when a lawful declares over system comms that a jump gate has been locked down to prevent someone from passing through, they just ignore the RP and go right on with their docking.

Yea, it's a nice smuggling route, quick path to malta and back if you can survive the nomads, but that doesnt change the fact that your presence and actions in zone 21 and alaska are completely OORP.

Most of them dont even give a good RP reason why they're able to dock with the gate.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Praetyre - 04-29-2008

No one but Liberty High Command and the Order or people authorized by them should be able to get in there. Anyone else would be deader than a political dissident in Rheinland.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Jinx - 04-29-2008

all sorts of people pass the alaska gate - which is ooRP, among them those typical low-key RPers, but also high RP factions ( officials ) - i think it would be great if there was really a registration for those who ARE allowed to pass and that one could make an exeption rule for the gate - that means, kill all those that are not registered without mercy for even considering to pass through. ( often the explanation is "we re just here to equip/build up a char" - thats OK sort of, but could also be done by travelling through tohoku or the omicrons - and if thats too tough for someone, there is no reason to go there anyway. )

you get all sorts of odd people in omicron - delta who i am certain are not allowed to pass through alaska - but most certainly haven t travelled to delta through the omicrons or kusari space, - little one can do there.

at least i would expect all official factions, except the [core] which should have clearence for the gate and the LNS to pass the gate - and the LSF.
for alaska , i d really love to see two fat battleships ( stationary ) at the alaska gate - and dozens of mk2 VHFs patrolling - and allshould be on LFS guard or nava guard faction. - but thats allready been discussed...

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Purgatory - 04-29-2008

The prison system is here for a reason why not start using it. We need tougher laws in Sirius in order to make a better RP environment. If the only thing that happens when you break the law is your ship maybe gets destroyed which just re-spawns the only lost is whatever cargo you had. Now if you we're locked away in the prison system for a few days maybe that would restore some order around here. The law is clearly overwhelmed.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Tenacity - 04-29-2008

' Wrote:The prison system is here for a reason why not start using it. We need tougher laws in Sirius in order to make a better RP environment. If the only thing that happens when you break the law is your ship maybe gets destroyed which just re-spawns the only lost is whatever cargo you had. Now if you we're locked away in the prison system for a few days maybe that would restore some order around here. The law is clearly overwhelmed.

I believe they have a seperate, isolated system for such punishment already. We cant have alaska cut off from the lawfuls who have the authority to go there - especially since that's the only place I know of where an LSF license can be purchased. It's also a common mission area for a lot of the LNS/LSF/SA players - allowing us to make money and alter rep on high-key missions whilst remaining close enough to new yorkberty to assist in case of an attack by liberty's enemies.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Dusty Lens - 04-29-2008

The NY-Alaska gate was something that I was making heavy use of when I first started out on Disco, before I put on my RP hat and gave it a good think over.

I sincerely doubted that my humble trader was going to be getting that big 'ol gate to crack open for me under normal circumstances. Since then I've never touched the thing.

However, that being said myself and the XA vicariously through me is dead guilty of abusing the thing. When our fellows move on up to the Eagle and Preagle they cruise through Alaska to get their kit rather than take the loooooooooongcut around Rheinland.

It's certainly bad form, but then nothing about a Xeno flying through one of the most hypothetically heavily fortified systems in Sirius to land on a planet full of sentient apes in order to secure himself a fighter makes a whole lot of sense. We just sort of close our eyes, plug our ears and spend 5 minutes being horribly oorp.

Suppose we should be helping the example though, and oorp or not, avoid running through Alaska.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - wrathkin - 04-29-2008

Bah, give the Xeno's decent equipment on one of their own bases, and make it a server sanctionable offence to go through the gate without Navy/LSF(/Order?) ID or clearance from Navy/LSF.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Tenacity - 04-29-2008

' Wrote:Bah, give the Xeno's decent equipment on one of their own bases, and make it a server sanctionable offence to go through the gate without Navy/LSF(/Order?) ID or clearance from Navy/LSF.

I really havent seen any xenos anywhere near the gate lately. Primary culprits are bounty hunters, traders, smugglers, rogues, outcasts, and order.

as for the xeno situation - it's like that for a reason. Xenos are not well funded, they have few resources at their disposal and they have no real allies. It makes sense for them to be stuck in sub-par fighters and lack any capships.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Jinx - 04-29-2008

no - not a server sanction. - thats silly ( no offense ) - just a RP sanctionable reason. - whoever passes through the gate should be shot dead - no exceptions, no discussion. - thats one of the cases, i do expect a dreadnaught to simply stand at the alaska gate and open fire at anything, starflier or battleship. - and thats the cases where i think that the liberty forces should allways match or overwhelm an offender.

i wouldn t mind seeing 2 dreadnaughts heading after a slipstream there - cause its mostly about the information gathered there, and with that in mind, a light fighter is as dangerous as a battleship.

i gotto admit, i used the alaska gate extensivly, too when i started - but now that i never use it anymore but allways take the tohoko / kumamoto / honshu route, - ... its actually quite comfy. - and not really much longer.

edit: culprits : BHG? - i don t really think so. they have to be present in alaska ( and might be one of those that have access by the high command ) - they are no aliens and they are heavily present there. - but like i said, only the Core should do that. traders, pirates, machines, aliens are not supposed to be there, - there are tons of other routs to take other than alaska.

Zone 21 / Alaska rule Enforcement - Dusty Lens - 04-29-2008

' Wrote:I really havent seen any xenos anywhere near the gate lately. Primary culprits are bounty hunters, traders, smugglers, rogues, outcasts, and order.

as for the xeno situation - it's like that for a reason. Xenos are not well funded, they have few resources at their disposal and they have no real allies. It makes sense for them to be stuck in sub-par fighters and lack any capships.

I'm strongly of the opinion that the LSF should only eat blueberry pie, anything else would be strongly oorp.

We do have a capship in development though. It's 302 Starfleas (Starflier for Praetyre) welded together.

/thread hijack.