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Seeds of concern - unlucky - 06-14-2012

Elfie didn't expect so many complications about this new adventure in getting herself hired as a security pilot for the Border Worlds Exports, this apparently Bretonian shipping company mainly concerning themselves with... cargo shipping, of course. To be honest her expectations were unusually high with all the rumors about that person, she thought of her as her ticket for the job and that they would get along well. All that in vain, after the first job with the convoy, and all the transport captains she managed to seemingly befriend, the first person who could not figure Elfie out was undeniable her. She had just a glimpse of her ship and the face on the other side of the visual com screen, but it was instantly apparent that whatecer she said to her only caused confusion. But Elfie was not all that concerned about it by then, she thought that eventually she would fill the gap between those conversation attempts, sorts of exchanges of words. But this today incident was more serious then she could have ever imagined

The thoughts which mainly troubled Elfie that she still could not understand what she was doing or saying wrong, especially after she backed up that nothing she said had any impact on effectiveness or so called profit. Though something was telling her that the latter was not the main concern on this occasion, it could be told she had a certain insight about it. That seemingly semi-serious argument between the two captains, her comments about it while she continuosly performed her job, then the annoyance of the convoy leader, her behavior... Elfie surely felt there was much to clean up here. Trouble was that she could not catch the Boss all day, and all she could find out from people that she was seeing no one at the time

As there was no convoy in need of further security service right now, Elfie helped herself and went to work out a bit to keep up her routine, as among many things piloting a ship still required a certain amount of strenght, especially considering her basic size and built. Still, with life out there among the Zoners and occasional on-planet stays in the Houses thanks to her scheming mother and her money-making ideas, her although scarce public background proved her capability well, plus there was her Boss whom's existence and position would fix her (and many other persons of her age) basic capability and credibility to be part of the basic workforce with no known relatives aviable for taking care of her, plus she could take care of herself anyway

Still in the middle of exercising, she found out from one of the elder collegues that the Boss had a talk with somebody, which for Elfie meant that she was aviable in her office. An opportunity thus came to clean up the mess as she promised to Wellington and Moreland, though this volunteer responsibility had its own dangers looming in the air. After all she noted well that she received no payment for the security service after that convoy came back intact, which suggested her performance was not appreciated despite there weren't any technical complications from her side. She knew well for whom she had to speak, for the two oldies, for herself, and after the incident for the Boss herself. Yeah, the Boss needed to be informed about a couple of things she probably did not pay attention at that time, after all seemingly she was not in the best mood a person could have been

Wearing her gym clothes and a towel resting on her left shoulder, she went down the corridor toward the offices of the station, only paying attention to what there was need for. Her mind was elsewhere, she was adventurous and even though it inarguable was not immediately recognisable about her, while having fun and being cheery, she always paid attention to the details and took her adventures relatively seriously, otherwise she wouldn't have openly called herself prodigy, not even as a joke. Once she spotted the office door for which she've been looking for, she approached it without any moment of consideration or hesitation and inspected the security devices. There was no monitor just a single handprint scanner, thus in hopes of her details resting in the memory bank of the station security computer, she put her hands onto the device and awaited its reaction, adjusting her sunglasses in the mean time. If the door opened, she proceeded into the office and once noticing the bosse, she begun the formalities on her own way, on her this time serious tone
- Hey there Boss - she stopped, and crossed her arms above her chest - we've got to talk about some apparently important stuff. Figured I'd waste no more time with other things for now
This was thus the first time seeing her eye to an eye, with no hull panels or electronic date separating them, she knew what she wanted to say, all that required now was the clearance. If the Boss did not want to hear her out, then Elfe knew how long she would be staying in her close vicinity

Seeds of concern - Hidamari - 06-14-2012

Having finished a large amount of paper work, Kiriko sat in her office, it was very strange to have such a room to herself dedicated to only work, she had sparingly few personal touches yet due to her relatively new installment into the position of Head of Border World Exports' Exploration & Security division.

Cly was on the desk, having been connected to the Kings Cross neural net it gave her great freedom to explore all the hidden points of the station that were located in subnet domain space. Kiriko was looking over the reports from the several managers under her position, each one containing information from roster casualties and recruitment strategy, to funding and ship deployment tactics. After having finished the general recruitment lists from all the major sectors in Bretonian space, Kiriko sat in the chair, which was much bigger than she really needed it to be but hadnt gotten round to asking for a smaller one.

