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More civilian transports? - Printable Version

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More civilian transports? - jakub963 - 06-28-2012

Title says it (at least partialy). I have some models in mind which might result in freighter, small (1.6k) transport and medium (3.6k) transport. To be honest, IHaveNoIdeaWhatIAmDoing.jpg or when it will be done but basicaly what i want to ask is: '€žShould i even try? Is there demand for ships of this type?'€

More civilian transports? - Madvillain - 06-28-2012

I voted potato!

also , I think more house specific civilian ships would be cool ,
I am still dreaming about a corsair transport (one that doesnt have the liberty rogues logo on it) and I am sure there are many more examples of groups that could do with their own transport since lore allows them to.

More civilian transports? - dodike - 06-28-2012

I'm all for new civilian transports as long as they are manufactured by someone and have some RP background. There are many factions with shipbuilding capabilities.

More civilian transports? - jakub963 - 06-28-2012

Yes, rp behind the transports will be supplied as well. However even finished project of this scale can easily end by simple "Nay" from comunity and devs (mostly devs)...
Thus this <thread> </thread>.

More civilian transports? - Swallow - 06-28-2012

Involve multiple RPing parties into process of making sketches and basic schemes. Call for modeller, do model, RP it out and devs would have no chance to resist it.

(Reasonable model is required with basic balance in mind and RP purps.).

More civilian transports? - jakub963 - 06-28-2012

Yeah, i will be the one to model them. Also, as i said, rp of who/why/what is being made as well.

The basic question remains unanswered.
Do or do not want...

More civilian transports? - SparkyRailgun - 06-28-2012

Forget what the community wants and just do it.
Noone is going to complain about new ships.
Noone with any sort of intelligence, that is.

More civilian transports? - Madvillain - 06-28-2012

do want

More civilian transports? - jakub963 - 06-28-2012

Kay... First drafts (hopefully models too) should come within a week.

More civilian transports? - dodike - 06-28-2012

' Wrote:Forget what the community wants and just do it.
Noone is going to complain about new ships.
Noone with any sort of intelligence, that is.
I object!