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4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Printable Version

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4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Alley - 07-02-2012

there's a bunch of strange issues that rised with the new updates, so I guess it would be easier if we'd have things organised here so the devs can sort it out without having to look all around the forums.

use a header like this, customise it to what seems to be the most relevant (ship, tech nerf, system bug, other)

[color=#FFFF33]TECH NERF[/color]


Special Operative ID nerfs seem to be incorrect. With the ship only it should be 96% core, yet we have 92%. With one type of guns mounted, you fall to 88% but you should be at 92%.

ID : Spec Ops
Ship : Bastet
Weapons : 2X Nomad Cannon, 4x CODENAMES

Aet: Set this way by explicit request of Cannon. All SpecOps fields are set to 96% - choosing more and more groups will put a slight nerf on your power core. Not a bug.


Gallic Junker ID seem to still have it's rephacks messed up. It still hacks you red to Liberty while it should not according to the rephacks chart.

Aet: Checked. It hacks you to neutral/unfriendly, but not hostile. Fixing existing reps is up to the player(s).

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Redon - 07-02-2012


All ships currently docked on a playerbase undock 100K below the sun. The same happens again after relogging, if docked on a playerbase. Very annoying bug.

Aet: Fixed since.

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Bloody Reverb - 07-02-2012


Zoner capital ships with Zoner ID and Zoner guns are nerfed to 10%. Strange thing is, when I docked to another station and undocked it was back to 100%.

Aet: Couldn't reproduce this error.

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Sangria - 07-02-2012


Reaver ID seems to have been rep-hacked by the old diplomacy

They are currently working for the Liberty Rogues, yet they are rephacked red to them.

Aet: Not a bug. There's another thread for requesting regular changes.


Ship: Bayonet

All mounted equipment:
2x Adv. Deb mk II
4x Grand Culv.
1x Mosq. CD

ID: Reavers Co.

According to the chart is should be 100%
Borderworld ship with Gallic weapons,
Yet it has a core of 90%.

Could it be that the BW cell and civilian cell have been swapped by accident?
Since the Eagle is 100% core.

Aet: Looks fixed already

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Am-Sher - 07-02-2012

Game freeze me each 10 mins for 3mins. Doesnt matter, where im, but everywhere freeze me
If i dock to playerbase, sometime after undock im 110k far.
If im in playerbase, game kicked me for base idling, im 110k far as well.
Sometime i cant buy any commodities from base
Servelist is empty, after gamerestart is ok

I tried clear install. Same like before:(

Aet: This suggests there's another program on your computer sucking CPU capacity. Not something we can solve from this end.

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Silver - 07-02-2012

' Wrote:==============

Reaver ID seems to have been rep-hacked by the old diplomacy

They are currently working for the Liberty Rogues, yet they are rephacked red to them.


Ship: Bayonet

All mounted equipment:
2x Adv. Deb mk II
4x Grand Culv.
1x Mosq. CD

ID: Reavers Co.

According to the chart is should be 100%
Borderworld ship with Gallic weapons,
Yet it has a core of 90%.

Could it be that the BW cell and civilian cell have been swapped by accident?
Since the Eagle is 100% core.

Hmm. I remember specifically requesting BW to be 100%.
Try without debs, and let me klnow.

And yes, we need to make a new rep hack request due to the last contract shift.


4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Sangria - 07-02-2012

' Wrote:
Hmm. I remember specifically requesting BW to be 100%.
Try without debs, and let me klnow.

And yes, we need to make a new rep hack request due to the last contract shift.


if it was the guns it would be 91% Kaze.
Serval with GC's and Debs are just fine.

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Charos - 07-02-2012

Player Base - Defense Modules

It looks like the two defense modules (MK II and MK III) which are numbers 9 and 10 on the buildmod index cannot be constructed (It says module is invalid in short).

Aet: Looks fixed - Falster could build them just fine.

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - Sangria - 07-02-2012


The Bottlenose has 155 cargo left with 6 gunboat guns mounted.
for a CAU IV it needs 170 remaining. This was solved in previous updates, with a proper cargo space.

For some reason this was turned back to being unable to mount a CAU IV.
Hence the ship is rendered useless right now.

4.86 update 6 bugs central thread - SpaceTime - 07-02-2012


As I said in this thread:

Golden Chrysanthemums are considered a lawful and legitimate movement in Liberty. That used to be the case even in .85 when there was no rephack and [GC] faction used to travel a lot there. Now with the new rephacks, Liberty lawful factions are automatically repped as hostile.

Simply put, I'm requesting for this to be reversed. I am pretty confident that it was an overlooking over the part of the dev team, and not an official change in the diplomacy between GC and Liberty.