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Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Yngen - 05-11-2008

Michael Gideon had answered the President's summons to New Tokyo promptly. He had expected it. When last Gideon had visited the bar on the Hood, he had heard of the security checkpoints surrounding Tau-29. Many Colonial shippers had lost a great deal of money. Complaints were being fired to Tau-44 faster than the President's staffers could reply to them. And so the President was sending him, another Gideon going to a foreign government to put out a fire.

"Ridiculous miners, don't they know there's a war on?" he swore to himself...

The average Colonial didn't care much about the war in the Taus, they just wanted to get payed. Lately things had gotten worse. Apparently some of them had found a quick route through some very closely guarded systems in Kusari...all to save on fuel and time. Naturally the Kusari Navy had responded, and obviously the President was getting an ear-full from New Tokyo. All things considered Gideon thought the Kusari were being very patient, which was why it was so important he made this visit now.

"New Tokyo traffic control this is the Gemenon Traveler with special envoy Michael Gideon enroute to the foreign embassy, requesting clearance to land."

Three graceful police fighters approached the traveler, one of them transmitted:

"Gemenon Traveler, this is Inspector Tsunayoshi Tsubouc of the Kusari State Police, please transmit your diplomatic credentials."

[Image: screen417.jpg]

As Gideon sent the packet President Abelard had given him he looked down at the beautiful blue planet rotating beneath him.

"Thank you Traveler, you may proceed to docking collar one, follow instructions to your proper air corridor."

The Gemenon traveler settled on Planet New Tokyo. Gideon waited inside his ship for the expected officials.

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Ophiuchi - 05-13-2008


Chijin opens the door. In front of him two naval officers are standing still.

<< Gomen sir, for disturbing you in your home, but we have been asked to bring you to the High Command. It is a matter of utmost importance. >>

Retired Taishō Chijin keep staring in front of the two officers few seconds until his mind connected all the pieces of the puzzle.
Tensions rising between Kusari and Colonials suddently after an old friendship reformed are not a public matter yet but some voices reached his ears few days ago...
...and now Michael Gideon as an envoy of the Colonials landed at New Tokyo.

<< Ahh...Colonials... >>



Chijin opened the closet in his small beach home's bedroom. Honshu's ocean had brought him peace and comfort in his retirement.

As he pulled the Naval uniform from the closet, his mind reviewed the details of the sealed packet he had received from the two KNF Officers.

>>..recalled for the good of the Service, with Rank of Vice Admiral..<<

>>..sensitive diplomatic issues require your experience..<<

>>Proceed to Yukawa and assume command of hatchet frame #DY4723 immediately.. thence to New Tokyo Naval Base..<<

"So, Nicholas' son Michael is on New Tokyo for the Colonials, eh? Wonder if he's as shrewd as his father.. I suppose we shall soon find out."

Chijin affixed the new "Chujo" emblems on his jacket, donned it, and started walking towards the Armored Transport grounded on the beach.

"Miko! See that my other things reach New Tokyo as soon as possible. The house is yours until I return." His housekeeper bowed deeply to the man, and a smile crossed her face..

"He is happy again."

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Yngen - 05-13-2008

Michael Gideon didn't have to wait long. From the deep blue skies of New Tokyo an Armored Transport descended and settled next to the Gemenon Traveler. Gideon went back to put the finishing touches on his dress robes. An article passed to him by his father, he donned them briskly and attached a shoulder wrapped sash with the Colonial Seal at the top right. After a cursory inspection in front of a mirror he made for the forward airlock.

Outside, the Kusari embassy officials were already waiting patiently. Gideon noticed some state-employed news reporters standing by to document the moment. Kusari media was something of an enigma to the Colonial Diplomat. Rarely did any published or broadcast material make its way past the borders of Kusari which meant that Gideon had little knowledge in how to win over the Kusari public.

"Perhaps its not possible," he said to himself. No, public sentiment for his kind was too lofty a goal for Gideon at this moment, he would have to settle for some sort of understanding with whoever it is they sent to speak with him. The row of officials standing before the Armored Transport regarded him. The one standing in the middle had a particular twinkle in his eye, though little else passed over the mans face. For a moment the expression puzzled him, but Gideon suddenly remembered the wiley officer as the former finance minister who often patroned Colonial Credit Union for war bonds.

Gideon remembered himself and consulted some of his cultural research. He approached his Kusari hosts to exactly 2 meters, or as close as he could guess it, and bowed slowly,

"Chijin, I appreciate your government sending a familiar face to greet me. And here I thought we'd have to waste days breaking the ice."

"Yes Gideon-san, I must say those robes fit you well. You never looked comfortable in a business suit. Come. Will you join me on my ship? We have much to discuss before you address the Shogunate."

