Discovery Gaming Community
To: Fuxyueru Trade Hub administration - Printable Version

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To: Fuxyueru Trade Hub administration - Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH - 06-08-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

Encryption: Medium
Sender: Sean Stone, executive director of Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH
Sent from: planet New Berlin, New Berlin system, Rheinland
To: Fuxyueru Trade Hub administration
Subject: Application for docking rights to Fuxyueru Trade Hub

[Image: SeanStone-StoneBros1.jpg]

Greetings dear madam or sir! My name is Sean Stone and I´m executive director of independent transport company Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH, which is affiliated member of Independent Miners Guild. I want to apply for docking rights for our ships. Reason can be expected reason - buying of helium-3 and exporting it to Sirius to our customers. All ships carry electronic identification tag Stone.Bros.Ltd/GmbH which is registered and protected in S.E.R.V.E.R. tag database. If you have any further questions or there are any requirements, please contact me.

We are looking forward to your answer, have a nice day!

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE----------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.....................TERMINATED-----------------

To: Fuxyueru Trade Hub administration - Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH - 06-09-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

Encryption: Medium
From: Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH
To: Fuxyueru Trade Hub administration
Subject: Unanswered message

This is automatic message reminder of Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH: You have one message from our company which require answer. Please check it as soon as possible and send us reply. Thank you for your time and have a nice day!

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION......................TERMINATED--------------------