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Nicknames for Ships - TLI-Inferno - 07-23-2012

I've been thinking, there are just too many generic ships named things like "Liberty Gunboat" and "Rheinland Gunboat". So, I decided that maybe I should try to think of some names for them. Such ships' shapes don't give too many ideas, so I decided to base my names on the tradition that was used for their snubs.

Bounty Hunter Bomber: Stingray (Fits tradition of deadly waterdwellers, and similar to Manta, also fits role) - Community


Liberty Rogue Gunboat: Cerberus (Two-headed dog from greek mythology, fits with the dog/wolf names as bigger and scarier than their fighters) Yes I know there are weapons named Cerberus. There are CLAYMORE codenames, and a Claymore gunboat, too.

Rheinland Gunboat: Revenant (Fits into the tradition of rheinland ghost names)

Liberty Gunboat: Sentinel (Fits into the tradition of liberty defender names)

Kusari Gunboat: Wyvern (Fits into the tradition of kusari ships being mythical flying creatures)

Bretonian Gunboat: Dragoon (Fits into the tradition of Bretonian ships being horse riders and specialized troops)

Lane Hacker Gunboat: Spatha (Fits into the tradition of lane hacker ships being named after sharp melee weapons)

Capital Ships:

Bretonian Destroyer: Onager (Not a medieval horseman anymore, but a medieval siege weapon designed for destroying huge targets, I believe it's fitting)

Kusari Destroyer: Hatchet (I believe Tomahawk would be more fitting, but Hatchet is already being used by the community, so I suppose Hatchet would be a great name for it) - Community

Made by the connection of Vanilla names

Liberty Carrier: Providence

Rheinland Battleship: Bismarck

Bretonia Battleship: Dunkirk

Liberty Dreadnaught: Overlord

I will try to think of names for more ships in the future. If anyone thinks of better names for ships above, or can think of names for other unnamed ships, please post your ideas below. Maybe the developers will actually use these names.


Rheinland Cruiser

Kusari Battleship

Some ships I did not put on the list, as they are the only un-named ones including their particular class in their name, and are unique enough:

Liberty Siege Cruiser - If someone says "Siege Cruiser" or LSC, they're clearly talking about this. The other "siege cruiser" already has a name.
Liberty Assault Battlecruiser - If someone says "LABC" or "Assault Battlecruiser", they're clearly talking about this. There is no other "Assault Battlecruiser"

If anyone finds a name for those ships, I'll consider them, but they're not the priority, as their classes are unique already.

Nicknames for Ships - монолит - 07-23-2012

' Wrote:Liberty Rogue Gunboat: Cerberus (Two-headed dog from greek mythology, fits with the dog/wolf names as bigger and scarier than their fighters)

Rheinland Gunboat: Revenant (Fits into the tradition of rheinland ghost names)

Liberty Gunboat: Sentinel (Fits into the tradition of liberty defender names)

Kusari Gunboat: Wyvern (Fits into the tradition of kusari ships being mythical flying creatures)

Bretonian Gunboat: Dragoon (Fits into the tradition of Bretonian ships being horse riders)

Lane Hacker Gunboat: Spatha (Fits into the tradition of lane hacker ships being named after precise sharp weapons)

Rogue gb has a name, it just isn't used (Charybdis)

Rheinland gb: i'd go with Spectre instead of Revenant

Kusari gb: i'd go with Fujin

Sentinel sounds good for Liberty gunboat, so does Dragoon for Bretonian.

Lane Hackers don't have their own line, they use border worlds one. The only ship produced by them is their gunship. Border worlds line is indeed named after melee weapons.

Also, most house caps don't have names, so this should make quite a list. The only problem is the lack of words to continue the same name tradition.

