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Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Nikita - 06-13-2012

a new model of the ship for the nomads, the so-called "shredder."
I'm not talking about the activity of fractions and other details, I am talking only of the new model, which could add fire to the game.
Type of ship that would have the main goal - is to destroy enemy heavy battleships and other ships.

The form of variation and the basis of the idea - you can see here.

The main feature - forward gun with good efficiency, speed and very high damage.
Dimensions - slightly less than the main battleship nomads.
The ship is the purchase must be with installed cloak.
Of course, the ship will have an additional weapon for self defense.

Characteristics of ship:
3 \ 4 of the size of the main battleship nomads.
Hull - 650 000
Energy - 8000000
1 - the main heavy gun.
3 - Heavy slots in grade 9
8 - slot class 8

Indicative data on heavy gun:
Damage to the body: 3 million
The energy expended: 8,000,000
charging of advanced weapons: 15 seconds (shooting weapon is two clicks: the first - begins to charge the gun, the second click - the gun opens fire on purpose)
velocity of the projectile: 1000 meters per second
type of projectile: the neutron
Range: 5 K

Tactically, it would give?
Emerging from the cloak ships with loaded guns, can immediately make a volley at the enemy positions and then go into the sewer as quickly. This will give players a huge incentive to use smaller ships to cover large.

The best specifications for the main gun
Heavy damage to treated targets - could die from a single volley
Tactically - the destruction of the enemy's heavy defenses in several outlets.

Weak housing.
Main gun consumes all the energy
No heavy slots - 10 class.
the average mobility
indecisiveness in action
can easily be destroyed by a group of bombers.

This is only basic idea,need to think about it continue.:crazy:

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Lennox - 06-13-2012

Thats the normal Marduk you know from Vanilla/Discovery...that one in the video.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Nikita - 06-13-2012

Look again video
This is another ship,another form,size and he has forward gun.
So please...
And again,this is another type of ship,another tactical using.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Mímir - 06-13-2012

I don't really see any minuses to this ship... The "weak" hull is more than what a Mako has and almost on par with an Ossie.

If it was a battlecruiser-type ship with a powerful forward gun and a large profile/model/cargohold, then maybe.

My 2 cents.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - sindroms - 06-13-2012

So basically a battleship sized siege ship.

Do want..

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Lennox - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:Look again video
This is another ship,another form,size and he has forward gun.
So please...
And again,this is another type of ship,another tactical using.

Okay, point.

The shipclass itself isn't existing in the fleet of the Nomads yet if you say it would be a Battlecruiser. Otherwise I would treat it as the light variant of the Marduk due to it's stats. No bad idea at all.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Tic - 06-13-2012

A long time ago me and Yuri toyed with the concept of a Nomad artillery ship(like from the long FL intro). I even made a concept model. Our idea was for it to be a low hull, low maneuverability firing platform with a single forward gun and 3 to none regular turrets. The forward gun would've had ~1500 speed, do tons of damage and fire up to 8-10k. Nothing ever came out of it though. I guess this is a similar idea, and in my opinion artillery ships are something Freelancer lacks, whether they fired a single forward gun or dozen of long range missiles.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Nikita - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:I don't really see any minuses to this ship... The "weak" hull is more than what a Mako has and almost on par with an Ossie.

If it was a battlecruiser-type ship with a powerful forward gun and a large profile/model/cargohold, then maybe.

My 2 cents.

Battlecruiser have no energy for this gun.

This is will be aka light BS with forward gun for sieges.

Do you remember size of Mako? he is slim,and this is will be much bigger.
And he will have installed cloak,which will do him "Ghost with knife".
Cloak on > charging energy > charging forward gun > uncloak > shoting forward > Run + cloak.
Too easy target for bomber wing with this big size and medium agility. Low hull do him very narrow-profile. Only for siege,not for normal fight.

All in style of nomads...

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Nikita - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:A long time ago me and Yuri toyed with the concept of a Nomad artillery ship(like from the long FL intro). I even made a concept model. Our idea was for it to be a low hull, low maneuverability firing platform with a single forward gun and 3 to none regular turrets. The forward gun would've had ~1500 speed, do tons of damage and fire up to 8-10k. Nothing ever came out of it though. I guess this is a similar idea, and in my opinion artillery ships are something Freelancer lacks, whether they fired a single forward gun or dozen of long range missiles.

ye,im already wrote about ballistic weapons here.
But seems nobody care about this idea "heavy sieges and heavy cap fights".
This will change tactics of billions of armor and gank of caps.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - JayDee Kasane - 06-13-2012

Abit off topic: I NEVER understood that thing about Nomad killed Sol system. And only by single charge even... Nomads were sleeping all time while humans settled in Sol and Sirius. Also Nomads were awake'd by Rheinland expdition that entered Omicron Major after 800 years of ''destruction'' of Sol. So its just a so damn unlogical. If nomads have this ship that can ruin a system what stopps em to destroy a humanity now? Freelancer is damn not logical thing. Disco lore made it even more wierd.

on topic: Well, this ship CAN be made. But I doubt we can use something like that in Disco. as far as I know forward cannons suks on all types of ships. With engine/ballance/ships like now this would not work out. If we had Freelancer 2...