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To: The Benitez Family - Printable Version

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To: The Benitez Family - Landers - 07-02-2012

<<<[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION>>>

[font=Tahoma]<<<[color=#000000]ESTABLISHING VIDEO UPLINK>>>

[font=Tahoma]COMM ID:[color=#33CC00] Alena Krieger

[Image: alena_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg]

[font=Lucida Console]
Guten Tag!

Let me introduce myself. I'm Alena Krieger from the Unioners, I bet you've already heard about us, even had some business with us. I'm not going to bore you as you may have more important things than listening to my message, so straight to the point.

*she clears her throat*

We have hard times in Rheinland and that's bad for business. I need a powerfull, yet agile and small vessel to ensure everything is under our control, yet escaping is not a problem from the military dogs. So, what I'd like to ask, is a "Gladiator - M9 Corsair Heavy Fighter". It'd do the trick and let me do my job. Of course, if you have some business in Rheinland, you can expect our assistance.

*she bites her lips and pushes a button*

[font=Tahoma]<<<[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED>>>

To: The Benitez Family - Landers - 07-03-2012

[font=Tahoma]<<<[color=#000000]RESENDING TRANSMISSION>>>

To: The Benitez Family - Slavik - 07-04-2012

-- Comm ID: Ronaldo Benitez--
-- Video link: not available, voice only transmission--

Your Message has been recieved senora, it will be discussed. It is possible that this will be forwarded to the council of Elders but I can not say that for sure.

You will hear from us,

ciao for now,