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IMG Notice - Printable Version

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IMG Notice - Linkus - 06-22-2012

Transmission Incoming
Encryption level: N/A
Coronado Controlled Zone
Communications ID:
William Johnson - IMG Guild Master


My name is William Johnson and I am the most recently appointed Guild Master.

Following recent provocations, the IMG is laying out certain directives in relation to the Coronado system.
These are intended purely to ensure the future safety of all friendly parties in the Coronado system and will not interfere with any current operations, trade routes or other actions presently taking place in the system.

Coronado Article #1

1. The construction of stations within the system is forbidden and restricted to Guild approved entities.

2. Approval for station construction must be obtained before any work or construction of a station begins.

3. Current stations should report their status to Guild comms. Guild approval is required for current stations to continue operations. Lack of approval may lead to station deconstruction or demolition. Barrier Gate is exempted.

4. Construction, colonisation and/or other operations involving planetary entities in the system are restricted and must be approved by the Guild.

5. Mining operations are permitted for all friendly entities and are at the behest of the Guild. Permission for mining may be withdrawn at any time at the Guild's discretion.

6. These directives apply throughout the entire Coronado system or within a radius of 500k from planet Pecos - the Controlled Zone.

7. Interfering with the enforcement of these directives is forbidden and will be met with hostile force if necessary.

If you believe the directives will adversely interfere with your operations within Coronado, we urge you to contact the Guild and the Guild will endeavour to resolve the issue.

Thank you, from both the Independent Miner's Guild and from myself.

William Johnson
- Guild Master

Had to remove the lines, stretching the page. -Dab

IMG Notice - Scorpio - 06-23-2012

Comm ID: Jack Davis

Hang on. Just slow down there lads. Now. Let me first introduce myself. I'm Jack and as such I'm, well. I suppose I couple be called a native of Coronado. However in reality I suppose a busted engine and cheap drinks and board help the situation.

However my past issues are not the issue. (See what I did there!)

See. When I first found Coronado I thought It was another boring asteroid-field. With a dull little station. It has since became a place where I can while away days just conversing with the multiple types of people that come to enjoy the little patch of free space.
Note my last two words "free space" See the thing soon as you pass laws "Free space" becomes "Not So Free Space" I'm concerned that this act will not only damage the Guilds standing here. But it will damage the diverse group of people Coronado sees. Thus pushing up the prices of bed and refreshment in Coronado

As such I'd quite like to see any paperwork relating to your ability to pass these so-called "laws" preferably counter-signed by some sort official at Barrier Gate

Please be sure of this. This is not a hostile request. Nothing relating to violent action is going to happen if you refuse to provide the documents. Not from me at any rate

IMG Notice - Linkus - 06-23-2012

Transmission Incoming
Encryption level: N/A
Coronado Controlled Zone
Communications ID:
William Johnson - IMG Guild Master

Greetings Mr Davis,

I understand your concern. The independence and freedom enjoyed by all in the Coronado system is of the utmost importance to the Guild.

It is this independence that we are striving to protect in this case.

The Guild has no intention of interfering with business on the Gate, nor those going to and from it or operating out of it.

The main purpose of these directives were to make everyone aware of the Guild's stance on possibly hostile installations or colonies being constructed that could potentially destabilise the peace and independence in the system.

If a House corporation or even military force were to build a station in the system, it would obviously cause issues for the Gate and for the independence of the system.
No doubt we can both agree that where a House corporation moves in, the House follows soon after, cracking down on anything that doesn't fit into their little boxes.

This would clearly be an untolerable situation but the Guild would be helpless to act. We cannot go around shooting corporations because they did something perfectly legal or not illegal to be exact.
The only way the Guild would have a proper case against these corporations would for the corporations to have broken some form of Guild directive that was publicly available for all to find and be aware of.
This is the main reason for the publication of these directives.

The Guild is not assuming control of Coronado, nor is it claiming sovereignty over the system, it is merely building a legal basis to help protect the system if any problems, such as foreign powers moving in, arise.

I can assure you Mr Davis, Liberty Navy patrols and marines on the Gate would not do the drink prices any good.

I hope that assuages your concerns but if not, please do contact me further.

