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To : Junker Congress - Printable Version

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To : Junker Congress - Alley - 06-21-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Lily Hale
TARGET ID: Junker Congress
SUBJECT: Stupidity


I believe you already know what this is about.
Some awfully stupid hacker decided your base would be a good refuge to avoid dieing to the hands of the navy. What's even worse is that your kids have refilled and repaired his ship (in a spectacular timing by the way, I'm impressed) and decided to let him leave with a big smile on their face.

But y'know what.
This is starting to piss me off.
Big time.

It's always the same crap, you're going to claim your docking control crew doesn't pay attention, or is underqualified or plain stupid. I think myself and a good lot of my colleagues are extremely tired of this endless situation.

What are you -exactly- waiting for ? The moment where we will be VERY angry and decide to assign a full time gold wing on your base or just take it over or simply destroy it ?

You're toying with the wrong people.
Now take care of this, and I expect to see a change, because next time it's your base I'm turning upside down.
Lily Hale out.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To : Junker Congress - Alley - 06-21-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Lily Hale
TARGET ID: Junker Congress
SUBJECT: Stupidity : Reloaded

Hi again.

I've just noticed this through the reports today. Looks like a double case for you.
Lily Hale out. Again.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To : Junker Congress - Alley - 06-21-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Lily Hale
TARGET ID: Junker Congress
SUBJECT: Stupidity : Reloaded the third

Oh hey.

I forgot this thingy about Koprulu, my bad. It would appear we have a Liberty Rogue with dissociative identity disorder and believes he is a Hacker.

Y'know this kind of stuff could be dangerous for your guys.
Lily Hale out. Again.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To : Junker Congress - DdM2505 - 06-21-2012

*** [color=#33FFFF]Incoming Transmission ***

Comm ID: Dan Armstrong, Junkers Congress
Target ID: Lieutenant Lily Hale
Subject: Re: Stupidity
Encryption: Target ID only...

Greetings Lieutenant Hale,

Let me say at first that we do not allow ships that are on the run for the law to dock at any of our stations as refuge.
As far as I see all this proof here doesn't show anyone docking at any Junker bases. All I see is alot of vessels near our base and then on the other pictures I see docking messages. But I haven't seen anyone actually docking on one of our bases. I am sorry that you can not catch your daily criminal, but don't put us to blame.
For all I know these pictures are a setup and edited just so you can point your finger at Junkers and say that's the bad guy.

Dan out.......

*** [color=#33FFFF]Transmission Terminated ***

To : Junker Congress - JunkerTown - 06-21-2012

[Image: feUU8.png]

Exactly what am I looking at there? I see a fight taking place around our bases. Really unfortunate as this hurts our business as well. I don't see evidence of this ship docking or using the station in the manner you described. Now lets just say for the sake of argument that what your saying is true.

A hacker is able to hack into our station and then the Rogue does the same.. oh and hacked into this comms channel. Just what do you propose I do about it..
Send word to the stations dockmasters about the ships? We do and they circumvent that by changing ships, ID, Iff or all of the above.
Police our own stations? We do that too but unfortunately we are not always around when these things happen. Surely you must understand finding good reliable help to watch these places isn't always the easiest.
We do our best here time and time again.

Now we have always tried to be compliant with your laws. We offer information about things to try and help you in the pursuit of certain suspects. We do block criminals from using our stations when we can based on accurate intel. Just recently we sent out more reports on two others caught doing the same thing. Finally we show your group respect and professionalism at all times.

This.. this is the thanks we get? Threats and disrespect for others actions not affiliated with us in anyway.
What have I done to deserve such disrespect? Your getting pissed off? Well just let me tell you how much it pisses me off to get dragged away from my business to answer for this crap. By the evidence you've shown me here your just wasting my time. To me time is money and these days its in short supply. Why don't you bring me something I can use to stop the criminals in question. I mean really.. your showing me the fights took place close to our stations but nothing more. Is this really what I've been called to answer for? Please tell me you have more to go on or this has just been a huge waste of time and energy.

To : Junker Congress - Snoozzzer - 06-21-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Congressman Richard van Pelt
Location: San Juan, ???

Lt. Hale, this matter is being looked into, as my drunk colleague so eloquently put it. From first glance however, your first image looks to be taken from too far away to see the docking bays of Rochester. You second appears to be taken by someone not affiliated with the Liberty navy, a mercenary from the looks of it in fact.

