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Final trial - Xing - 05-05-2008

//closed rp between me and Jimmy only.

Planet Los Angels
Los Angels Planetary Military Base Langley

Langley base held one of the most advanced simulation unit of the whole Sirius sector. The simulation complex was buried 50 meters underground, and occupied about the equivalent of a 300 meters radius perfect sphere. Of this, 90% of that space was for the simulators engines, cooling units, AI intelligence computers, etc. with only 10%, consisting in a large rectangular room in the middle for the actual users to strap on.

The simulation system was one of the most awesome technological inventions of all time, and very few even knew about it, even though it wasnt a classified project like zone 21. It merely wasnt publicised, and 50 meters deep in the ground, nobody could see it.
That day, Jimmy was hence sent in down for the final part of his land training session to become an official officer and member of the 106th battlegroup.

Many called this the descent to hell because, despite the word simulation having a slight analogy with video game which would make one think fun, the Langley simulator was far from being fun. Capable of simulating to the human mind anything by connecting itself with the brain using a variety of chemical products, the soldier going through it could feel the humidity of rain, the harsh cold of a blizzard storm, the insupportable heat of the Texas sun and of course, pain, in any form, including that of a blaster shot. Of course, the intensity was highly controlled, adjusted as realistically as possible, and only nullified when it was a killing blow, or one which intensity would cause too severe damage to ones body.
And too severe was really hard to achieve sometime

The room for the users was separated in two, one section for those passing their test: this included Jimmy, and a certain other number of sub-lieutenants and lieutenants that were now nervously strapping themselves to their chair, as large visor that covered the whole head attached to them. Technicians moved around, checking if everyone was doing fine, then, administered them a few millimetre of the chemical liquid, connecting them to the machinery interface of the simulator.
The second section that room, were filled with similar persons being prepared, except these were consisted of training officers and, general Kaitlynn: they were playing the bad guys of the simulation, even though the other side had no idea they were going against a veteran member of the 106th. If they only they knew

The image transmitted by the visor, that looked a few second ago very artificial and nearly two dimensional, definitively seemed very realistic

The place was California Minor. The soldiers moved in at a slow pace over the snow-covered planet, in the middle of a snow storm. Objective of the mission was simple: California planetary base L-9 has been invested by terrorist forces. They were to take it back from them.
As such, the flat domed concrete building that was L-9 was just standing in front of the men, visible occasionally as the storm would get a bit softer for a few seconds.


Isabelle was in a completely jet black armour, and so were her men. The colour wasn't very ideal outside in the white environment - and at that, their opponent had the advantage by being in camouflage white armour. Must give a chance, after all... but the black had its reason. Later on, of course. She smiled to the officers, as they looked through a screen the progression of the trainees, sitting in the warm (in simulation anyway) ready room of L-9. The training officers grinned with her. Poor kids, they would have to cross a few hundreds of metres of snow storm without much cover, just to reach the base
Alright men, remember, we are not here to make them fail their test. But we will fight the best we can, so act cool and be accurate.
They picked up the long range weapons that were lying against the wall, as they strapped assault rifle on their back: for the moment, it was going to be a sniping party, after what, it was going to get very dirty

They positioned themselves at strategic position outside over the dome like station, aimed.
Isabelle herself was still standing with a few of the best officers, looking at the whole scene through holocams placed a bit everywhere.
Alright. Remember, we are not here to make them fail, so make your first shots warning ones just shoot very near them, so they get freaked out enough to react. Open fire on my command now!

Outside, lances of red energy bolts were shot toward the position of the trainee with terrifying accuracy, sometime going barely a few millimetres off a leg or an ear It was even more impressive considering the blizzard that was reducing visibility by a lot.

This scenario was really terrible
Isabelle shook her head with amusement, as she and her guards picked up their own weapons, and positioned themselves within the base to greet the trainees.
Oh yeah, they were supposed to lose of course but it was always fun to cook up things a bit.

