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Have you ever been sanctioned? - Printable Version

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Have you ever been sanctioned? - looqas - 05-08-2008

I'm interested to see the results. Complete anonymity guaranteed;)

A lot of people seem to have gotten a hang of things by the hard way, but how many are clean as a last night's snow?

On a more psychological side: How did getting sanctioned make feel you?

Personally I have kept a clean sheet so far.

Have you ever been sanctioned? - Tarkis - 05-08-2008

I'm pretty cautious so...
Luckily i have yet to be sanctioned, and i plan to keep it that way.

i wonder how many people will post after voting that they have been sanctioned...

Have you ever been sanctioned? - looqas - 05-08-2008

I would. No real shame in it if you have corrected your ways after it. People make mistakes and a lot of sanctions are gotten through ignorance if the sanctions thread is anything to go by.

Have you ever been sanctioned? - sn!p3r - 05-08-2008

Sanctioned 3 times, not to mention a few in game warnings by admins. But you learn from your mistakes, not a big deal really, i was quite the noob then, and that was the past, i've learnt a lot since then;)

Have you ever been sanctioned? - frozen - 05-08-2008

ive never been sanctioned before, got a clean record ere thankfully, and plan to keep it that way as well:P

Have you ever been sanctioned? - Jinx - 05-08-2008

not sanctioned, but its easier not to violate any rules when you re not in a fighting/pvping faction. those who do more, do more wrong - and those that just idle cannot do wrong. so its not really an indicator of who is good and who is bad.

i wouldn t point a finger at anyone who was sanctioned. a sanction is meant to learn something from it. - once the sanction is done, that player should considered to be clean.

ps.: i have been banned several times cause the console kicked me for unknown reasons - or reasons like using the cargo slider and putting more items on my ship than is allowed, due to lag.

Have you ever been sanctioned? - Clayph - 05-08-2008

Never sanctioned. But it was mainly because of kindness of people who
saw me breaking rules and I always had a crazy explanation for it.. :$

Like long time ago I landed with full tagged and repped Corsair GB on Cambridge
in front of fpsdoug and Sleipnir on their BPA.. :lol:

Have you ever been sanctioned? - Laowai - 05-08-2008

My cap ship flying scalp has never been sanctioned....

actually, i probably should have been when i first arrived, i knew the rules but wasn't too familiar previous server Role play....

Have you ever been sanctioned? - Zavier - 05-08-2008

Been here nine months and been in as many factions and as well as several groups.

Never been warned.
Never been sanctioned, planning on keeping it that way!

Have you ever been sanctioned? - n00bl3t - 05-08-2008


But it's bound to happen one day.:P(Jokes)

Hopefully not in future either.