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[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Printable Version

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[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Cawdor - 05-04-2008

The half bil can be found on [img]Warehouse

[Image: img1.jpg]


[IMG]Security Character
[img]Business Character

ID: Independent Miners Guild ID


Seeking to follow their profession freely, the Independent Miners Guild was founded by Rheinlandish laborers who felt systematically exploited by Kruger and Daumann. Being a small and poor group of workers, not capable of defending its miningrounds in the new, and for most parts unexplored, solarsystems of the Omegas, the IMG got threatened and expelled by the security wings of Rheinlands cooperations.
Forced to leave home, they settled in Bretonian space. Not accepted but tolerated, they managed to keep their independence and even grew constantly as disappointed, unemployed or even abused labourers of the Bretonian cooperations joined the miners Guild for decades and centuries. Only some old Rheinlandish slangwords remembered of the guild's origin until the year of 702 A.S.. Due to the economic crisis after the 80-Years-War, masses of unemployed workers form Rheinland joined the IMG.

Objectives and Characteristics

The IMG openly denounces the exploitation of Bretonian laborers as it always did. However, being independent is the most important characteristic of the Guild. For that reason it does not participate in local politics.
Sharing all goods and belongings with fellow Miners and maintain the personal freedom of every individual is and has always been the most important difference between "us" and "them". Even the members of the High Counsil don't enjoy any more comfort then any other members of the Guild.
To spread this philosophy, we formed an alliance with our Rheinland brothers of ALG Wast Disposal, to enlarge our influence on a Sirius-Wide level, showing every worker anywhere the choice between being independent or exploited. WE are the alternative!
From the business aspect, this alliance will help to improve our efficiency of fighter and battleship production, to ensure a higher degree of quality to the costumers of our armament industry.

Apart from our long run targets, we are seriously concerned about the war between Kusari and Bretonia. The result of battles and political tensions so far, are nothing less but 148 (!) dead independent Miners. Even though we are neutral to the conflict it self, our base "Holman" is currently located on the Kusari-sided front line and often takes fire during the battles. Rumors of Bretonian admirals who would like to see us dead and other signs of tensions rising between us and Bretonia are horrifying but on a logical base not surprising.
So our mainobjective must be the negotiation of a peace treaty between the two fighting houses. At least, we have to convince Bretonia of our neutral attitude to this war. We could never stand a chance in an open conflict versus Bretonia and also cant afford to loose our Bretonian bases and main recruitment zones.
Its regarded as an obligation, however, to prevent further damage and casualties by guarding our brothers of the Holman outpost, as an evacuation - so a abandonment of the station - is out of question.

It is obvious, that being an Independent Miner is Hard. Very Hard. Our exploring teams enter the most dangerous regions of Sirius, sometimes returning barely alive with heavy losses. Our mining grounds are swarmed with hostile pirates and embattled by other hose factions. Both corsairs and outcasts are our enemies and for that not being enough, we are trapped in the middle of a full scale war between Kusari and Bretonia. And If we are for some random reason not concerned with all this for a second, we have to fight for people respecting our Freeports' rules, who think they can tax us while stretching their legs in our bar.
If people ever thought about joining us, they should know: Yes, they are free in our guild, no they wont get exploited by everyone. But you don't just fight for that independence, but you struggle for it every blasted day that passes by. Loosing your independence, equals loosing your life out here. Better be tough.

Administrative Constitutions

[Image: ps.jpg]

The Councils:

The central organs of the IMG

The High Council is the main executive institution of the IMG. Every internal or foreign course of action the IMG takes, is decided by The High Council. However, most Issues to decide will be brought to agenda by the Ministers. Each member of the High Council is put in charge of administrating an IMG-Base
A member of the High Council is not allowed to own a seat in the Commons' Council.

The Commons' Consul consists of all members of the IMG.
Its primary function is to be a controlling organ towards the higher offices of the Guild.
Its a forum for the discussion of the commons' demands.

The Ministers

The arms of the High Council. They are allowed to act freely, but all actions of own initiative are being revised by the High Council.

Economy Minister
- Coordinates Mining
- Coordinates Trading
- Coordinates Exploration
- Runs the Bank

Foreign Minister
- The voice of the High Council to foreign factions
- Is allowed to negotiate spontaneously if required; actions will be revised by the High Council
- Has to log all negotiations in an own, locked thread

Defense Minister
- Coordinates general escorting
- Manages fleet deployment
- Coordinates representing and bragging

Interior Minister
- Administrates Elections and NCV's (Forum Mod)
- Puts High Council members and Ministers into Office
- Manages Recruitment

Votes & Elections

No-Confidence Vote can be initialized by three members of the current council. A NCV needs 51% to succeed. Only one NCV per week is allowed.
Election and Promotion - Anyone is allowed to candidate for any assignment. However, members of the High Council are the only ones allowed to elect a minister.