She span round slowly with her legs crossed. "Cly?" Kiriko asked quietly, watching the room spin, her friend lit up on the desk, the Holoscreen of the computer becoming her interface. ::yes Kiriko?:: Cly said quietly, the voice seemed to come from the room itself, and not from the desk. "Is it home time now? I'm a little tired" Kiriko said with a quiet yawn, closing her eyes and feeling the room turning. ::Not yet, we have only a little longer:: Cly said in a general encouraging statement. Kiriko felt a little bit down, it had been a long day today and she felt particularly tired, still she nodded and smiled a little rubbing the plate on her arm slowly. "Do we still have work to do then?"Kiriko asked calmly, soothing her arm slowly. *A sad face appeared on Cly's screen on the desk followed by a raining cloud for a few moments*, ::We do, I am taking care of most of the menial tasks so we can focus on the big ones together::. Kiriko smiled ambiently, still spinning but very slowly now. "Aww, Cly arigato ne?.. " she said blushing lightly and feeling a tingle run across her cheeks, a love heart appeared on the Holoscreen for a moment in response.

Still sitting cross legged on the bit chair, Kiriko pulled herself into the desk the next time it swiveled into view, "Okay! Cly lets get lots of work done this evening too!" Kiriko said getting herself pumped up for another bout of paperwork, *a sun with shining rays was showed on the monitor for a moment*, ::We have the funding requests from the Cambridge system to look over, Ive highlighted the parts that require special attention:: ...

The pair of them continued to work on the daily tasks assigned to Kiriko in her new role, as she was determined to work harder than everyone to make sure she was not going to let anyone down. an egg timer appeared on Clys screen followed by her voice as Elfie placed her hand on the scanner, her data being added to Cly's memory. ::Miss Elfie Cullen is at the door::, Kiriko blinked a little, "Cullen-san is? is everything ok?" Kiriko said a to cly, though not really expecting Cly to know the answer. ::shall we let her in?:: Cly asked promptly, Kiriko nodded and sat up the chair.

The door slid open, and Elfie stood waiting before walking into the room, still feeling a little small on the chair Kiriko knelt up on it and smiled when Elfie walked in, wondering what the clothes she had on were for, and the towel, having never been to a gym herself. Smiling and getting down from the chair and walking quickly to the door to greet Elfie, Kiriko remembered her Bretonian manners and did a small curtsy, her skirt flowing a little, then with a smile she looked up to Elfie "Konbanwa! Cullen-san, is there something the matter ?"

Seeds of concern - unlucky - 06-14-2012

It worths admitting that Elfie expected a colder welcome, then this sudden turn of expectations too had its own dark rain clouds in the mind, or just in simple terms making her wonder if perhaps a facade was going on right before her eyes. Earlier today she could have claimed that the Boss appeared particularly displeased with her performance, and her attitude was right now quite the opposite of that, or if not pleased still happy about something. A strike of realization, be it correct or just a mere assumption reached her mind: she probably did not reckognize her, merely the informations on the computer connected to among other things the handprint scanner outside the door. With the Boss' question reaching Elfie's mind, she yet again wasted no time for idling in silence
- I've noticed a few things on the noon convoy to Liberty today - she begun, keeping up her own momentary serius expression which was pretty much unlike her - most of them are rather concerning stuff, especially what happened at Leeds on the way back. It seemed like you had serious problems with the verbal karate between the guys, which reached a peak at that moment. I took the initiative to come here and ask you about you feeling necessary for limiting your convoy communications to just one person, Boss. Could you share the details with me?
And so the first point was reached, she thought of piling it up along the rest of the things noticed, but figured that dealing with them piece by piece for discussion would be the simpler way of dealing with the problems, individually

Seeds of concern - Hidamari - 06-15-2012

Kiriko frowned a little, thinking about what Elfie was saying, having almost forgotten about such a minor incident and being reminded of it again made her feel very tired really quickly. Kiriko sighed and turned around a little walking back to her desk climbing onto the chair and kneeling on it.

"Well.. when people are arguing with each other, they aren't paying attention to what is going on as much as they should be doing, and thats bad." she took a breath for a moment, "When we have to repeat ourselves to people because they aren't listening to us, thats when bad things start happening. Some of the trade senchou's are always fighting each other and it makes us get tired quickly because they don't stop even if we ask and it makes our job much harder. But thats not where the big problem is." Kiriko sat back between her heels, still on the chair "The big problem is when the other people in the escort formation also stop listening and are joining in to what the senchou's are fighting about, or making the fighting worse. That is the big problem we had today, Cullen-san, you can talk to the senchou's of the trade section okay? I dont want you to be silent because you are a happy person and my friend too now i think, and everyone likes happy people" she said with a broadening smile "But its our job to keep them safe, so you need to pay more attention and do not confuse matters by saying silly things like.. like uhm.. uhm.. I forgot what it was now" Cly lit up on the monitor her voice coming from all around the room, ::"In the nearest church" -audio file extracted:: a recording of Elfies voice played for a moment followed by Cly's voice.

