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Ganks - Daedric - 07-16-2012

I dunno, but I am. So. After reading the KSP faction thread thing in the creation forums a light bulb went off in my brain (hard to imagine, I know!).

So many of you whine and moan about ganks (I used to, but after being in the XA and Reavers....well you get used to it or you get kicked out), yet you're also some of the same people that don't appreciate it when people do not gank you. An example, just using random factions so if you're a member of them please don't try to defend them.

Say I'm in the Liberty Navy and I'm flying around with 2 buddies. Your Xeno group of 6 comes up and we all role play and shooting breaks out. The Xeno chaps are cool and instead of using all six of them to kill the three of us, they send in three ships. Cool. They were nice enough to give us a somewhat even playing field even though it is rather out of role play to do so.

Fast forwards half an hour.

We manage to kill the three Xenos who engaged us and we decide to attack the other three who didn't move an inch to help their friends. They didn't engage because the fight was 3v3 and they are cool chaps. We kill the other three even as they try to run.

Ya know what? My navy buds and I were flat out arseholes. We should have let those last 3 go about their business until the next time we ran into them. They were nice enough to not gank us, which was out of role play for them, yet we weren't nice enough to set aside role play for their enjoyment.

Ya ya ya. I know. It doesn't always happen this way, but I'm damn sure that when people are kind enough to stay out and not engage, they end up getting shot at when their buds are finished off.

I guess what I am getting at is remember the Golden rule. Treat others as you would have them treat you. If they set aside RP for your benefit, do the same for them. I'm also saying for christs sake quite whining about ganks. There is no such thing in warfare, in fact most soldiers are trained to gank their enemy. I know in the US Army our standard is always try to out number your enemy by 3 to 1. Doesn't always happen, but that is their standard.

You want an even player number fight? Go to Conn. In role play, if I have 5 ships and you have 1. I'm going to use 5 to make sure you're good and dead. It is role play.

Ganks - Ursus - 07-16-2012

' Wrote:We manage to kill the three Xenos who engaged us and we decide to attack the other three who didn't move an inch to help their friends. They didn't engage because the fight was 3v3 and they are cool chaps. We kill the other three even as they try to run.

Ya know what? My navy buds and I were flat out arseholes. We should have let those last 3 go about their business until the next time we ran into them.
sounds like some horrible RP

Ganks - Wafellini - 07-16-2012

srsly...this again?
ganks don't exists.

DELETE - SnakThree - 07-16-2012


Ganks - Tachyon - 07-16-2012

Learn to enjoy to gank and to be ganked and you'll have no prob, np.

The ''fairplay vs roleplay'' connected with a gank background is a stupid topic to discuss about, normally there isn't anything good coming from it.

Ganks - Jayce - 07-16-2012

Seems legit.

Ganks - AeternusDoleo - 07-16-2012

Mhh. Used to be fleeing the system caused you to be PVP dead there. That rule allowed at least, for someone to force another player out of the system without the blue message. That rule's out the window - so yea, nowadays you have to go for blue.

Lawful vs pirate: Lawfuls need to clear out a system before traders can get through, since most traders can't endure a pirate attack for long, even with a battleship in support. There's no way to, through group activity, increase the endurance of your traders. A repair ship used to help, but a cruiser can throw that in disarray.

Unlawful vs lawful: Once you've got an ambush set up, it's only a matter of time before the lawfuls form a swarm to dislodge it. Better to quickly take out a few targets before you're overwhelmed. Taking 2 to 3 lawfuls out before they can band up greatly increases your chances of a lasting trap... Overall, lawfuls tend to have the upper hand once they are properly organized, since they tend to have heavier ships they can call on.

Ganks - Prysin - 07-16-2012

Ganks does not exist, their a myth made up by snub pilots without the ability to run.

Ganks - Whenawhere - 07-16-2012

' Wrote:You want an even player number fight? Go to Conn. In role play, if I have 5 ships and you have 1. I'm going to use 5 to make sure you're good and dead. It is role play.


Ganks - Reaver Company Inc. - 07-16-2012

Be a tree.
