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Changing Operating System (Freelancer Issue) - Printable Version

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Changing Operating System (Freelancer Issue) - HeeyFreelancer - 07-13-2012


I am going to change my operating system from Windows 7 32 bit to Windows 7 64 bit. How can I keep my 4.86 accounts / ships / money / data ? How can I transfer this to 64 bit ?


DELETE - SnakThree - 07-13-2012


Changing Operating System (Freelancer Issue) - HeeyFreelancer - 07-13-2012

4.86 doesn't use FAM anymore

Changing Operating System (Freelancer Issue) - Markus_Janus - 07-13-2012

Discovery Launchpad?

Changing Operating System (Freelancer Issue) - HeeyFreelancer - 07-13-2012

I don't use the FAM anymore, it doesn't work with 4.86 in my opinion.
But I dont know the name : Discovery Launchpad.

But If I don't use FAM than it should be the launchpad

Changing Operating System (Freelancer Issue) - Zukeenee - 07-13-2012

' Wrote:4.86 doesn't use FAM anymore
Yes it does. You might be thinking of the Freelancer Mod Manager, or FLMM, which Disco no longer uses. FAM means Freelancer Account Manager, which can be found here. It's handy tool that lets you store and switch Freelancer accounts.

Alternatively, you can use the Discovery Launchpad, located here. It does the same stuff as FAM, and then some.

You can use the "export" function in either program to make a .adf file of your Freelancer account(s). Keep that file, upgrade your OS, reinstall FAM or Launchpad, and use the "import" function to add that .adf file back to your list.

Changing Operating System (Freelancer Issue) - HeeyFreelancer - 07-13-2012

Oh yes, yes I got FAM already:)

Thanks, I think how I can work this out.