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HMS COVENTRY - Printable Version

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HMS COVENTRY - Sampson - 05-03-2008

From: Brettonia Armed Forces, Admiralty

To: Commander Simon Michael Jameson.


It is hereby stated that you are requested and required to report to Admiralty house, on this the last Friday of the month of April. Whereupon you will be hereby directed to take command of the BAF Gunboat HMS Coventry, and to hold said command until such time as your duties or service require you elsewhere.
This commission grants you the rights and privileges afforded an officer of this station. May you continue to serve her Majesty with the singular distinction, professionalism and loyalty demanded of all officers of Her Majestys fleet.


Fleet Admiral commanding.

Admiralty House
New London.

The small shuttlecraft touched down in a cloud of smoke and steam on the small landing pad. Simon peered out of the small windows, trying to catch a glimpse of his new command. As the smoke cleared he could see her, a gunboat class vessel standing steadily on the landing platform and below her, in a line before her entry hatch were the 15 men of her crew.
As he climbed down the small gangplank from the shuttlecraft to the platform a loud voice called out AtteeeeeeeenShun! The line of men, their uniforms crisp, clean and obviously pressed for the occasion snapped to attention on cue, their eyes fixed firmly forward. The officer standing before them, turned sharply and saluted, snapping his heels together as he did so.

Simon returned his salute smartly, At ease Lef-tenant he said, tell the men to stand easy He smiled at the Lef-tenant before him, who returned the smile slightly, before shouting Staaaand at Ease! - The men behind him easing their stance and placing their hands behind their backs.
Simon stood before them. Gentlemen he said I am Commander Simon Jameson, it gives me great pleasure and pride to take command of this vessel, bearer of such a distinguished name, and of so well drilled, disciplined a crew. He surveyed the men as he spoke; a gunboat was the smallest capital class ship of the line flown by the Brettonian Navy, and their commanders were afforded a certain lee-way in crew selection.
As such, he had handpicked most of them, all of them had distinguished themselves in various areas of the service and while none of them were from the nobility, he was certain they would give a good account of themselves. He continued I expect every man among you to stand by his shipmates, and do his duty to the fullest of his ability. You will find I am not as strict a commander as some of you may have known. But should any man fail in his service, or shirk his responsibilities, I will not hesitate to keel-haul you myself personally. Serve well, and you will find i can be more than generous with the rum. The men stood impassively before him, their faces betraying no emotion or reaction to his words. As it should be..

He nodded at them in approval, addressing the lieutenant who stood beside him, Carry on lieutenant
Men, Atteeeeennshun!, fall out and take up your stations, set her for take off, I want every man of you ready to be in the air in ten minutes, DISMISSED! There was a flurry of activity as the crewmen fell out and dashed up the gangplank into the waiting gunboat.
When the last of them was on board, the young lieutenant turned and faced him. Commander he said, Simon smiled Lieutenant he replied. They stood there for a moment before suddenly bursting into laughter. Alex Simon chuckled offering his hand to the young man, :Its good to see you my friend. The other man took his hand and shook it warmly, And you too Simon, you too.
Releasing his hand he nodded to the Commanders' rank stripes on his shoulder So, finally, they gave you a command, and one without your father looking over you, about time too!. Simon smiled, Yes they did, I only hope I dont muck it up and prove everything my father says about me eh?
Alex snorted, Bah what the Admiral thinks? You mean between his mugs of gin and cigars with the old boys club?

Simon had to laugh at the mocking tone Alex took of his father, for as much anyone Alex knew what the man was truly like. They had known each other since they were children, their families were both well to do and they had attended the same schools, becoming over time, the best of friends. They entered the service together after they had finished school, joining the exclusive Brettonian Naval Academy.
Alexs family though, while independently wealthy, had no real title to their name and so any aspirations that Alex had to rise through the ranks would be severely disadvantaged. Simon Jameson however, as the son of Admiral Lord Jameson, had only the finest of pedigree and would find climbing the social and military ladder of success relatively easy. But he was not the kind of man to rest on his fathers Gin-soaked coattails. Refusing a commission in the Admiralty General staff, a position that would guarantee an easy life of light work, high salary and speedy promotion he had instead taken the harder and slower path as a commander of an active command; the HMS Coventry.
As he stood there with his friend he looked up at her. She was, like all Brettonian gunboats, an ungainly looking bird. Yet he felt only pride as he looked her over. He had worked hard to get here, and this was his command, he would do this, himself, not because, but in spite of his name.
He nodded to his friend. Well old boy, what do you say we take her up and see what she can do?

The two men laughed, donning their caps the turned and strode up the gangplank together