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To: The Junker Congress - Printable Version

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To: The Junker Congress - The Liberty Rogues - 07-03-2012

[Image: 264pxlrlogo.png]

Greetings Friends,

I have a monstrous

Task that I think that

Only you can fulfil for us.

Please find enclosed in this


Our requirements to be dropped

Off to our shipyard in Cassini.

Give me a quote as soon

As you can please.


To: The Junker Congress - Junker Congress - 07-03-2012

[Image: feUU8.png]

We have received your transmission and downloaded your attachment. This is a fairly large order but we are more than capable of handling it.
Now as for a quote on payment for said deliveries that is still being reviewed. We will need to evaluate the cost of these items. Of course we will also factor in what your commodities broker at the station is paying.

Once we know all these details we can work out a suitable payment that both of us should feel is fair.

I do need to contact you over private channels about another matter before we can get to work.

~Transmission ends~

To: The Junker Congress - Junker Congress - 07-04-2012

[Image: feUU8.png]

Ok after a long discussion with several members and even a few other Junkers we've run into a snag.

The problem is the Reavers and their murderous acts against us. Just recently we received a report from an independent Junker who was attacked and destroyed in Liberty. This same group has destroyed ships flown by Congress members and from my own fleet.

Word is that you have a contract with this group.

Can you confirm this?

Transmission open

To: The Junker Congress - Junker Congress - 07-06-2012

[Image: feUU8.png]

While waiting for your response we have been contacted by the Reavers directly. Seems they do have an arrangement with you.

So now I must know.. Are they killing us on your behalf?

still waiting

To: The Junker Congress - Widow - 07-06-2012

[Image: ruby4.png]
  • [font=Arial][color=#000000]

    Ah, James Trenton...
    A good looking Junker if I ever saw one.
    But a man of so little faith,
    Ask yourself.. Why would we destroy business like that?

    Call it business.

    The Reavers were offered a deal,
    One you wouldn't expect.
    A deal to get them to stop killing,
    And to leave the Congress alone.

    *Smirks* No need for thanks.

    If they don't keep their word..
    We want to know,
    After this little... Contract.
    They have a lot to loose.

    Primarily, a place to base from in Liberty.

    This did both of us a favour.
    Because simple matter of fact is,
    Getting killed will effect the delivery of the supplies we ordered.
    Can't have that now.. Can we, love?


    You are cute.
    Care for a drink?

[Image: rubyrh.png]
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To: The Junker Congress - Junker Congress - 07-06-2012

[Image: feUU8.png]

Hello Ruby.. I guess you know already flattery will get you everywhere!

Yes my faith is in short supply these days. Can never be too careful as to who's gunning for us.

While working with you we may make you privy to information that might allow you to know our locations or destinations.

That being the case your little pests could find us easily.

If they say they will cease and desist all attacks on Congress from now on I will consider this arrangement acceptable.

Nothing will ever pay back all they have done to us. Still I do look towards the future and if it means safety for Junkers everywhere.
Well.. when it comes to the Reavers then I accept and will begin moving your goods immediately.

Even with us will being allowed to do our job.
We do speak on the behalf of all the Junkers throughout Sirius.
Unaffiliated Junkers as well as the Congress are equally important to us.
In fact there are several "indy" Junkers we employ to complete tasks for the Congress regularly.

They must be allowed to work as well. If its Junker.. leave it alone.

The Reavers need to stay out of scanner range of us. We don't want to see them or them seeing us. Some of your items are not goods we would not want to be seen with. Even worse is having those backstabbing mercenaries looking into our holds.

Great to hear from you as always.
Sure a drink sounds nice.. whered you want to meet?

To: The Junker Congress - Widow - 07-06-2012

[Image: ruby3.png]
  • [font=Arial][color=#000000]

    Flattery does get people places
    and girls what they want..
    But that's not how I'm playing this.
    You really do interest me....


    I understand that there is... sensitive information
    In where you are going and who you are going there with.
    And I get that you need to be careful with who you trust.
    One slip of the tongue can end you up in Sugarland, right?

    Or better yet.. Dead.

    As for your Junker friends outside the Congress,
    Talks are under-way as I send this,
    To determine their fate in Liberty.
    You will be notified of the outcome..

    I'm sure you understand the delicate nature of the situation...

    As for a drink,
    Freeport Two
    Its my favourite bar.
    Meet you there.

[Image: rubyrh.png]
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