The Business Wing

Exploration of Sirius
Since many of our mining grounds are used by foreign miners or crowded with hostile pirate scum, we spend a great effort in exploring all corners of Sirius to find new profitable areas to mine. However, sending an Exploration Team in unknown space doesn't equal going for a walk around the block. On the contrary. In the past, we suffered heavy losses due to hostile environments and random attacks of pirates and terrorists we never met before. As a consequence, our survey teams are mostly heavily guarded by fighters or even capital ships.
Yet, the secret dream of our Exploration Teams is to find a calm, habitable place that hasn't been claimed or even mapped by anyone so far. Deep down, we still envy the Zoners for finding Grand Canaria.

Mining Business Analyzes
Some of our more experienced miners (who mostly got garbled due to hostilities) are spending much time behind a desk to analyze the profit of our mining fields. The mining archives already contain decades of field-analyzes from all over Sirius, giving information about profitability in a certain amount of time and hostility of the respective area. Most of the successful exploration teams of ours, were advised by our experienced miners.

Trading Policy's
The main task of the Trading Wing is to sell surplus/mined goods and purchase supplies on the way back to our stations if needed. Commodities we Trade are e.g. minerals (like silver, copper, gold) and liquids/gases we mine (water, oxygen). Other goods produced by our independent society like pharmaceuticals or consumer goods are common commodities as well. However, as we are interested in making money as every one else, we will trade some commodities from the place where we delivered our mined materials to the next location where we need to purchase goods needed on our bases. The principle is easily described with "A->B->C->D", with "A" and "D" being an IMG base.

Armament Industry
Considered a problem child at first, our Armament Industry turned out to be a real wunderkind. Our weapons sold greatly over the last few months. They are famous all over Sirius, for being reliable and far superior to any others. And we successfully cooperated with the Zoners and those Gas Miners on many occasions to create new, profitable products for our customers.
Our analysts prognosticated a constant growth of our new Industry. At this rate, we will be able to build a up a serious defense force in not even two decades!

Business Ranks
The Highest rank always orders the current method to earn a profit. This Includes submission of mining-coordinates to the convoy and determination of the Trade Routes afterwards.

General Administration:
- The common sense of the High Council
- Business Minister

Trading Ranks
- Trader
- Senior Trader
- Adviser of Trading
- Manager of Trading

Mining Ranks
- Miner
- Senior Miner
- Adviser of Mining
- Manager of Mining

Our Business chars are being promoted by a promotion system that ain't that tightly organized as the one of the defense wing. Relevant actions like donations to the bank, frequent participation in (exploring-) events and convoys are logged by the business minister as well as submission of new inRP Trade Routes and Mining Assays. In reference to those data, the Business Minster will promote the pilots of his fleet.

The Defense Wing

Rules of Engagment

In convoy, the main subject is to protect the traders or miners. Conflicts have to be avoided at all costs - light attacks can be tolerated, as long as the whole convoy is still flying in cruise speed. If cruise speed is hindered/disrupted however, the escorts guns and torpedoes shall clear the path with great anger!
Task Forces are only used due to defense operations involving armed conflicts and always have perfectly clear targets. The task-forces' engagement "off-mission" is ordered spontaneously by the commanding officer in the battlefield or on its way to battle, if needed.
Individual crew-pilots are generally ordered to avoid as much losses as possible. They are allowed to defend oneself, but compelled to retreat if possible. We ain't the IND - we just can't afford to loose any ships. In any case, if an ally asks us to, we will support him until the bitter end.


Officers are allowed to give orders to their subordinates. Crew Pilots are only allowed to advise Traders in convoy, if no superior officer is at hand.

Civil Administration
- The common sense of the High Council
- Defense Minister

- Commander (150*)
- Task-Force leader (100*)
- Escort leader (50*)

"Ace" is a special crew-rank, only handed out by the High Council to extremely skilled pilots.