Gideon stopped to look at the old Samurai.

"The Shogunate?"

"Yes, they would hear your words."

"Over a commerce dispute? I thought that beneath their attention..."

Chijin guided Gideon up the ramp into the Armored Transport..

"Normally you would be right...lets just say they expect the subject to turn to other things..."

Gideon considered the maze of possible avenues his old aquaintance might be hinting at and felt himself submerging into a sea of possibilities. The two men settled into their seats as the transport lifted off, leaving the Gemenon Traveler alone on the landing pad in a growing rain shower.

"Where are we going?"

"Some place a bit more me."

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Ophiuchi - 05-13-2008

The short trip to Yukawa Shipyards had been uneventful. Two KNF Chimaeras had cleared the way of the occassional dragon patrol without incident.

As the Armored Transport approached the yards, Chijin spoke to his guest, gesturing towards the Destroyer just being freed from its last moorings.

"There she is, Michael, the [KNF]Chujo.Chijin. I never dreamed I'd be in command of a Kusari ship-of-the-line again; but Taichou Sulu can be very persuasive. And, when he mentioned pressing issues with President Abelard and the Colonials, I could not refuse.

"We'll go aboard and proceed to Hiroshima for shakedown. I thought you might be interested in seeing the KNF's main base of operations. Apparently, your traders have been sightseeing there on a regular basis of late, which is one of the prime issues we'll need to resolve. I'm afraid we'll have to insist on our "no trespassing" policy, unless the KNF and the Office of Imperial Contracts can be persuaded to grant the =CR= a dispensation... for a fee, of course."

The sheepish look on Gideon's face proved that he was aware of the =CR='s incursions into Hiroshima. However, he recovered quickly at the mention of a "dispensation". "That could possibly be arranged, Chijin-san."

"As can most everything in the Universe, Ambassador, with the proper understandings and concessions."

A comms unit beeped: "Chujo. We have a positive lock with the Destroyer. You may transfer your flag at your convenience."

"I hope you enjoy your tour, Michael." said Chijin, as he took the young man's elbow and guided him towards the airlock. "This will give us a chance to discuss matters a bit before we face a roomful of stuffy politicians and coorporate goons.

"And, perhaps we can catch up on "old times", as well. Any word from your father, or Admiral Batagglia? How are your efforts going in maintaining your foothold on the Hood? This little "affair" between the Mollies and the Queen is a bit disturbing, to say the least."

The two men continued to chat as they boarded the Chujo.Chijin. The Vice Admiral acknowledged the bows and salutes of his new crew, seeing a few familiar faces in the assembled ranks. Within moments, the Destroyer was entering the tradelane towards the New Tokyo gate, bound for Osaka Station and the Hiroshima jump hole.

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Yngen - 05-16-2008

The two men walked down the main deck of the Destroyer. The crew looked well drilled and presented full colors to the arriving dignitaries who slowly made their way to the bridge. Presiding over the young Destroyer's shake down cruise was a middle aged Captain, graying at the temples. As he turned to salute the Vice Admiral, Gideon noticed a distinct wobble in the man's gait, indicating an injury of some sort. The two Kusari exchanged something in Kusari that Gideon couldn't not understand after which the Captain turned back to his duties.

"Please forgive Captain Nebotuda, he refuses to speak anything but Kusari."

"Thats quite alright...was he?...."

"...In the war, yes. He served many tours as a fighter pilot before being shot down deep in Bretonia. His injuries keep him on the bridge of this Destroyer now."

Gideon regarded the young captain once more. A plumb-colored scar wrapped its way from his right ear down below his collar line. A close look at his right leg showed a prosthetic limb, possibly enhanced by nano-technology. The man was severe and uncompromising...wars create such men.

"Come Mr. Gideon, its time we prepared."

"Yes, of course."

In the privacy of the Admiral's Quarters the two men sat down. A steward served a light meal and discretely left a bottle of hot sake near the Admirals seat.

Gideon smiled,

"Chijin, are you planning to loosen my tongue with booze?

The Admiral chuckled as he poured two small glasses and handed one over.

"I only wish I had a store of my father's plumb wine aboard, then you would tell me everything. As it is, I must satisfy myself at least with warming your belly. You still haven't told me of your father..."

It took the experienced eyes of the Vice Admiral to notice the ghost pass over Michael's face at the mention of the elder Gideon. With the blink of an eye the look was gone, replaced by the banker's face Chijin had first encountered all those years ago on Manhattan.

"Indeed I haven't. If memory serves, this isn't the first Kusari Destroyer to be assigned a diplomatic mission. Didn't Ambassador DeLuna ply the ears of the Shogunate in just such a vessel, one she named after herself?"