Kiriko smiled a little "Arigato Cly" she said looking back to Cullen-san and then frowning again only a little. "It is not good to say things like this, we are already having a hard time communicating with the trade section because of they way they always are not stopping with arguments, we don't like having a hard time communicating with our own people in the security part. afterwards you said that you couldn't even see the trade ships anyway so that meant you only said what you said to either make us get cross with you, or to make the senchou's get cross at each other, both of which dont help us as security and things become worse. If you can not see the trade ships then thats all you needed to have said, we already knew you were trying to catch up to the convoy, but we are way out in front so how do we know if you did or not?"

Kiriko rubs her head a little and then her arm "you are one of the newer people in the exploration & security department, so we think you should be listening more than talking this soon into your recruitment, even if you can fly all the ships and things like that, communication is the most important thing in a convoy and we need communication to be always at the best, best! it can be" ::the absolute best:: Cly said ambiently in the room, "Hai.. the absolute best it can be, because you are a nice person but if you arent listening to us then its pointless trying to talk with you if you seem you would rather make the senchou's even more angry with each other.. just like trying to talk to Welligton-senchou was just impossible too.. because he was busy fighting with Moreland-senchou and you. so Cly cut all the background chatter so I didnt have to listen to all the fighting and could talk to only to the lead ship, as they are the only person that needs to hear my voice with a convoy of that size."

Kiriko takes a deep breath and exhales with a smile, "I hope we are still friends though, I just want you to be more.. um... talky? no no.. i mean" ::respondent:: Cly said offering a word that fit, Kiriko looked to her desk and smiled, "hai, respondent is a good word, arigato" she looked back to Elfie, "We don't want to have to repeat ourselves to you Cullen-san or others that are with Exploration and Security because of babbling and things that don't matter.. hai?"

