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To all [101st] units. - Printable Version

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To all [101st] units. - Chenzo- - 06-21-2012

.....Initiating hack...................

}---(Forced Transmission Detected)---{

<div align="right] ....Hack Locked, forcing a locked transmission to All 101st Comm Devices.......

>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Signal Strength: Strong
>>>Signal Origin: Classified
>>>Subject: Technology.

}--Playing Transmission--{

"One does not usually inform our units of anything.... let alone somthing of this scale.."

One's weaponry research, for obvious reasons has allways been kept to the knowlege of ones self and the Administrator....."

"This matter however affects us all, it's somthing we all need to think about, morals.. and alike."

"Our recant conflict with the Order left many questions... but for those of us who think almost entirely about weaponry...all of the time.."

He pauses

"Their wrecked forces left behind somthing most interesting......"

"Their units had weaponry which, in short was of Spirit design"

"Making this technology compatable with our ships is rather simple..... I have already succeeded"

"One does however ask.. should our Guard units have access to such technology?"

"This is what I'd like an answer for"

............................Hack Engaged, Protocal 2.0...Comm Open......

To all [101st] units. - Savi - 06-21-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::
::ID: Sebastian Cavani::

__________________________Lodaing 13%...27%...54%...78%...99%...

______________________________________________Upload Video Uplink...

[Image: 3274718953_ec9c829f95.jpg]

Salute, my friend Chenzo. I've heard about your proposal, and I am always ready to test new weapons that can aid us in battles against strenght growing enemies. I'll be ready any time to help you out.

Yours, Sebastian Cavani.

::Closing Transmission...::

To all [101st] units. - Eternal Nightmare - 06-21-2012

------Incoming transmission-----

...................................loading........80%...90%...Loading completed!

::: Encryption: Very High
:::Comm ID: Kyle Alvera
:::Location: Unknown
:::Subject: Technology

So you are telling me what you'€™ve managed to get your hands on a spirit technology and make it usable for us?

*he stops for a bit, thinking*

So'€¦if that is possible'€¦I want to see all those gadgets and of course if they work properly I want my hands on them...
And I think that answers the question: "if we can have this kind of weaponry". I think we should use it'€¦Of course not mindlessly giving it to everyone'€¦but to the aces

*smirks somehow self confidently*

Be sure to get me one pair'€¦I will be waiting!

~Alvera out!

To all [101st] units. - stezf - 06-21-2012

[Image: stefan-widescreen-fixed.png]

"Well, it is not like I am not aware of this, even though, I am surprised you did not contact me first about this matter, Chenzo."

"First of all, we will have to find out what the Mirror Share 'thinks' about it, before thoughts about using those fall into our minds. Let me take care of that, si?"

"If it says no, we do not use them. It is that simple. Though I am rather optimistic about this one."

"With that said, I will be away for a while as you all got used to, I assume."

To all [101st] units. - Altaris - 06-21-2012

..::Incomming Transmission::..
..::Comm ID: Arturo Salieri :..
..::Source: !!!Error!!! Unable to detect :...
..::Subject: Technology :...

[Image: Faction07.png] this thing on? Si? Ah grazie tante cara mia. Hey what are you doing after the shift? Maybe we should go to my place, i need you to... teheheh help me with something in my cabin... oh right...

*he moves his face towards the screen*

Buon giorno sodale

I've been hearing voice... telling me... whispering me... that i should accept it... that im blessed...


...and that i should recieve as much high-super-duper tech as my ship can bare! AHAHA Kill! Crush! Slaughter and carnage!!!


*he enters about 15 seconds long unstopable laugh*

No seriously, i dont care Chenzo, sweetie.

Through all those four, five, or was it six decades? of my space plague, outcast technology itself proved to be trustworthy. As long as the council doesnt consider taking my kraken mommas away, i seriously dont feking care.

That would be all.

Salieri out.


ummm wait...

Salieri out.

*hes playing with the comm terminal*

eh... no?

Salieri out?!

*hes still playing with the comm terminal...*

...damnit cara mia! which button?!

Oh really?! I feking tried that one and it didnt- !

..::Transmission ended::..

To all [101st] units. - Chenzo- - 06-23-2012

.....Initiating hack...................

}---(Forced Transmission Detected)---{

<div align="right] ....Hack Locked, forcing a locked transmission to Arturo, Stefan, Kyle's Comms Devices.......

>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Signal Strength: Strong
>>>Signal Origin: Classified
>>>Subject: A little word

}--Playing Transmission--{

"It is interesting to see how certain people react..."

"One now truly understand why not just anybody is chosen...."

"Regardless, it seems the support has been given...One shall begin work, no prommisses"

"Also, to Mortensen.... if confusion strikes..... you need only ask the right question to clear your mind......"


............................Hack Engaged, protocol 2.0, channel open.....