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To: Union Corse [UC) - Printable Version

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To: Union Corse [UC) - 141 High Command - 07-05-2012

[Image: 6zc5zva8ej4.png]
[Image: Phelan.jpg]

Gut evening members of zhe Union Corse,

My name is Enrico Davids, Commaner of order taskforce One Four One. I think you may know what zhis means.
Due to ein recent...situation in our hom, I might need your help to get some information about zhe Gallic Navy.
Attached you will find evidence, zhat some part of it somehow got to know of zhe Order.

My request regarding is, zhat you are maybe able to get information about zhe reason for it.

Nun, if you can, I would appreciate it.

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

//well, that situation was rather oorp, somehow want to make rp about it, ok?

To: Union Corse [UC) - Teerin - 07-06-2012

Incoming Transmission
[Image: 33f4wet.jpg]

I am sorry to inform you that my source had no information on this raid on Omicron Mu.

In these photos you have shown me, these ships have no tags in their shipname. Although this is not uncommon, perhaps they are working independently, as that would explain why my source knows nothing of it.

I shall keep you informed.

To: Union Corse [UC) - Exdeathevn - 07-06-2012

[Image: TransArek2.png]

Bonjour, monsieur Davids. Allow me to clarify the General's response and share some more recent information.

We have been keeping our eyes on everything within Gallia and the nearest regions of Sirius; And most recently, ever since the breach into Sirius that is, there
have been... more solitary actions, taking place amongst the Royal Navy. These "Independant" forces answer under what you'd call a Secondary fleet, oui;
But there may in fact be a tertiary fleet we are not aware of.

We have watched the way between the sectors with concern. Whilst the Royal Navy actively use the Orkney breach, we believe a few within the GRN itself may
have discovered the... alternative exit, s'il vous plaît. Very few of Les Resistance factions access this route unless in urgency due to the Outcast presence, but
its possible that the Royalists have begun to utilize this access point. I shall be keeping an eye on the path for the time being.

Unfortunately monsieur, I cannot disclose the information regarding this path itself; You will have to ask the Council as they have the most detailed information on
the Gallia/Sirius access ways.

Fortune favor you.
-Commandant. Arek Maxim,
L'Unione Corse

To: Union Corse [UC) - Exdeathevn - 07-06-2012

[Image: TransArek2.png]

Bonjour again, monsieur Davids and 141. Consider this a re-transmit, albeit, with some new and, rather more urgent, information.

We have reason to believe the Royalists are aware of the alternative exit and access route between Gallia and Sirius. Furthermore, after consulting
General Logarus, we have reason to believe that the two ships which invaded your territory have been repaired since; They may be planning further
incursions into the Omicrons, with greater numbers.

The attached files are confirmed guncam-images from within the proximity of the jumphole to Sirius. We lost transmission with the pilot shortly after
we received these, however, and have no more information than this. They know of the alternate exit route. And there is a possibility they will strike again.

I have reason to believe two of the identified Valor-class ships present were involved in the incident, non? Unfortunately this is
all the information we can provide on this matter at this time.

Fortune favor you.
-Commandant. Arek Maxim,
L'Unione Corse

Attached Identifier Guncam images:

To: Union Corse [UC) - 141 High Command - 07-07-2012

[Image: 6zc5zva8ej4.png]
[Image: Phelan.jpg]

Greetings Herr Maxim, Commander Davids hier.

Thank you for zhis most interesting information. Looks like we have to send out ein wing of agents to have ein look around zhere.
Meanwhile I will make sure zhat zhe Order is appropriately briefed about zhis issue. Next time we will send nice little boxes.

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]