Seeds of concern - unlucky - 06-15-2012

Elfie didn't move while receiving the Boss' reply, which was all a very confusing lot regarding its content. Interestingly it was mainly about her which she wanted to discuss after the most important thing, but Kiriko seemingly went through all the events of the convoy except for the one Elfie asked her about. This was bad, it appeared that after all she had to take the risk and present the problem herself, after she carefully went through all what the Boss' just said
- We can comparison things to find out who is paying attention to whom - she adjusted her sunglasses, while keeping a non-arguing tone - so let's chew what I just heard. Your first point was that beside the guys I did not pay attention to you, which I find controversional. First of all the question about the transports' position was not directed at anyone particular, I mean I do not remember hearing my name or anybody else, so we could not know who was adressed at the time. Therefore the question was answered by Mr Wellington... or Moreland... if I recall it correctly, which was Mojave for sure. That excludes the chance of him not paying attention to you, then also me who replied "in the nearest church". That makes at least two of the three people on the coms paying attention to what you asked back then. The second point is the content of my reply, first of all it did not seem to adjust their argument to any worse levels, while it was proper considering the fact that Wellington gave you a proper report about the situation before my joke, it also exludes any chance of what I said was in any was distruptive of informations, as I have yet to see a church in space thus you should have had no problem with understanding which of our replies was the serious one. It was when you got worked up and when I informed you that I did not catch up with them, with which I also see no problem
She took a brief pause to sum up the rest of the Boss' speech, and continued
- I don't pile up excuses as you can see, Boss, I stated reasons and proofs that I was paying attention the whole time, even if it did not seem like that way at the first glance. There was no second glance even after I explained myself back then, which is a very bad thing. Now about safety and communications, that was the most important point I came for. After you disappeared from the coms, a few things happened. I talked to them about security concerns but then both of them started exalting the firepower capabilities of the Shire transports. The good thing was that it proved their high morale about their work and each of them were capable of backing it up as fact, this proved to me that in a combat situation these two would not give a damn about their argument, they'd just cut it and work side by side of each other, or fight if they must. The bad thing however was the reality of their claims. I understand that I am not out there in the Edge Worlds and the Omegas, but these captains thinking that no bombers or skilled pilots can bring them down make them very vulnerable. I told them that their transports would be short work for a few very skilled pilots and their ships, regardless of Shire firepower written on papers. Again, this happened in House space, but... in a freaking war zone! If a battlegroup of those Gallic people would have showed up, imagine how their overconfidency of the Shires and underestimation of their enemy could have ended badly for all of us. I do not know who is in charge of company advertisements, but it is very misleading for these captains. It is good to have positive encouragement for them to believe in themselves and the capabilities of their ships, but too much propaganda very much could end up in reverse effects regarding security and safety
She adjusted her glasses again, prepared to connect all the lines they've been talking about into the most pressing thread at all
- Summarize what I just said, Boss, summarize the technical part of it. Security, communications, confidence disorder, responsibility... I admit they could have continued into a very serious argument, there were chances even if it did not happen, but that is a dwarf problem compared to what happened at Leeds - she knocked the desk tile to mutely announce the coming of the main point - I asked a question which you did not answer yet, it may or may not have been going around the answer, but you clearly did not provide one. So I have to come to assumptions. I assume you had enough of their little verbal game and took it seriously, looks like too seriously. At that point when we were at Leeds, which for most of the day is a fierce war zone and at the time we've been there, me and a bunch of cops were fighting off a scout wing of those Gallic people. Anyway, you decided to severe communications while the convoy you were scouting for was manouvering through a war zone, with danger looming at every corner you only maintained contact with Moreland. This persisted all the way to Scarborough then while we passed the war zone again on our way to New London, even outside a war zone commerce raiding is an everyday event which can happen anytime. What would have happened if an attack occured and the communication relay onboard the transport damaged from a hit, making communication between the two ships impossible? You might have noticed it in time or might have not, but it was a pretty bad thing enough to risk it happen. With no means of contacting you to bring help, by the time you could have realised what possibly was going on, you probably could have not arrive in time before the whole convoy would have got obliterated. In a cargo convoy the last thing a scout or a convoy leader - or in this case the two in one person - should do is severing communications with most of the convoy. Under no circumstances this should be done in a convoy, not even in relatively peaceful space... but this occured in a war zone which we passed twice with minimal communication between us, with too big risk of not being able to contact you in distress. I mentioned these dangers at the time when the Shire question came up, I also attempted to warn you through Moreland but Miss Secretary replied you've been not up for discussion. This is all a rush and raw informations I admit, but joking is not irresponsibility while limited communications in a war zone is. We've got collective responsibility while flying in space, each of us has to assure that no great risks are being taken. I can imagine how confusing that argument was for you, but your reaction to it was not within the boundaries of the meaning 'acceptable'. I am not accusing you, these are all facts which undeniably happened and as you in charge of the convoy, this mistake could have cost loss of cargo and employee lives. Though that did not happen, we were lucky and all of us are here to talk about this, which I guess is the best thing of the whole thing. Reasons or not, as the leader you had the last word of it, which if I were you would have been swallowing the irritation and do a scolding after we all got to safety. We all had smaller faults today, but none of them were this dangerous as yours. So this is really not about accusations, I just want this not to happen again whatever people do. I've heard only good about you Boss, but today I've seen that even you can make grave mistakes. I swear at first you looked like you had no idea why I came here, forgetting about this incident is not a good thing. I've expected you will be waiting for us in the hangar to scold us and sort this thing out, but you just disappeared
She scratched her head sadly, then finally switched her facial impression into a grin
- But I said nothing bad happened and I also just talked about the whole big deal, and talked with the oldies about their argument too. I just want to help you people out in this, even though I firmly deny your claims about things you think I was doing wrong. I tried to explain you earlier too, but I hope you now get it that I pay attention to everything, as security my eyes are my weapons - her grin widened - Plus nobody paid me a single bucket for my escort today, so even if I did mistake I pretty much got my penalty already, not that I care if I have money or not. Don't be angry, sad, or smelly badger knows what is going on in your head right now, just not forget this today stuff, it is too damn important. As you said, communications... essential stuff, it's all about that, see? - she winked and added one more line, still grinning - You can fire me now, if you want!

Seeds of concern - Hidamari - 06-15-2012

Kiriko had switched off halfway through what elfie was droning on about, she blinked once she had finally finished. "You get paid a set wage like everyone else if the captains give you money too its a work bonus not a mandatory fee. Also we are the forward scout, we spot if there is trouble before anyone makes a move, this doesn't change whether we are talking to everyone, or just the ship at the front of the convoy. Also, you wont be lecturing me on what im doing, unless you just want to leave right now hai? We know what we are doing because we have been doing it for a long time, guess how we know what we did was fine? .. OH HAI! WE KNOW!" she said raising her left arm high like she was being picked to answer a question at school "because everyone was still safe, and you got to continue your babblings with the senchou's like you wanted to. and i got peace and quiet."

