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The List, with reason - Printable Version

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The List, with reason - ssc - 07-09-2012

Ok, Ive been going through the Wiki of ships that, personally I think need a replacement or changed in some way. I know some will agree and others still rant on that it doesn't need a change. List isnt huge, so not alot got on the list. Here is it:
  • Civilian Shuttle
  • Gitano
  • Sea Serpent
  • TigerShark
  • Raven's Talon
  • Moldy Crow
  • Bulldog
  • Waran
  • BHG Bomber
  • Civilian Freighter
  • Pirate Transport
  • Akegata
  • Firefly Transport
  • Perilous - Council Gunboat
  • Hel
  • Vidar
  • Obstinate - Council
Some are the Council ships, too similar to GRN and should emit a feeling that isnt GRN-style. Some are obvious, others arent. The Sea Serpent is one that isnt obvious and needs a change to a differnet model or something similar, but with different characteristics. Anyway, that my list.

The List, with reason - shcore22 - 07-09-2012

BH Bomber.. hmm ... DONT TOUCH IT !

The List, with reason - Hell Hunter - 07-09-2012

BHG Bomber is fine
Sea Serp is fine
and you cant change sea serp its a vanilla ship
P trans is fine

Vidar + Hel is fine
most of the ones you list is fine

Not everyone has to like what you like. And they kinda have to follow a ship design pattern or atleast suit the theme. So yeah.

The List, with reason - shcore22 - 07-09-2012

' Wrote:BHG Bomber is fine
Sea Serp is fine
and you cant change sea serp its a vanilla ship
P trans is fine

Vidar + Hel is fine
most of the ones you list is fine

Not everyone has to like what you like.

BHG Bomber is fine?.. it is perfect :crazy:

DELETE - SnakThree - 07-09-2012


The List, with reason - Hell Hunter - 07-09-2012

council ships are MENT to look like GRN ones
They're the old versions of it, it says in infocard >.>

The List, with reason - sindroms - 07-09-2012

Why fix which is not broken in the first place?

The List, with reason - ssc - 07-09-2012

Change should happen, plus, I dont see anyone using the BHG Bomber. And when I mean changes, I mean either Model or Texture changes, like the Pirate Transport, just remove the Liberty Rogue emblem on it so its universal for freelancing pirates and maybe others. Man, some of you guys sure have a closed mind. Not gonna kill ya to open the possiblities.

DELETE - SnakThree - 07-09-2012


The List, with reason - EisenSeele - 07-09-2012

You're entitled to your opinion. It's in my opinion that none of these ships require changing :|

As to your comment about GRN ships and Council ships being similar as a bad thing, keep in mind that the Council operates using old ships that used to be in the GRN :|