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To: Liberty Security Forces Directorate, Regarding Melbourne Station.. - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Security Forces Directorate, Regarding Melbourne Station.. - Sarawr!? - 06-21-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Captain Rachel A. Baker

Captain Rachel Baker here, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, 237th Strike Flotilla.

Not long ago, we, that is, my patrol, in the field, received a direct order from Secretary of Defense Robert McKay, that we were to follow at all costs. We were also to relay that order to any and all Liberty Security Forces vessels in the area, which we did. That order, was to cease and desist all operations geared toward the destruction of Melbourne Station in Zone 21. The order was given to us relay, in an attempt to avoid any action until an official statement had been made personally and publicly by the Secretary himself.

However, your agents, or shall we say, the apparently synthetic commander of the Siege Cruiser Lake Clark, seemed unable to comprehend that it was not the Navy, giving them this order, it was the Secretary of Defense who issued it, we merely were tasked with relaying it.

The point is, Your people didn't listen, and they even engaged and destroyed a Secondary Fleet Transport ship in the vicinity of Melbourne.

Now, apparently this Cruiser of yours, the Lake Clark, was under the complete control of an AI system known as AVIOS...whatever it is, I've been asked to tell you that the Secretary of Defense wants it removed from all Security Forces ships, immediately, due to it's Rogue behavior and it's issues following simple orders from a higher authority, and of course, due to the fact, that it is responsible for the destruction of a Naval vessel, and the attempted destruction of a Reserve Forces facility that the Secretary of Defense had yet to make a ruling on, aside from leaving it be.

I want answers regarding why the LSF would disobey an order from the Secretary of Defense himself, that the order came from a Naval officer's mouth (Which was the reasoning your agents in the field gave) is no excuse. I also want answers as to why the LSF would destroy a Naval -TRANSPORT- ship, with a Siege Cruiser.

Now, I assure you, Or at least I've been told, that an official statement from the Secretary of Defense regarding that base, and this incident, WILL follow. You people had best have your act together by then. In the mean time, teach your men some respect, or at least some common sense. Disobeying an order issued by the Secretary of Defense, because it came from a Naval officer's just...My God, it's one of the stupidest reasons for not doing something, that I've ever heard. Especially when our branches are supposed to be cooperating!

Captain Rachel A. Baker, Out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To: Liberty Security Forces Directorate, Regarding Melbourne Station.. - Joneh - 06-21-2012

[Image: LSFINCheaderbasicV1.gif]

Firewall Status... [color=#33FF33]Online
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Confirm Identity... Johny Leroy Recognised

Captain Baker,

These are truly shocking news, something I really didn't expected that would ever happen. The actions committed by the Lake Clark are irresponsible and caused severe damages on the defenses of the said base. Furthermore, it initiated an unbelievable huge mess, as you can see.

After we, the High Command, have been made aware of this situation, we immediately looked into the Lake Clark data banks for possible damages that might have led to this incident. And we indeed have found something. The AI that was installed in the ships systems, whose purpose was to act as an assistant role, have been modified by an for us yet unknown source. We do believe that the Lane Hackers, who have been even spotted near these areas recently, might have something to do with it. The Lake Clark was during the time of the incident uncontrollable. Crew members of the Lake Clark have been questioned and they told us that they were not able to contact the ship systems and therefore were trapped inside the ship.

However, it is still unproven whether it was just a terrible system failure or caused by individuals or even a group that led to this situation. Despite these conditions, I really doubt that any of my agents onboard the Lake Clark have anything to do with it, but I can't deny that it is still possible. We started to question every single crew member and the Lake Clark is stationed at the nearest shipyard for further inspections. It will stay there until it is clear what has caused this incident. Moreover, the AI that is installed on the ship is already being deleted entirely.

Moving to a more serious note. I was not made aware of this base by neither the Secretary of Defense nor the Liberty Navy. Now, you are right. There is indeed, yet again, a lack in matter of cooperation. I thought it would be self-explained that the Liberty Security Force gets informed about bases being build in areas, such as Z-21. Yet none has ever mentioned a word about it towards us.

Also, Captain, you seem to jump quite fast on accusations and blame the LSF for doing these things. Give me one reason why the LSF at a whole would do something as severe as this.

Johny Leroy
Liberty Security Force High Command

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To: Liberty Security Forces Directorate, Regarding Melbourne Station.. - Sarawr!? - 06-22-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Captain Rachel A. Baker

Captain Rachel Baker here again.

Director Leroy, I never meant to insinuate that your agency as a whole was acting in such a manner. My comment regarding the discipline and behavior of your men, was simply meant to say that the High Command of your agency should do more to ensure that certain elements within your agency, don't go out and act the way the group last night did.

Your agency as a whole, I'm sure follows orders, but it's good to always be wary and aware of potential rogue elements, or loose cannons.

I'd love it if our two agencies enjoy more mutual respect, so that we don't have people mouthing off or disregarding orders from a higher authority, simply because they were relayed by a member of a different branch.

I trust that the situation has been resolved by now, in any event.

Thank you for your time, Director Leroy.

Captain Rachel A. Baker, Out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****