"What you don't understand Cullen-san is, transports only ever wait at a safe locations, until we clear the way, if they don't then they are at fault, not us. The first person to move from the safe location is the lead convoy ship, not the middle, not the back. whom was I talking to?" Kiriko nods "thats right, the front ship, and even if a threat should come, guess what happens next?" Kiriko nods "Hai.. the ships go and dock quickly and wait until the coast is clear. There is nothing the threat can do about it if everyone has docked is there? eii.. there isn't because they wont blow up the station will they?" she shakes her head.

"The fact you wouldn't stop talking meant you were useless, I dont really care if what the senchou's say is serious or not, whatever they are saying is making them pay more attention to each other than to their surroundings.... We are really too tired now to keep talking about this now"

Kiriko looked crossly at Elife, "next time, you will just listen properly, not say anything silly and not antagonise the trade senchous. they can say as much as they like about how stong their shire is, we know otherwise, whats the point in trying to make them believe what you say about pirates, there is no point because even if you are right, they will say you are wrong, so leave them alone. or go and join the trade section. maybe you would prefer that hai?"

"Cly, a trade transfer form, onegai.." a few moments later a machine on the wall started churning, a piece of paper chugged out of it with a Border World Exports trade transfer scrawled across the top. Kiriko put it on the desk and moved it towards Elfie. "there, if you want to talk so much take this with you, and please go and speak to Peterson-sama, Cly can guide you there if you like, now we have loooots of work to do so.." Kiriko yawned a big yawn "Please go now..."

Cly opened the door to the office, ::right this way Miss Cullen:: she said bluntly, sensing the tone of the conversation

Seeds of concern - unlucky - 06-16-2012

She didn't see this coming, she was hopeful that finally what she said made sense to the Boss, but finally appeared that all her efforts were for naught. She remembered Hidamari's confusion when they met in space and she tried firing up a conversation, then that convoy earlier today, and now when she came to her with the best intentions. All these things concealed from her mind the possibility that this all was just a big mistake, thus the new shadow loomed over her face. As the Boss presented the transfer form to her, the only reaction she managed was looking away. Then...
- I see what this is about - she reached for her towel and wiped her face - then I've put too much trust into your judgment, it was me who screwed this up. And now I don't want to be around you and being responsible when... when you are going to screw up, and make people die for your mistakes. I will not share collective responsibility with you, your self is more important than people's opinion about you. I can't believe I've heard only good things about you, I did not see any of it so far. Look, Boss - she glanced back from under her sunglasses, just for a brief second - I'll pray that you will never screw up, for the sake of the oldies... they are good guys, they just don't deserve to die because of the likes of you
She turned around and walked toward the opened doors, only pausing for a few couple of seconds to say something, apparently not to Hidamari
- See or kinda hear you maybe, Miss Secretary
Walking out she made her way to her quarters, collected the modest amount of belongings she had and left this place behind for good. She took a glance upon her earnings and sent all back to the corporate account, that was it, all the work and the responsibility, monay was nothing to her. Her ticket in, was her ticket out

Seeds of concern - Hidamari - 06-16-2012

Before Elfie could finish speaking, Kiriko had jumped up at her desk. "w..WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT US?!! you dont know anything about us! nothing at all! we have done more in Bretonia than you EVER will Cullen-san!" For the first time since she could remember Kiriko had totally lost her temper, her voice shrieked around the room and down the hallways even, her breath panting as she tried to gather herself to continue "Y-You dont know how many people we have saved! h-h-how long we worked in the bretonia police! how many mistakes we made or how many people we had to watch die infront of us when we could do nothing! BECAUSE WE WERENT STRONG ENOUGH TO DO IT BY OURSELVES!

*clys screen showed a rapidly blinking exclamation mark at kiriko's outburst, having never experienced it herself even being as close to kiriko for as long as she had done, cly was not sure how to proceed and stayed quiet* H-HAVE YOU EVER HAD THAT FEELING!??! DID YOU EVER SEE IT YOURSELF?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED B-BECAUSE OF US.. BECAUSE WE MADE A MISTAKE, AND YOU COME IN AND.. AND START... START TALKING AND TALKING AND TALKING WHEN YOU KNOW NOTHING!! CULLEN-SAN NO BAKAAA!