Crew Pilots
- Task-Force Bomber (30*)
- Escort Bomber (20*)
- Task-Force Pilot (10*)
- Escort Pilot (00*)

*promotion points needed

Escort Figher: can escort but not participate in Task-Force operations
Task-Force Fighter: allowed to escort and to participate in Task-Force operations
allowed ships: Viper mk1+2, Tiger Shark, Stinger, Ravens Talon

Escort Bomber: can escort but not participate in Task-Force operations
Task-Force Bomber: allowed to escort and to participate in Task-Force operations
allowed ships: Spatial, civilian and taiidan bomber

Escort Leader: in-charge of his squad of escorts while in convoy - can participate in Task-Force operations (without having authority to give orders if no TFL is around)
allowed ships: all fighters and bombers

Task force Leader: in charge of his squad while on Task-Force missions - can participate and command escort missions
allowed ships: all fighters, bombers and gunboats

Commander: have a guess
allowed ships: Starflier only!


Task-Forces are only being used in organized conflicts and Task-Force exercises of the Defense Wing. The IMG Convoy is the regular formation to be encountered in daily routine. Everyone Is allowed to fly in convoy. Yet, Escort-Ranks are not allowed to participate in Task-Force operations.

Escorted Convoy
- Escort Leader
- Escort Bomber
- Escort Pilot
- Business Vessels

Exploration Team
- Advising Business Rank
- Task-Force Leader
- Task-Force Pilot

Defense Task-Force
- Task-Force Leader / Commander
- Task-Force Bomber
- Task-Force Pilot


We promote our characters with a Promotion Point System. Those Promotion Points will have to be earned by the fallowing actions. But if it comes to our attention that our pilots are violating the rules of engagement in favor of whoring Promotion Points, they will get those Promotion Points they aimed for patched with a minus (successful or not).

For Escorts:
1. Successfully protect a transport/miner.
2. Successful engagement of pirate. You must have either:
- destroyed the pirate (trader off danger) or
- held them off for the trader/miner to get away - regroup alive (not in an escape pod though)

For Task Force pilots:
1. Succesfull execution of Task-Force operations including:
- training exercises, winning wargames for the IMG
- completing missions set by a commanding officer/the High Council
2. Successfully protect transport/miner while it conducts its business if there are no Task-Force missions to be done
3. Successful engagement of enemy (player) vessels
4. Successfully defend IMG space against Outcast and BMM (player) pilots

For task force pilots "succesful" means that you destroy an enemy vessels or make it escape in fear. If you destroy and get destoryed, so died an honorable death, handing out a promotion point will be considered.

For All:
1. Win a IMG stations-ralley
2. Participate in Station Events
3. extraordinary RPing

Zone of Influence

Every System containing an IMG Base is regarded as our
Zone of Influence.
However, Our Convoys and Exploration Teams can be found in all corners of Sirius.

Members of the Independen Miners Guild

Members List]
Actual Members List

Ian (his HC Char owns Cardiff)
Emerlist (his HC Char owns South Shields)
von Gotteshand aka cawd0r (his HC Char owns Holman)
Tenrik (his HC Char owns Falkland)
Iron Cossack
M.E. Charm

[quote=Characters List Wrote:
Characters List

Defense Pilots:

[IMG]Endeavour-Ian - Defense Minister / Member of the High Council (same character, two ships) (ian) (Commanding an Albatross)
[IMG]Hand of Sceiron - Member of the High Council (Emerlist) (Commanding an Albatross)

Escort Pilots:
[IMG]Atlantia-Ian (same character, two ships) (ian)
[IMG]Saracen (Saracen)
[IMG]Iron Cossack (Iron Cossack)
[IMG]Stuart A McFarlane (evilscotsman)
[IMG]Michael Grint (Del)
[IMG]Xanthian (Kintlar)
[IMG]Pepe Garcia (Tenrik)
[IMG]Matthias Fabian (Fabiano)

Business Men:

Senior Miner
[img]Tenrik - Member of the High Council

[img]-Auximines - Business Minister (Emerlist)
[img]Starless Black - Interior Minister (Emerlist)
[img]Manny Reeds (Manny)
[img]Calisto (Ian)

[img]Arthur von Seelenburg - Foreign Minister / Member of the High Council (von Gotteshand)
[img]Xanthian (Same character, two ships) (Kintlar)
[img]James.Sullivin (Sullivan)
[img]Terry.Branigan (M.E. Charm)

Basically, we recruit anybody into any wing. As long as you are able to maintain a decent RP and don't use blasted slashes or smilies when the chat is blue, you will have a nice time in the IMG. Yet, if someone gets blown from the sky's way to often, we hearty recommend him/her to end his/her career as an escort and change his/her fighter with a freighter. Even though we have a profitable armament industry running, we are not the IND, who consists of pure money and can afford to buy a new ship every time some blind fellow gets blown up!