Final trial - jimmy Patterson - 05-05-2008

*feeling the chill of the air and the panic amungst his men..he steped up out from behind there only peice of cover the landing craft that droped them"ok charlie team.!i want you on the top of this thing counter snipe them its our base our mission is to rewtake and hold the central cluster..we can get support if we drop secondary targets first*he drew them out*the AA defences and various nests need to die!before we tdrop in any vechicles however there to oheavly defended,theres a trehcnline to the north west and south side of the base the back to the mountians our goal is get in those trenches Bravo delta and kappa your with me lambda wil lprovide tech support for various security bypasses(they were all part of theta group),preotect those damn technitions!"*he grabed his mpodified ml16 fliped off the acog scope covers takeing one final look at his info card he yelled" LOCK AND LOAD..SNIPER TEAM AND GUNNERS.... GIVE EM HELL!*of his group there 4 snipers and 2 heavy gunenrs opened up the others also rallied ansd supressed he had theta compeny they had the toughest mission victor and hotel were his support his group in adition to capture the central cluster also had to arest or otherwise nutrilze the enemy leader "hotell push hard right kep em pinend victor your going through the front i got the west" hotell were a smallrecon gropup ment for flanking and monvers victor the brute force branch theta was well versed they had more heavy guns but he would save them later bracketing them he had made his move he waited for his counterpart to call his bluff"one other thing there terrorists they will scare somewhat easly but dont be foooled do your job and we all go home!

Final trial - Xing - 05-05-2008

"sniper one to lead, request orders."
Isabelle smiled, as she saw them pick off one of her own men with their rather blind shot.
"Right, sniper 1 to 6, retreat inside and change for close range rifles. 7 to 11, be careful boys and girls."

As the retreating snipers entered the bunker, Isabelle switched comm to sniper 8;
"Alright Axel, in two minute, one of their team will reach the trench south, if you recall?"
"Yeah, general. Lemme guess, the usual package?"
She smiled, "The usual package indeed. Aim well!"

Outside, the remaining sniper were firing blindly through the storm, hiding themselves using the reinforced concrete of the building as very efficient cover. Their goal wasn't exactly to kill, as much as to cause fear, and make the enemy waste ammunition. And considering how realist the simulation was, despite the best effort of the brain to say "this is not real, no need to be afraid" the mind, more primitive, yelled "you are getting shot at! do something! counter! kill!"


Sniper 8 saw three group - well he beleived it was three, hard to tell from that distance- of soldiers quickly entering the narrow trench. On the real california minor, the trench system, built by the army trainees and extended each year randomly around, was litterally considered the playground in the backyard of L-9.
As such, it made an incredibly complexe maze - some which led directly to the back door of the base. Axel smiled, this was going to be easy...

He left his sniper rifle aside, and took a much heavier, heavy caliber rocket launcher. He verified his ammo case: 6 missiles, 2 already in the launcher, make it 8.
He took position, and aimed, activating the laser pointer - otherwise it was pretty much going to be lame targetting anything in that storm... a storm that was going to bury the trench system at that rate in a matter of minutes!
He concentrated, and fired as he saw something move - it was a white shape, which he recognised was a man in cammo armour. His projectile fired away noisily, and made a small fireball uppon contact with the snow, a loud explosion to be heard...

It was hard to say if he hit anything at all in that smoke... and he didn't want to waste any ammo...


Isabelle stood, panting in the middle of the command room. In its normal state, it would be in a very ordered fashion with its steel desk well aligned one next to another, and computer unit on them. Now, it was a mess, the desks being used as blocade and covert. Ah, classical.
But it took quite some energy to move them around with the help of her men, as steel desk were rather heavy... nonetheless, their opponents wouldn't be crazy enough to try pushing these obstacles away under the fire of their enemy for sure!

She wiped off the sweat on her face, and made a thumb up gesture at her guards, who were now scattered accross the command center, rifles at the ready. It was going to be a long wait, but they will stand ready.
Isabelle took her helm, and put it on her head, tapped it twice to open the comm channel;
"all snipers except 8, retreat in and cover the entrances! make up blocades with anything heavy you find around to slow them down."

Final trial - jimmy Patterson - 05-05-2008

*seeing the snipers retreating he saw that his bluff ws called he also saw a rocket catch 3 of his men or it missed it was hard to see"ok ...MORTERS UP! GUNNERS READY....FIRE!*the bruite force of victor squad did as commanded there rear lines fireing ferice 40 60 and even the odd 80 mm morter blast on the base* KAPPA DELTA BRAVO..THETA GROUP...CHARGE!*his fire teams riushed foreward easly breaching a section of wal lwhich now lay in rubble the morters were mainly ment to scatter them inside and cause disorder
alpha his squad breached a busted wall of a compels he actvated his comm his visor in place"victor close in move up hotell thanks for the distraction lambda blind themand cut power*the base went dark it was now his groups turff... the real fight about to begin jimmy knew that this test was more of a "welcome to the 106th tradation more so then a test but it would determin if he made captian in 2 months or 2 years he wasent to worried yet knew he had to be smooth and precise*