As I said, we shall be looking into this, but from first glance your evidence does not appear sufficient. What crimes did these men commit by chance?

<<<Transmission Terminated>>>

To : Junker Congress - Hawk - 06-22-2012

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

This is definitely being looked into. You can all stop making excuses and Hale can stop throwing angry accusations around. If you want to have a rational discussion that'€™s fine. If you want to make stupid threats to show how tough you are then send your goram gold wing out there. It will probably be a more efficient use of our tax money than what they'€™re doing now.

As for the ships docking it does not appear to me that anyone hacked anything. We don'€™t automatically deny docking to anyone unless we have a reason. There'€™s far too much traffic for that. We let anyone dock as long as they behave. If someone is on a known criminal registry then you only need to ask and we take care of that. Oh, but you already knew that. I guess you like all this high drama better. Oh well, suit yourself. Like I said, we'€™ll take care of it.

I also noticed that on one of your reports it shows a ship outside Beaumont, and the next shot is outside Rochester but the ship requesting to dock does not appear on scanner so it'€™s not likely docking at Beaumont or Rochester. I'€™m a real easy guy to get along with but don'€™t insult my intelligence with that garbage.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To : Junker Congress - Alley - 06-22-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Lily Hale
TARGET ID: Junker Congress
SUBJECT: Stupidity

Arbiter Jack Crow.

You're the one I was looking for. Perhaps next time I should simply direct it to you. I know you're the one my brother usually go to when it comes to junker matters.

Now, look. If there hasn't been any hacking, well that's fine. I understand the position of the junkers and situation you have to deal with to survive. However I sincerely believe you're underestimating the power of the public opinion.

Most of the time, such documents stay classified. But like any organisation, leaks happen. News networks are usually extremely fast at categorizing people. Imagine if they got their hands on something like this. We both know this is meaningless and was just a thug. Nothing like a rheinland fleet assaulting Texas. But they'll turn it into something as important as that.

When the public opinion will turn against you because of them, and believe me, they don't give a damn that you are the one working every day to recycle their scrap, it'll go to the parliament, and if it gets voted... We'll be the one tasked to do something, and they'll go for the most spectacular fashion possible.

Trust me it's something we'd all like to avoid.

Now related to the guncams of Koprulu, the first bunch were taken by an unexperienced officer. You're right that they don't constitute much evidence, however I had two primary fleet elements involved in the matter and he was not the only hostile there. I'll have a chat with him.

For the second bunch of pictures, taken by an experienced contracted Mandalorian Mercenary, I believe you're insulting your own intelligence, Arbiter. Check the guncam timestamps. If you find me someone that can go from Beaumont to Rochester in about 30 seconds, I'll give him an award.
Lily Hale out.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To : Junker Congress - Junker Congress - 06-22-2012

[Image: feUU8.png]

Wait.. let me see if I understand this fully. So you send out a communication to the Junker Congress and then chose only to respond to the Arbiter? Then as you stated maybe you should've sent it directly to him in the first place instead of wasting everyone's time.

Truth be told you shouldn't be bothering him or us with this matter at all. Lacking evidence, misplaced comms, disrespectful attitude and then ignoring our responses.. tell me did I leave anything out?

While its obvious you don't have the first freakin clue who I am or what I do. I won't get into that as it is not the issue and its not important. What is important is that you get your facts straight, your communications correct and treat us with the same respect we show you. Now as I am sure he is more than thrilled to be bothered by such an important matter. I shall leave you two to discuss this and I can get back to work. Later Hale.

To : Junker Congress - Alley - 06-22-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Lily Hale
TARGET ID: Junker Congress
SUBJECT: Stupidity

James Trenton.

I haven't ignored your response, merely decided to focus on what was the most important before I had to leave and take care of an outcast destroyer that was hanging around New York. I believe you've already heard of destroyer9, he likes debris fields a lot.

And no, I don't know who you are. If it's important, let me know. I'm not usually the one that takes care of such things, all I know is that David usually go to Mr. Crow, but I did not have the codes in my possession.

The lack of evidence will be dealt with. Sometimes when you're asked to take pictures while you have two pirates on your rear waiting for any occassion to blast you out of existence, I don't think "proper evidence" is the first thing you think about, more like "survival" y'know?

Have a nice day anyway and sorry if it disrupted anything important.
Lily Hale out.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****