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El Presidential log - Madvillain - 06-19-2012

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Today I saw some vagabond wearing an old ragged Brotherhood spacesuit in front of el Council of Elders.
He was drunk and slandering my name.
He yelled things like: ''Look it is Buonocore! The Coalition Elder, what happened to el good old Corsair values!".

The hombre continued with claiming the Brotherhood became weak, and how come my soldatos don't even have enough fuel to properly fly their Titans!
Vale, I guess I could stop sending credits to my Gran Canarian account.
Anyway, I would have killed him at that very spot the bastardo got away.

I have realised something important ...
Tonight , I will go to el Tribune personally!
I will call the Centurions and Decurions together!
We are the Brotherhood!
We are to be respected!

My enemies....

Shall burn....

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Just a few more hours travel to Rhodes.
I don't like the place, el Tribune has horrible taste.
I wonder how Señor Martillo is doing-

El Presidential log - Madvillain - 06-26-2012

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By Elder Maniaco's name what is wrong with these Benitez Elders....
No matter how hard I try to convince them to listen,
those old stubborn men are like bricks in their reasoning.

They choose to ignore my tactical insight.
What do these hombre's know about el guerra anyway.
While they are brewing rum and building research vessels,
organising celebrations and robbing foreign traders of there profits,

I wish I could just stand up and scream against their decadent ways.
They are leading the empire .... our empire .....straight into another crisis.
Divide et impera..... but it is our enemies who we should divide,
not our own ambitions and ways.
The integrity of our empire must come in first place.

Tribune Werss does not want to speak about the subject.
Could he be against me as well?
Tonight we vote about the Diabla Roja's offer.
If the outcome will be what I fear,
the blood of my pilots sticks on their hands.

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Ai ai ai , I totally forgot about the Gaian Underloch.
The poor señora is waiting for days already.
I better make my way to el Memoria.

El Presidential log - Madvillain - 07-16-2012

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Seems the situation in Omega 3 is under control.
They really threw everything they had against us.
But no foul alliance is a match for the Corsair war machine.

I've spent days on the Memoria's bridge,
overseeing the destruction of that Bretonian outpost myself,
with señorita Ash , the Gaian Underloch by our side.
Even those mercs came in handy....

My judgement of the Diabla Roja was right,
They do not fight for honour, they fight for credits.
And plata is expendable.
Maybe this will open the eyes of Jose and Chico Benitez,
though I have my doubts.
The thought of losing their familia's wealth probably scares them.

I needed a little rest , but the work of an Elder is never done...

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I need to prepare another speech to the people.
They need to be reassured that the empire is gracious for their actions,
that their endless determination is our pride,
that the sacrificed lives will not be forgotten...