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To: The Colonial Government - Printable Version

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To: The Colonial Government - Melanie Tyler - 06-17-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Jane Hartman
TARGET ID: Colonial Government, Deployment Office
SUBJECT: Gunboat
PRIORITY: Moderate

Evening Sir/Ma'am.

[color=#CCCCCC]I understand there's been some degree of turmoil on your side of the fence, so my apologies if this got sent to the wrong department. Last night I had the misfortune of encountering a Colonial Gunboat in the course of my patrol through New York (Callsign: Ace.Of.Spades). While we're not opposed to interaction with the new Republic at this time, the Captain of the vessel in question refused to respond to basic requests to state his intentions, later fleeing from military officers. Now, as far as I can tell the ship wasn't operating under the official branch of your armed forces, so don't take this as a slight against your leadership. However, I'd like to determine whether this ship was operating with either the knowledge or consent of the Colonial Government and, if so, what its purpose in Liberty was.

If the ship is unknown to you, it'll be dealt with under Liberty law. As it stands, the vessel'll be grounded or evicted from Liberty until further notice. Access to the relevant report is included in this document.

Report |#1.|

That'll be all.

Hartman, out.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To: The Colonial Government - Jansen - 06-17-2012

Incoming Transmission...

Decrypting... using Colonial Encryption key Co13453lae4

Comm ID: Alicia Young; Secretary of State
Location: Pecos

Good day Miss Hartman,

I can assure you that the individual in question is in no way linked to the Colonial Republic and its current government.

So you are perfectly within your rights to treat it in every way you see fit.


Transmission end

To: The Colonial Government - Melanie Tyler - 06-19-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Jane Hartman
TARGET ID: Colonial Government, Deployment Office
SUBJECT: RE: Gunboat
PRIORITY: Moderate

Evening Madame Secretary.

[color=#CCCCCC]Thank you for the quick response ma'am. The vessel'll be dealt with.

Hartman, out.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****