Foreign Relations

NPC Factions]

ALG Waste Disposal


every one else

Blood Dragons
Liberty Rogues

[quote=Player Factions Wrote:




Fleet Pool

- Tiger Shark
- Arrow
- Eagle
- Viper MK I
- Viper MK II
- Ravens Talon
- Stinger
- Spatial
- Civilian Bomber
- Taiidan Bomber
- IMG GB (restricted)
- Talarca Light Cruiser (restricted)
- Battlestar (restricted)
- Albatross (restricted)
- Battlestar Advanced (restricted)

- Camara Freighter
- Trains
- Transporters
- Behemoth
- Borderworld Transporter
- Whale

- Mining Ship
- (if made in next patch)-Single Eared Dudes or Xings Miner
- Armored Transport


- 2 IMG weapons are obligated on every HF and VHF
- Debilitators
- Zoner weapons
- GMG weapons
- Codenames
- All generic weapons and hardware (Torpedoes, Mines etc. - No Inferno though)

ooRP Informations

We use our forum for general coordination. Especially as ambassador of your faction, you are welcome to register and have a bear in our bar before getting serious ;D
Our euro-ammy ratio is almost 50-50, so right now, you won't see more then four of us being online at a time.
But(!) since our faction contains almost every element disco has to offer (mining, trading, escorting even military stuff in the far future), we assume that we will grow quite quickly.
When it comes to RP, we are pretty strict considering system-chat but mostly don't give a bleep about group-chat until some foreign people are invited. Then we start to treat it as system-chat. Most of us are of a rather peaceful nature and would be happy to get things more neutral as they are now, as we can't even fly through Bretonian space without being shot at from all corners. But like any other faction we have one or two hardliners which add a little spice to our political arguments;)
We also hope that people will like our faction-administration, as it doesn't depend on one single leader but a rather small community, that can bear short periods of inactivity of individual members.

We really hope you like it, don't let us hang in the air for like a month until we get approved and join us right away ;D


Where is the cash?!
Read the first line of this post please.

The =CR= already is IMG. Why should I support your faction?
Because they simply ain't IMG. The IMG helped them to settle in Sirius and the CR supported the IMG in return with escorts and technologies. They use IMG Bases and NPCs, since they don't have own NPCs to align with. They even tried to get an own ID once. Tau-44 is only on our "ZoI" as those Bases officially belong to the IMG. But in reality, this place is as much of our concern as omicron 100.

Why do you have tensions with Bretonia?
Ask CNS and the Bretonian Admiralty, sir - not us.

Why is the Behemoth allowed?
Alliance with ALG.

So, right now, you have only two Albatross' and the rest is piloting fighters and traders?
Well, since those two Albatrosses live in different time-zones, we technically have only one BS and the rest is piloting fighters, yes.

Your ship-list is cool! But most of them are Imported!! >:D
*seriously breaks out in tears and runs home*

How shall I comment your faction creation request?
How about: "Awesome! You guys sure look like you grab a bear every time you enter a bar!"

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Reverend Del - 05-04-2008

You've missed the Xeno Alliance off your player faction diplomacy... we should be neutral. Also it seems every member is a part of the high council, surely some mistake... Other than that it looks good. Nicely done.

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Cawdor - 05-04-2008

Added the XA.

The High Council has seven seats. Four have been granted so far.

I Edited the members-list, so it is clearer to see that one is characters list and the other one the actual members list

Edit: Oh you're right! I forgot to delete a headline. Thanks for the heads-up.

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - sovereign - 05-04-2008

Looks good, and y'all have put plenty of work into it. Kudos!

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Cawdor - 05-04-2008

did I mention that we would like to hire some dude named "Wash"?:D

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - globalplayer-svk - 05-04-2008

hm, one thing:

hostile faction: corsairs
neutral pc factions : TBH,OPG,Benitez. they are corsairs.

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Cawdor - 05-04-2008


[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - sovereign - 05-04-2008

I'll have to think about that... then again, I'm not so peachy with the IMG as it stands now, just got most stuff settled to be fine and dandy with most of the unlawfuls... probably should have just shot ZnOs to do that, but meh... I'm only KoS in Kusari and Rheinland, not much of a problem :D

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Cawdor - 05-04-2008

Sov, the magic word is "escort"

just check out our forum and write an application, will ya?

[IMG] Independent Miners Guild - Dusty Lens - 05-05-2008

My name's up there on the member list, so I'll abstain from gesturing wildly with a happy face sign, but I've been watching the proposal buildup from an outside perspective for a long while now and I can safely say that they're an extremely earnest bunch who've worked dang hard to make a truly outstanding IMG faction.

They rock the party, in other words.