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Acc Banned - Printable Version

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Acc Banned - Vredes - 07-02-2012

So i buged in some of the weapon_equip and now 2 of my accs are banned
what could i do?


Acc Banned - Vredes - 07-02-2012

I just got auto-banned, Cannon a little help mabye?

Acc Banned - Vredes - 07-02-2012

Ursus i see you are vewing my topic. Say something smart because the accs were kinda important.

Acc Banned - bloogaL - 07-02-2012

Post here:

Acc Banned - Vredes - 07-02-2012

' Wrote:Post here:


Acc Banned - Ursus - 07-02-2012

' Wrote:Say something smart
dont mess with INI files on the public server, the anti-cheat will get ya :nono:

you can mess with them on your own server, and you can do things like rename ALE files, but that's about it:rtfm:

admins will probably restore things dont freak out :laugh:

Acc Banned - ssc - 07-02-2012

Yeah, Server Admins, not Game Admins, Server admins can fix it, so no problem, just dont post a reply to your own post with in a 5 minute window. It can be considered Spam.