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F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - Printable Version

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F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - Zayne Carrick - 06-17-2012

Location (ingame): Hamburg, around C7
Time (GMT): 20:51
What happens:I flee from enemy capfleet from Bremen to Hamburg using cloak. In Hamburg I kill one of my chasers-Anonymous, after that I F1(noone were on my radars) to celebrate victory, thinking I had only 1 chaser. When I log-in 5 or 10 minutes later I saw 3 enemy capships around me. They say I F1-ed and they'll report me. After that they killed me.

So can they do it(report ofc)? They didn't say any word for me(in Hamburg), didn't took half of my shields(in Hamburg), they may be cloaked, when I F1 or simple find my ship after i press "F1".

F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - Snoozzzer - 06-17-2012

They must have screens of the green "Attempting to cloak" message, and have made aware to you that they are in fact present if equipped with cloaks.

I mean. If they were in fact cloaked, but didn't say a damn thing, how are you to know you shouldn't be F1-ing? Did you get screens of them saying the OORP and "Threatening to Sanction" too btw?

F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - Hidden.Lock - 06-17-2012

' Wrote:I mean. If they were in fact cloaked, but didn't say a damn thing, how are you to know you shouldn't be F1-ing?


I bet they have no screenies.

F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - ProwlerPC - 06-18-2012

When you use specific names it's a trial by forum. We don't do trial by forums here. I've removed the names. I suggest you only generaly talk about situations and keep specific details out like names.

F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - Klatz - 06-18-2012

' Wrote:They say I F1-ed and they'll report me. After that they killed me.
You know what to do in such cases. Printscreen and report author of that statement to death.
What about situation: next time make screenshot with timestamp before F1ing in empty space. That may help.

F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - Tobi44 - 06-21-2012

If there is nothing on your scanner and no one saying anything in local chat I see no reason not to F1 and to be honest I think the people with the dam cloaking devices should know this to, infact just the other day i had your same problem bretonia ship chased me I got away say nothing on my scanners F1ed out to celebrated, got a drink 3 mins later when I logged in I find a ship around me saying "you just did a bad thing" I said "no one was on my scanner though" he goes " I was cloaked" I replied with "so you weren't on my scanner you didn't say a thing while you were still secretly chasing me how the heck was i suppose to know" he follows with "don't do it again" once again the cloaking device blows up in your face when your F1ing out I have to reckon they are going to add to part of that rule saying that you need to say "hey anyone still chasing me because I'm logging out now" and if they don't reply in a certain amount of time your free to go

F1 while interacting or not F1 while interacting - Prysin - 06-21-2012

if anyone reports you for F1 while their cloaked, you should file a counter report for malicious reporting and breach of R#0.0

Do like me, just do a screenshot right before you F1. Its crystal clear evidence noone was there to interact with you.... it may seem paranoid, but a-holes are all over this place and you never know when the next jerk will uncloak 5 second after you F1'd just to get his screen.