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To: The Mandalore - Printable Version

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To: The Mandalore - jammi - 06-25-2012

To: Mandalore William Bishop, Mandalorian Mercenaries; Mandalorian Consuls.
From: Sir Gregory Manning, Aide to the Cabinet, Kingdom of Bretonia.
RE: Informal advisory.
[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]
Good day to you gentlemen. I have been tasked by Prime Minister Maloney with having a discreet word with yourselves. It has recently been alleged that your men have been harassing pilots affiliated with the Colonial Republic. I wish to remind the Mandalorians that attacking lawful entities within Bretonia or systems protected by Bretonian law constitutes as a violation of our interstellar codex.

Colonial Republic ships are currently recognised as neutral entities. I suggest you make peace with them while within our borders, and act solely in self-defence should they be incapable of the same. The Republic is currently proving its use to the Realm as an anti-piracy border force in Cortez, making it highly desirable that you exempt their ships from your attentions.

As previously stated, this is merely a reminder. No action is currently being taken.
Yours in service of the Realm.
~Sir Manning.