Final trial - Xing - 05-05-2008

"That was rather awkward." Isabelle said, as she looked intently on her datapad, switching from one holocam to another to see the situation. The trainees entered the section with a mortar that, by some wicked luck, managed to weaken an older portion of the armoured concrete.
"Right, sniper 8, forget that, come back in with the rifle."
"Yes general."
She looked around, as sudenly all light fell off.
Everyone on Isabelle's team grinned. Oh, the trainees just made it worse for them...
The jet black armour was now at their advantage, while the reflective white armour of the invaders made them beacons in the darkness.
"Right, defender squad, strike at them from the darkness!"
"Aye, general."

From the shadow, the black clad soldiers moved forward like ghosts, their blaster pistols ready... Defender one and two, who went immediately for the power source, saw the group responsible for cuttinger power. They remained silent, as they hid in corners of the wall, waiting for them to pass - which they did. They came out of the darkened corners, and shot in rapid succession with the powerful pistols: these didnt had many ammo, nor much range, but fired quick explosive single shots. Deadly for assasinations, something darkness allowed easily.
"Move move move!!", they didn't checked if their targets died, their goal was to scatter the enemy into disorderly retreat, as they moved to the next group, leaving the previous one to run wild in the corridors of the base...

On other sectors, it wasn't as smooth, as heavy rifles unleashed thousands of bolts in a thunderous storm of noises, deafening the environment. It was a deadly combat, which left many rolling on the floor, moaning in pain. Strangely, despite the black armoured troopers actually gaining the upperhand, they all seemed to retreat toward the core of the base...

Isabelle looked at the holocams, satisfied.
"Alright guys, now' our turn! Arm these rifles!"
they stood, guns loaded and themselves hiden behind the massive table of steel...

Final trial - jimmy Patterson - 05-05-2008

*inside the base jimmy issued two suprising commands clearly inview of the hollrecorder*"games over ,theta group secondary armor now"the grunts stripped off there ehavier primary aremor for there lighter pink under armor it was not as Durable but made the slightly harder to see as ironicly belive it or not pink was harder to see in the dark then black(not by much a miniscule diffrence at best) and fliped on there night vision "lambda... blind em the holocams faded all but the ones needed to evaluate gsquads 3-4 flank around youll push em our way support 4-6 set up your big guns alpah team move move*he poped off a burst as 3 guards ran by not thinking that his team had been as per special request given night vision he was stil lfar off from the central command but he now had a command center of his own..."all teams hold for there counter attack alpha your with me well be the tip of the spear"alpha was an advanced commando team a few lsf dropouts excelling in stealtyh and the silent kill they pressed foreward there goal the comms center there were 6 they would hope to end wioth 6.....

Final trial - Xing - 05-05-2008

Defender 3 and 4, the other two of the squad, moved forward, their pistol drawn. Expert in shooting, the four member of Defender, along with general Kaitlynn, and sniper 8, were in fact the only members of the 106th in the whole training exercises. As such, their movements were fast and stealthy. These two were now moving toward the command center, eliminating everything on their sight along with defender 1 and 2 which moved on another corridor: sandwiching the enemy to force them to rush all together forward in disorderly way...

Sniper 8, efficiently, awaited, his rocket launcher still on his shoulder. Despite being at the far end of a coridor, blocked by multiple rumble and blocade objects, he saw clearly through his electronically enhancced visor...
He took out the rocket of the launcher, and mounted on it a strange metallic armour, before re-inserting it in the weapon.
"This is not going to be enjoyable..."
He pushed the trigger, as the projectile fired away in a violent blast...


The four defender ran as soon as they heard the trigger being pulled, having forced-retreated their enemy in the single corridor...

Where sniper 8' rocket awaited them, sending them flying against the walls violently. The goal, again, wasn't to kill as many as possible, but to disable.

Defender 1 to 4 and sniper 8 suddenly saw their comm link red light blink. They grinned: their job in the simulation were over: they disappeared from the program.


The shooting began, outside from the control room, as the first guardians fired their shot with their rifles, shooting at leg level. Now that the enemy was that close to their objective, it was time to give the ultimate show...

their pink armor wasnt easily sighted, but the special light-nullifying black armour they wore were equally efficient. However, without the night vision visors, they shot blindly round after round at everything that moved, probably occasionally picking off enemies.

