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Makc's personal blogs - Printable Version

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Makc's personal blogs - Makc_RU - 07-05-2012

This is going to be my personal blog area. Lets see how much motion can this cause.

Makc's personal blogs - sindroms - 07-05-2012


Makc's personal blogs - Daedric - 07-05-2012

Depends, do you sleep on a water bed. I do and when I do a belly flop on it, oh jesus, the motion it causes.

Makc's personal blogs - Makc_RU - 07-05-2012

Entry 1.

Dear blog,

here i am, sitting in my comfortable chair and thinking about life. How smart and great I am. Wow, i think i am getting full of myself in my greatness. My mind works in a twisted way, showing me that i can deliver heat straight to the point. Trolls, be aware of my wits, i am here to show you whats up.

Makc's personal blogs - Makc_RU - 07-05-2012

Well, we can just add those numbers together. Zelot showed his weakness, locking my thread with just:), wtf is that support to mean? A funny way of showing me who is the daddy? I say NO.

Makc's personal blogs - Aphil - 07-05-2012

Entry 1.

Dear blog,

I think I've just met the best looking most talented most awesome person in the whole wide internet. He's just too good looking, I think his name is Makc_RU.

[Image: ljyRd.jpg]

I want him, right now. I don't care that I'm straight, for him I will change I promise. I hope he notices me. <3

Makc's personal blogs - Makc_RU - 07-05-2012

Thank you for the compliment. I know i am a bad ass.

Makc's personal blogs - Tabris - 07-05-2012

God I havn't seen something so horrifying since the movie Junior...:P

Makc's personal blogs - Thyrzul - 07-05-2012

' Wrote:Entry 1.

Dear blog,

here i am, sitting in my comfortable chair and thinking about life. How smart and great I am. Wow, i think i am getting full of myself in my greatness. My mind works in a twisted way, showing me that i can deliver heat straight to the point. Trolls, be aware of my wits, i am here to show you whats up.

' Wrote:Wow, nice ego here.

Makc's personal blogs - sindroms - 07-05-2012

I demand more zoners in your title.