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Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - Printable Version

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Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - Tapeworms - 07-14-2012

Soo..I'm IC and I can't seem to dock at Mainz station in Frankfurt. From a distance the station is white and neutrel, the jump gates/lanes are red though. But once I get to 4.5k away from Mainz it turns from white to red and won't let me dock...

I've rep grinded Republic shipping (mainz owners) into friendly, and rheinland police/military into neutrel, although their military guard is still hostile, so i'm confused.

But yeah, so do Rheinland and IC hate each other? or am I missing something? Bonn station have anything to do with this? (only place IC id is sold in Rheinland)

Thanks in advance!

Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - Tabris - 07-14-2012

Yes, Interspace was kicked out of Rheinland due to RP reasons and havn't been welcomed back since than.

Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - Blackvertigo1 - 07-14-2012

Kinda stupid to leave an IC base behind.

Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - Tapeworms - 07-14-2012

Awesome! Thanks for the info

Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - Gentlefood - 07-14-2012

' Wrote:Kinda stupid to leave an IC base behind.

inRP its been taken over by Rheinland. It just hasn't changed hands ingame yet.

Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - monmarfori - 09-08-2012

Yes, Bonn will be destroyed. IC surenders.

Soo..Does Rheinland hate Interspace Commerce? - Loken - 09-08-2012

I think you'll find this discussion was finished 2 months ago.