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Question about the Rule - Printable Version

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Question about the Rule - Tobi44 - 06-24-2012

Well then i have a problem here but I don't know if I have enough evidence to support this I have the chat log of a Transport docking after i tried to pirate it then a Corsair pops up and attacks me with very bad RP might I add shooting straight after a questiong, terrible.

anyway i have reason to believe those two might be the same person with just the chat log can I report them?

DELETE - SnakThree - 06-24-2012


Question about the Rule - Cond0r - 06-24-2012

Yes you can report him. If you have screenshots, the admins will probably check the IP's on both characters to determine if they are indeed the same person or not.

Question about the Rule - Ursus - 06-24-2012

Report for what? Transport does not suffer PVP death for docking

"5.6 Fleeing from combat and then docking at a station or planet while you are in range of the ship you were fighting counts as PVP death. Transports and freighters are exempt from this rule."

Question about the Rule - Cond0r - 06-24-2012

' Wrote:Report for what? Transport does not suffer PVP death for docking

"5.6 Fleeing from combat and then docking at a station or planet while you are in range of the ship you were fighting counts as PVP death. Transports and freighters are exempt from this rule."
Indeed. But he cant just undock with another character and go in guns blazing as a revenge either, without anything to back up his attack, afaik.

Question about the Rule - Ursus - 06-24-2012

No RP is a crime, bad RP isn't. Sounds like the OP is mad he got beat by the same guy twice

Question about the Rule - Tobi44 - 06-24-2012

I never got beat by the same guy twice the fact he never blew me up was a win it just doesn't sound fair for me to force a transport to dock and a min later a sair comes along and starts shooting me up.

and I have evidence of the transport docking and the Cosairs engagment notice, just not going to post them here its not a trail just a question.

Question about the Rule - Cond0r - 06-24-2012

' Wrote:I never got beat by the same guy twice the fact he never blew me up was a win it just doesn't sound fair for me to force a transport to dock and a min later a sair comes along and starts shooting me up.

and I have evidence of the transport docking and the Cosairs engagment notice, just not going to post them here its not a trail just a question.
The bottom line is, if you are under the impression that the Corsair didn't have sufficient RP before engaging you, you can report him for that. But that's about it.

Question about the Rule - Tobi44 - 06-24-2012

' Wrote:The bottom line is, if you are under the impression that the Corsair didn't have sufficient RP before engaging you, you can report him for that. But that's about it.

Well thats a shame he did have the amount of RP needed its just that I just wanted to know if I could report him for 5.8 rule its a shame this doesn't seem fair to me for because as far as i know alot of traders abuse this.

Well anway thanks for the advice

And I'd like to ask a mod to remove the comment below thank you.

Question about the Rule - dodike - 06-24-2012

Some people just can't be shot at.