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To: Patriots and Benefactors - Printable Version

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To: Patriots and Benefactors - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 07-07-2012

[Image: 297px-Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_K...t).svg.png]

To the noble patriots of Bretonia and proud benefactors abroad, this notice serves as an official declaration of the Bretonian colonisation of the Planet Sprague, located within the Snowdown system of the Near Omega sectors. This settlement is lawfully and legally approved via an Act of Law approved through the Bretonian Parliament of the Realm, and ratified by the Queen, the Prime Minister, the Lord Royal, the Admiralty Board and other relevant Parties and Entities.

The execution of the Colonisation and Settlement of Sprague Act, 819 is to be conducted by agents of the Bowex Colonial Authority and BMM Colonial Board and overseen by the Sprague Administrative and Growth Initiative (SAGI). Following the initial establishment of sufficient infrastructure and support facilities, a significant population of Bretonian settlers is to be introduced to the colony. The Crown will be distributing sign-up forms for colonial settlement to the residents of Leeds shortly.

The Crown is opening this Grand Endeavour to outside investment, allowing those of patriotic inclination and entrepreneurial aptitude the ability to assist the Kingdom with this proud undertaking. The Monarchy and the Realm have a long memory, and make note of those who lend their support during trying times. Together we can bring about a golden age of Defiance against the invading Scourge and pillaging barbarians. Together, we can bring civilisation and security to the barren frontier!

Make your mark on Sirius' legacy!
Purchase War Bonds and Colony Bonds today!
Investment bond transfers are to be wired to the Sprague neural address:
[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]

[color=#666666]+++Replies to this transmission channel will be heavily monitored by the Ministry of Defence, and will be annulled and/or blacklisted for violations of the Wartime Powers Act, Wartime Information Act, Neural Communications Act or infringements of Bretonian criminal/civil law.+++

To: Patriots and Benefactors - Irwin - 07-07-2012


[color=#663300]Dear Bretonian Government, I am the legendary Dink Smallwood, yes, you heard right, Dink Smallwood, the Shooter of Rocks and Mollies, Feeder of Babies, Confuser of Commies, Knight in the Making, Assistant Saviour of Bretonia!

Upon receiving the news that the colony project was open to donations, I found as much money as I could to assist in the development of the realm. Unfortunately, I was only able to get one billion credits towards this, I hope it helps.

[Image: I%20MADE%20IT%20LOOK%20SOMEONE%20PUDRY%2...20LIKE.png]

I've also told all of the Smallwood's Big Club members to send as much as they can in donations, though I'm not sure how much (if any) will come from them. I hope to be able to do even more for the colony project soon!

Sincerely, the legendary Dink Smallwood.

To: Patriots and Benefactors - Interspace - 07-08-2012

[Image: ictbtop.png]
Comm ID - Bridgette Meyers
Subject - War Bonds

Delegates of the Colonial Authority,

It is truly heartwarming to see a nation that is as dedicated to helping it's people in a time of crisis as yours. While the near Omegas are not the safest place in the galaxy, especially with the recent rumors circulating from that area, it is surely much better then living in a war zone. Despite the troubles your great Kingdom faces Bretonian War Bonds have always maintained an high credit rating as banks and investors alike maintain great confidence in your government to maintain control no matter what scourges may descend upon it. To that end, Interspace Commerce is pleased to announce the immediate purchase of One Billion SC worth of war bonds to support the colonization efforts. We see this as an initial investment in making sure that the people of Leeds have a home and a future free from conflict to look forward to. Should you require additional funds, Interspace would be more then willing to acquiesce.

On behalf of our Board of Directors I would also like to volunteer our shipping department to deliver whatever goods Snowdown may need in the coming months. In their travels throught Sirius they have come across a number of new technologies and methods that could be introduced to Bretonian space not only to speed up colonization, but to revolutionize the economy as well. Such things are perhaps best discussed over private communiques though and we would hope you would be willing to take some time to discuss them. Interspace also has a respectable force of professional escorts and mercenaries that could be deployed to assist in defending the area, so that the Armed Forces do not have to move any units off the front lines. Until then, I sincerely hope that these credits can make a difference in the lives of some innocent people.

[Image: sprague.png]

Bridgette Meyers
Vice President for Capital Investments, Interspace Commerce

To: Patriots and Benefactors - Bowex - 07-09-2012

To: Sprague Colonial Authority.
From: Crown Services Liaison Suzann Sanders.
RE: Investment bonds.
[Image: KingsCrossLogoNoText.png]
In addition to the statutory funding required by the Settlement of Sprague Act, 819, the DO and CEO of Bowex and BMM has authorised an additional fund transfer into investment bonds as a good-will gesture. This transfer was authorised on behalf of the Crown Services group, under the stipulation that it be used to facilitate matters of security on-site and throughout the system. It is believed this investment can subsidise the overall well-being of the colonial project.

[Image: Freelancer2012-07-1100-11-13-64.jpg]