Once these guard eliminated, the real combat begun... shots burned in the desk, sometime through the desk, as quick shot were exchanged at will. Isabelle frowned in concentration, looking through the visor of her rifle, picking off enemies by doing perfect headshots: her harsh training allowed her such focus even in the middle of a battle.
She couldn't help but feel a certain pride as the enemy - or rather, the not-enemy began taking upper hand finally...

Final trial - jimmy Patterson - 05-06-2008

*jimmy was getting headshots as well through the scoipe of his rifle and his night vision gvisor enhancment he gdroped them somewhat easly tho the laser flashs sometimes worked agenst him*:heads down use there own cover agenst them!"*he saw a distinct set of lights aiming his way he sighted in on it and noticed something alarming...he saw the genenrals helm in her own muzzle flare he was shocked not expecting this he shouted again knowing she most likely saw him too"another loss huh make that what 3 in your carrer?!*the other light fell sllent his teams fell ilent as well apprenly either coms were all offlined or him and the genenral were the last two standing of the few men he had he gave a final command and figured she would do the same"hold fire! the leaders mine*he stood partly showing that he had holsted his pistol as his primary was out of ammo after the last 3 shots"well shall we settle this mano el mano or do you give up.. you cant lie or deny the fact that your at the same ammo count as me a pistol with say one clip mabye a half clip i noticed youve stoped fireing your whats it gonna be my men wil lnot interfere if yours dont..."he cracked his knuckles waiting for a response he perped for what would be either a quick surrender or arguably his most intense hand to hand fight ever... as the lights came back opn as he had planed.*

Final trial - Xing - 05-06-2008

Isabelle stood up, and threw away her rifle...
And threw away her two concealed blasters from under her arm's armour plate, with a little smile. They were fully loaded.
"Alright men. Stand aside."
She took off her helm, showing her face for the first time, indeed confirming she was general Kaitlynn - although the unique feminine shape of her armour plates and the five stars on her breast plate made that point rather obvious.
Her cyan eyes looked at Jimmy with a certain amusement, as if wondering if he was doing this merely because they were close to each other. Though, she didn't said that openly.
Isabelle continued to strip away her armouring, finally only leaving her in the light martial suit that never seemed to leave her (and attracted the attention of about every male everywhere she went to), and assumed fighting pose. She nodded slightly to show she was ready, and initiated combat first we are quick punch from the side...
It missed, though Jimmy would realise it was mere diversion. She stepped aside, and with a quick thrust of her lower body, was by his side in a mere second. The younger man attempted to counter, though she blocked easily with her arm. Isabelle used her leg and left arm instead to make him fall, followed by a quick kick that sent her opponent flying off against a desk.
No time wasted, she jumped toward him again, and punched him in the belly succesively, before jumping out of range, reloading her stamina. There was no point in continuing hitting, as if she lost her speed, she would become immediately vulnerable to Jimmy, who was much more massive than she was - hence, her only advantage relied on speed and agility.

She was now standing over one of the desk, breathing slightly faster, as she stood ready for the counter attack, letting both herself and Jimmy recuperate.

Now that she unleashed her first succesful assault, she wondered how Jimmy would perform, as she hardened her body, ready to take a beating if necesary, entering defencive stance...

Final trial - jimmy Patterson - 05-06-2008

*though he stil lhad light plateing on he kicked up bowed humbly and droped his under armor his BDUS now showed for his size he was remarkbly fast tho just under that the genral he would have to act fast relying on the blackbelt skills his mother had tauight him"and so it begines"the men watched in awe he ran at her a mid lewvel flying kick sending her back into a desk as well he picked her up going for a graple ,what follwe d next was an intracate set of counters both hitting the other tho moderatly this lasted for what looked like for 5 minutes both breathing slightly faster he poke again"as you can see oim not your avrage traineee ive had mhand to hand training as you can tell,and from the looks of it were either evin or holding back,well then lets end this"he clashed at her again a switf seris of punches hitting gher gut and ribs he leg sweped her went to punchher but she kicked him off and again they stood in a standoff,he cracked his neck and replyed jokeingly" well now that trhe warm ups over lets get it on shal lwe"and droped into a low guard aptly named the "dragon stance""your move isabelle"*he motioned her to come at him with 3 movments from his hand*