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Greetings to All - Printable Version

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Greetings to All - Iriandor Vidan - 05-05-2008

Hi there, I have been playing Freelancer for about four years now, and am just now discovering this server. I have been playing the 88 Flak mod for awhile, and it was tough. As I am posting this, I have yet to log on and am a complete newbie as such. I will as soon as I am done with this post. I hope I have a good time.

Also, if you want a shorter version of my name, just call me IV. Not the number, the letters. In one sound.

One more thing, if someone could direct me to an area where I could post my character's backstory? I perused the RP forum, but am unsure where to post it.

Greetings to All - kindred - 05-05-2008

Welcome to discovery, take a few minutes to browse the thousands of rules and have fun! :laugh:

Greetings to All - Tarkis - 05-05-2008

Welcome to Discovery, IV.

There is a character biographies section somewhere...i'll go find it then link it here for you.

Edit: Here it is: Character Biographies

Greetings to All - beander2 - 05-05-2008

Or, you could just follow the link to Tarkis' biography and post in that sub-forum...:D

Welcome, IV - contribute to the community and have a great time.

Edit: Darn - his edit beat my post...

Greetings to All - Vero - 05-05-2008

Welcome to discovery.
Before you spend any time on the server read through the rules thoroughly. They are a bit different than you might find elsewhere. Also read this post for more useful info: Xoria's thread for Disco Rookies

Have fun. See you in space.

Greetings to All - Athenian - 05-05-2008


Tried 88 Flak myself. Unbalanced.

Disco rules.

Be sure to visit sunny Bretonia.

Greetings to All - Boss - 05-06-2008

Welcome! As you may have noticed, we're all a bit looney here. Comes with being RP addicts:P