Her face had become red and she was finding it hard to breath at times because she wanted to say so many things but also needed to inhale, tears welled up in her eyes gradually




Kiriko tries to push Elfie away into the corridor but her shouting had made Elife alarmed and ready for kiriko as she approached angrily, Kiriko struggled with Elfie for a few moments, however being unable to move the more able bodied girl kiriko quickly tired and slowly fell down to her knees, almost completely drained from her outburst after already being fatigued and under constant stress. Kiriko wailed loudly her tears falling to the cold metal floor, sitting up onto her knees she sat back and cried up at the ceiling in despair tears streaming down her face her nose also running freely as she did so. All the times her choices had gotten somebody killed flashing back all the police comrades she had lost during her trainee days, right up to all the days she had to moun the loss of another officer under her command, and finally the long smudged memories of her parents firey deaths washing over her.

Okaaaasaaaan!! Otouusaaaan!! Kotaaaro!......

Cly knew that there was nothing it could do for Kiriko at this very moment, and with a sad face showing, it remained quiet beside her

Seeds of concern - unlucky - 06-16-2012

The turn of events was even more unexpected then it seemed before, the Boss bursted out in anger fierier than a dayside canyon on Cella Dor. Elfie froze, this was it, all along the while this was the real Boss and not what she thought just a few moments ago. She turned toward her, facing her shout of agony in preparation for a coming attack. It was a sad thing to see, with all the understanding and sympathy she grasped toward her in a matter of just half a minute. She knew all too well what she was about, struggling with tears while struggling with this girl's angry offensive, all she could think of to not let this stay this was. It did not take long, at least for Hidamari to lose breath after the short strenght of rage. Her assistant could not be heard, probably more confused than anybody in the room but Elfie couldn't have known that. She looked down at the heavily breathing girl and kneeled down without any more hesitation, putting her left arm onto her right shoulder
- You are right... I did... not know... - she whispered to her in Kusarian, barely keeping herself from crying - couldn't have... known... this applies... backward too. You don't... know about me... anything either... that I know what... you mean and... what I said... why I said to... begin with... 'sniff' I... understand you... things are more... similar out... out there like the ones here - she cleared up her mind and retook some of her strenght, trying to hug her to give some comfort - I know those feelings too... so I said what I did, because I... thought you were a bad person. You know that I once was a Zoner, but you don't know what is is like... that everybody away from help how much relies on each other, and if one makes a little mistake... somebody else or everybody dies and when... nobody is looking, some ruffian comes to stab a knife into your back. I learned everything early and the hard way... collective responsibility... the meaning of death... how to fix up water and oxygen tanks... space walk... piloting... lying about my age, sometimes my gender too... you don't want to know why. Things happened since, I've seen lots of worlds... things... been in the middle of wars and still I am... but you don't need to know that... I was right about myself but wrong about you... we share the same concerns, if you want to give out your anger... bring on your fists... punch me... beat me up... it gonna help a bit, I'm all up for it... let me help, Boss

Seeds of concern - AshDent - 06-17-2012

Stew, having finished a run to Liberty, headed down the corridor leading to the management offices.
Bypassing the office where he often goes to fill in the paperwork which has increased recently, he carries on towards the offices of the more senior management.
Looking around him as he went he noticed no-one was in the hallway with him. Reveling in this information Stew fished a small cube container from his jacket pocket. The Kusarian characters on the side, some of the few that he had learnt, revealed it was an expensive luxury sweet. This sweet was one that he and Kiriko enjoyed eating together. How his contact had managed to source this for him from Kusari given it's exclusivity and price baffled Stew but he was grateful for it.
Looking the box over as he walked towards Kiriko's office a large smile spread across his face knowing the joy it would bring to Kiriko.
As he was walking the hallway towards Kiriko's office Stew heard it. A large amount of intense yelling somewhere in the distance, it was faint but was rather sharp. Instantly his smile dropped and his brow furrowed in concern. He stuffed the box into his jacket and quickened his pace as best as he could. Hearing more yelling the general concern turned to a concern for Kiriko.
Hurriedly approaching Kiriko's office Stew noticed the door was open, the without knocking he entered" 'ey!...everythi...." Stew tailed off as he saw Kiriko on the ground screaming in tears and another young one beside her. Stew didn't recognize her but guessed since there wasn't security back down the hallway she had to be an employee of Bowex and not a visitor.

"Whats wrong?.....What happened?" The worry for Kiriko filled his voice and spread strongly across his face.

Stew rushed towards the two and dropped to one knee as best as he could beside Kiriko.