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Hey guys - lw'nafh - 07-09-2012

I've been acting like a twat.

Like, no really.

This is especially extended to the Coalition, including people in the indie chat. I'm not going to write a novel, Hell, you've all seen the raving Reid and I have done (though I can't speak for him, I sure as hell can speak for myself). Soru guys, it's really not behaviour suited to a member of an official faction.

Alvin! You've been great to me, really. I've said some... unsavoury things over the past week. You, nor anybody else deserved that - a symptom of my mentality lately, I guess. It all ties into the SCRA| stuff really, though I shouldn't let it get to me that much.

DRV. Yes, I haven't forgot you there. You've been trying to come to me for a bit of understanding and you haven't really found it. Between sorting things out, raging madly and trying to do other things to relax, I've kinda found myself unable to respond to you with anything particularly meaningful or helpful.

Igor. Yupyup, I figure I owe you a bit of an apology too. I was acting just as bad toward you as I thought you were to us. It was lame, 'nuff said. Soru.

Rawr. I've been a bit... well, overwhelming to say the least. I get like that a lot, I can be hyper, annoying, spazzy, and then I can go into epic moodswing mode. p__q

YUMPINK YONRES. That stuff today left me in a pretty crappy mindset, so y'all also ended up having to tolerate Reid and I flipping our lids. Sorry guys, 'specially Spaz.

Basically, I've been letting Freelancer get to me too much lately, like I did before I left (at which point Joe pointed out to me just how much of a twit I was being). I couldn't exactly say why, honestly. It could come down to any number of things, but it doesn't really matter what - what really matters is my behaviour and how absolutely appalling it has been toward the community at large. I'm wondering if I should go on another long-term hiatus or something like that, which is a shame really, because it feels like I've only been back a few weeks. So much has changed - not only between 4.85 -> 4.86 - but since I began my career as a lurker back in 2006. Everything stresses me easier, nothing feels quite as fun as it used to be. It feels as if people have forgotten the spirit of the community - myself included...

... And I know I may not act like it sometimes but...

... I still <3 you guys.


Hey guys - Dubstep - 07-09-2012

I wasn't deliberately acting bad towards you, which is why some of your words came as a surprise to me :laugh:

But, it's np either way, so no need for apologies. Stuff happens [Image: emoticon-0126-nerd.gif]