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To: The [C]ouncil - Printable Version

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To: The [C]ouncil - Charos - 06-23-2012

[Image: ictbtop.png]
Comm ID - Richard Quinn
Subject - Funding

Good day leaders of the Council.

My name is Richard Quinn, Director of Interspace Commerce, Liberty Department. I am contacting you because we are interested in working with the Council. We have heard that you have access to the rare Cryocubes which are necessary for the construction of installations and we'd like to ask you to provide us sufficient amount to upgrade our installation. We are ready to pay a large sum of credits for the commodity.

Richard Quinn
Liberty Department Director

To: The [C]ouncil - Joneh - 06-23-2012

::: Incoming Transmission :::

Source: Planet Toulouse
From: Alice Laderoute
To: Interspace Commerce
Encryption: High

Bonjour Director Quinn!

My name is Alice Laderoute and I am one of the representatives in Roussillon. Exactly the system you are going to approach to get the things you require. I got told to inform you that your request for the Cryocubes has been granted. Moreover, in order to get these things, you require the permission for the entrance into the Roussillon system, aswell as for the base. I am pleased to inform you that both, the permission for Roussillon and the facility, has been granted.

Everything else that needs to be discussed, such as the price for the Cryocubes, can be done in Roussillon at the facility. The location of our facility that sells the Cryocubes is not that hard to find. If you happen to find yourself lost in Roussillon, then please, do not hesitate do ask the locals for help.

That should be all!

With lots of love,
Alice Laderoute
Representative of Roussillon

::: End of Transmission :::