Thank you,

William Johnson
- Guild Master

IMG Notice - Scorpio - 06-23-2012

Comm ID: Jack Davis

Not assuming control? Forgive me have you sat down and thought about this move? I'm guessing you have but not too hard. You see. Here's the thing

You spoke about what would happen if a major organization moved into Coronado. I'm curious about how the IMG is different. Little steps William. Little steps

As to your claim that it will not affect things around Coronado...I don't even know where to begin.
If Incidents do occur and. Lets be honest. They most likely will. You're going to have a hard time justifying an armed response of any kind

A lot of people will see this as an attack on the freedom of Coronado on the whole. Now. I see all kinds of people come through here. And while a lot of them are peaceful they do feel strongly about anything that restricts freedom. Which. Your "Legal Basis" As you refer to it. No matter how benign. Will be seen as an attack upon those freedoms

While most people I've spoken to seem to be rather easy going about this and are willing to peacefully protest as I'm sure you can guess a number of them do not seem to be as peaceful. This announcement seems to have caused quite a stir.

Now the thing is.. I understand the need to protect ones property but I urge you to reconsider these (If you will pardon my language) rather Insane restrictions.

Oh yes. I'm curious about when you will provide that paperwork

IMG Notice - Linkus - 06-23-2012

Transmission Incoming
Encryption level: N/A
Coronado Controlled Zone
Communications ID:
William Johnson - IMG Guild Master

Greetings Mr Davis,

The Independent Miner's Guild has been in Coronado for longer than any other group or even individuals perhaps.
It was the Guild that constructed the Gate and has been settled on Pecos for many years now.

Over the years the Guild has faced countless attacks from pirates and other hostile forces.
Often these groups dock on the Gate and base their attacks from it and yet the Guild has not taken action against the station.

The reasoning behind this is simple, we value the Gate and it's independence very highly.
No doubt tens of thousands of credits have flowed from the Guild into the station and to its inhabitants, through the hands of our hard working Guild members, who often have family on the station as well.

None of the directives outlined above restrict individuals or groups.
There is no infringement on or restriction of anyone's freedom.
The directives simply outline the precedent that was already in action in relation to station construction in the system.

I put a question to you now Mr Davis,
How do these directives affect you or anyone else on the Gate?

Thank you,

William Johnson
- Guild Master

IMG Notice - Silver - 06-23-2012

[Image: commslinksilver011.png]

*Lights up a cigar*


Why now?


Is was because of the Armstrong?
Or the 'Lonials now?


[Image: commslinkend.png]

IMG Notice - Scorpio - 06-23-2012

Comm ID: Jack Davis

It is not so much the fact that these laws do not cause anyone on the Gate issue. More that the guild has chosen to overlook the multitude of people that use Coronado as a place for recreation

And of course. As I said before. It doesn't matter if they affect anyone. People will still consider these measures restrictive no matter how benign you claim they will be

As to me. Well as long as no shooting happens. I'm just concerned

IMG Notice - Linkus - 06-23-2012

Transmission Incoming
Encryption level: N/A
Coronado Controlled Zone
Communications ID:
William Johnson - IMG Guild Master

Greetings Ms Silver,

It is always good to hear from you and your organisation.

To answer your question, the decrease in cost and rise in access to station construction technology has led to a recent boom in the erection of hostile stations throughout Sirius.

As the Guild is eager to see off potential threats to Coronado's independence, it was felt prudent to publish these directives sooner rather than later.

I hope that answers your question Ms Silver.

Thank you,

William Johnson
- Guild Master

IMG Notice - lw'nafh - 06-23-2012

>Incoming Transmission<
>Source: Raumschiff.Null<

So you're tellin' me that in order to keep the system independ'nt 'n' such, you're movin' in and regulatin' it? Are ya stupid or d'ya simply not know the meanin' of the word 'indepdend'nt'?


IMG Notice - Linkus - 06-23-2012

Transmission Incoming
Encryption level: N/A
Coronado Controlled Zone
Communications ID:
William Johnson - IMG Guild Master

Greetings Mr Raumschiff?,

As I previously said, the intention is not to restrict any operations or activities currently in the system, nor to impede any future actions, aside from station construction if deemed necessary.

The main purpose for these directives it to give the Guild some cards to play if a foreign corporation were to come and try claim the entire system for themselves and enforce it by erecting stations throughout it, much like castles in the time of old.

Barrier Gate is what you would call independent, however even it removes things that threaten its independence.
We can't remove anything without a legal backing, not when dealing with these corporations. All it would take is for one to cry foul that the Guild is doing illegal things to them and you'd have entire House military fleets flying throughout Coronado.

That is a future that we all face in the system, one of House imperialism.
Should we simply wait for it to happen or prepare for it?

I would say we should prepare for it.

Thank you,

William Johnson
- Guild Master