Nicknames for Ships - Reid - 07-23-2012

' Wrote:Kusari Gunboat: Wyvern (Fits into the tradition of kusari ships being mythical flying creatures)
I think all of them are good except this one. The Wyvern is more of a European dragon than a Japanese one. I think that Mizuchi, the Japanese water dragon, would fit it better

Nicknames for Ships - TLI-Inferno - 07-23-2012

' Wrote:1 Rogue gb has a name, it just isn't used (Charybdis)

2 Rheinland gb: i'd go with Spectre instead of Revenant

3 Kusari gb: i'd go with Fujin

4 Sentinel sounds good for Liberty gunboat, so does Dragoon for Bretonian.

5 Lane Hackers don't have their own line, they use border worlds one. The only ship produced by them is their gunship. Border worlds line is indeed named after melee weapons.

6 Also, most house caps don't have names, so this should make quite a list. The only problem is the lack of words to continue the same name tradition.

1 I don't see what a giant whirlpool has to do with the rogue line, but alright.

2 Yes, specter was actually my second thought, but I ended up siding with Revenant, because it sounds larger, more fitting for a gunboat

3 Fujin is japanese, and has to do with wind, sure, but it doesn't fit the dragon tradition of kusari ships

4 Yes, I thought Sentinel and Dragoon were pretty decent names myself

5 Yes, and I figured, since Lane Hackers acquired a taste for borderworld ships, which are known for being fast, but are usually large, to the point that it's disproportional to their speed, and the lane hacker gunboat is fast, and large, they're pretty much continuing the tradition. Might as well continue the naming tradition, too.

6 Yes, and these are all of the gunboats that don't have names; I figured we'd take these on one section at a time.

The bounty hunter bomber needs a name as well. I'm having difficulty thinking of a name for it, since the fast sharks such as the mako and hammerhead are already taken, and using a heavy, slow shark wouldn't be fitting for the bounty hunters' tendency towards being on the lighter side, even with their bomber, which is smaller and faster, with less hull, than many bombers.

I suppose I should add a list of things that need names, I'll add those to the first post now.

Nicknames for Ships - Not Espi - 07-23-2012

gaian gunboat has a nickname, and it's not even in the infocard:(

Nicknames for Ships - Vredes - 07-23-2012

Military vessels dont need nicknames. These are not rock band cars, ships and etc. I agree for unlawful gunboats, give them a codename or something, but not to house naval gunboats and warships in general. The naval ship creates a name for itself.

Nicknames for Ships - SummerMcLovin - 07-23-2012

' Wrote:gaian gunboat has a nickname, and it's not even in the infocard:(
Well it's called the Claymore anyway, if that's what you mean.

' Wrote:Military vessels dont need nicknames. These are not rock band cars, ships and etc. I agree for unlawful gunboats, give them a codename or something, but not to house naval gunboats and warships in general. The naval ship creates a name for itself.
I think some sort of name would be appropriate for all ships, although 'nickname' isn't the best way of saying it. For instance, we already have the Dunkirk and Valor rather than just referring to them as Bretonian and Gallic Battleship all the time.

Nicknames for Ships - Omicron - 07-23-2012

' Wrote:Military vessels dont need nicknames. These are not rock band cars, ships and etc. I agree for unlawful gunboats, give them a codename or something, but not to house naval gunboats and warships in general. The naval ship creates a name for itself.

naval ships are named after first ship of their kind... assuming Overlord battleship which is first of the new model will give name to Overlord class, every battleship of this design.

Nicknames for Ships - Jeremy Hunter - 07-23-2012

' Wrote:1 I don't see what a giant whirlpool has to do with the rogue line, but alright.
The Rogue destroyer is Scylla.


Nicknames for Ships - ssc - 07-24-2012

Six, everything has a nickname. Take the A-10 Fighter for example: Warthog; Tank Buster; Thunderbolt. Every form of vehicle, from civilian to military have nicknames that either fits its personality. Saying that a ship shouldnt be nicknamed is similar to not giving a military unit a call sign. Nicknames are to help identify vehicles.

Sentinel doesnt sound like a name for the Liberty Gunboat, I was thinking something in the Liberty Name Range(Which is Canada and U.S.A). Tomahawk came to mind, since we're on the subject. The Kusari Gunboat is a bit different, and Wyvern isn't valid, Wyvern is European, not aisaian.