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2 simple questions , if I may - Printable Version

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2 simple questions , if I may - Oldum - 06-22-2012

Heya. I've just came back and saw quite a few changes .

the only thing I wasn't able to totally figure out is how this TechNerf stuff works. Could someone tell me, a child of the simple minded , the point of it ?


Second is a less important thing, just in case someone wants to give me a headache ... I just made a Freelancer miner, and I'd wanna get my hands on an Arrastra , yet it's sold on bases where I'm not suppose to land due to ID limitations ... I know it's something everybody does day by day, and I'll probably run into this sooner or later, but I'm not the kind of guy anymore who just tries and prays for noone to see him ... So how bad can I come out of thisone ?

2 simple questions , if I may - gafwmn - 06-22-2012

Basically it boils down to ..You can mostly have your favorite toys on your favorite ship.

But...if the ship/weapons combo do NOT coincide exactly with your ID (and IFF ?) then your have a nerf,which lowers the total output of your ships powercore.
Meaning less power because the techs are not compatable with each other and/or your ID ( again IFF ?)

Depending on what combo you have,you could have 4% less power,up to I think 80% less total ships power.

Anybody with more accurate numbers please chime in,as I have no ships that have a nerf as such.

2 simple questions , if I may - Oldum - 06-22-2012

So in a nutshell I can get any ship with any weapon I desire , just won't even be able to shoot a lvl 2 NPC with it due to having -80% of my powercore getting shot out to the wild blue ... nice ... and no, I'm not crying about PvP cause I usually try to avoid gunfire since I actually suck at it. So much for my idea of making LNs and LPIs life harder in an Upholder:P

However, I'd still like to get some ideas on this ID thing ... here's the deal:

Quote:Miner ID

Pilot carrying this ID is an Independent Miner, who:

Can fire on other ships only in self defense, or in defense of a ship being escorted.
Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo
May not dock at IMG, DSE, BMM, Daumann, Kruger, GMG and GMS bases.

Quote:MEMV-971-AH "Arrastra" Civilian Heavy Miner
Buying Locations
Base - Owner
Thames Outpost - BMM
Aland Shipyard - IMG
Singapore Shipyard - IMG Guard
Freeport 4 - IMG
The Ring - Daumann
Essen Station - Kruger Minerals

See my point here ? I know I should just by the ship and dust off, but I'm trying to point the error out here ...

2 simple questions , if I may - SummerMcLovin - 06-22-2012

The nerfs can range from 9% to 90%. Full allies' tech normally gives you ~10% nerf; friendly ~75%; incompatible tech gives a 90% nerf.
These powercore changes only affect your power regeneration, you can still get one full use from fully charged.

As for getting better mining ships, buy a Freelancer ID and then change back to (a new) Miner ID when you have the ship.