This time the ghost past over Chijin's eyes, not unnoticed by the ambassador. It was not lost on either man that when last the Colonial Remnant and the Kusari Naval Forces spoke on diplomatic terms, Deluna had pressed for multi party talks on the Tau war. Shortly after that, Nicolos Gideon had vanished.

"I am not the man you need cross swords with young Gideon. You have come to us over trade negotiations and feigned surprise when the Shogunate summons us to speak with them, yet you seem to know there is a deeper issue at hand."

"I'll put it bluntly. Your war is stalling and your enemy is regrouping."

"So? That is war, we take a little, we lose a little, we take a little more, we lose a little less. Its how nations are grown."

"You Kusari play a dangerous and bloody game for a few star systems and a bunch of ice."

"If these things are so unimportant to you Colonials, why are you helping us?"

Michael set his Sake down

"Because Sirius cannot afford another fallen house."

"No great house has ever, or will ever fall Michael. I have sent thousands of Samurai to their deaths in the Taus, all gave their lives in the hope that Kusari will become the center of Sirius, the preeminant house. Should the time ever come when our Samurai fight for the survival of the Emperor himself then Sirius will truely feel the Dragon's fire."

Chijin's glass was also empty on the table, forgotten. The conversation had taken an unexpected turn.

"Admiral, there are foes in this universe even your mighty Dragon cannot defeat. Foes that choose the time of their attack, waiting until you are at your weakest to pounce."

"Is this what you came to talk about Michael, your allergy to machines?"

"No Admiral, I came here to tell you how to win your war."

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Ophiuchi - 05-16-2008

A small smile passed over Chijin's face at the Ambassador's last statement. He poured them both another cup of the warm sake, and sniffed it appreciatively before continuing.

"Michael, I may be more of a 'bean-counter' and 'people person' than I am a warrior; but that is why I was given this assignment.

"Now, I agree that Ambassador deLuna's lofty dreams drove her down some unrealistic and painful paths. The shame of her failure I believe was partly to blame for her untimely 'Seppaku'. However, you will find my dreams are more firmly grounded in the real and the practical."

"Admiral, I didn't mean to infer that Kusari's goals are unrealistic..."

"I know, Michael. But I'd like to dissuade you of your pessimistic views of our progress. Firstly, Kishiro's Advisor to the Shogunate, Trade Captain Bo Sun Gen, reports that our trade convoys to procure deuterium fly largely unimpeded through Bretonia space. This is no doubt due in part to the recent Colonial presence in Dublin. We must acknowledge your aid in that regard."

Gideon smiled, and raised his cup in a small salute to the Admiral.

Chijin continued, "And, Bo also reports that the KNF and Farmer's Alliance have been working together to severely curtail smuggling and the illegal export of "restricted" materials from Kusari. Our internal security has improved greatly."

"Those are good portents, Admiral," said Gideon, "but the recent initiatives made by Bretonia towards the Mollies and the Outcasts are troubling. Does that not worry the Shogunate?"

"Michael, how many UOG have you seen lately? And do you truly think the Outcasts are a threat to our borders? KNF High Command rightly believes that these are moves of desparation by the Queen. Why, the Brets must still rely on mercenaries and disgruntled GC defectors to mount any sizeable raids on Kusari. That hardly fits with your warning of our enemy's 'regrouping'..."

Gideon leaned closer. "Chujo-san, perhaps you should give our Colonial intelligence operatives the benefit of the doubt, here. Sirius is a vast area, and we have varied sources of information. We only wish to advise you of potential problems."

"I assure you that your advice will be welcome, and considered, Ambassador. But, the Shogunate and High Command may be looking for more than advice. The trade issues are nothing. Taichou Sulu and Captain Bo have already assured me that licensing of a few trade vessels in Hiroshima, and a blanket license for Colonial traders to export sensitive goods will not be a problem, with certain restrictions, such as requiring joint convoys and escorts for goods leaving Kusari. We do like to know where our products are destined."

The men paused in their conversation as a steward brought in tea and cakes. Chijin poured the fragrant green tea before continuing.

"Now, Michael, would you care to share with me just how the =CR= foresees, and intends to aid this glorious victory for the Blue Lagoon?"

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Yngen - 05-19-2008

"Chijin, look at this. Vipers from the Valkyrie took them a week ago."

[Image: screen438.jpg]

"That is Outcast technology if you are wondering, getting constructed at a secret shipyard in Londonderry.
We wouldn't have known about it save after our first few victories in Dublin the UOG seemed to disappear suddenly. We grew suspicious and sent recon patrols on some dangerous missions and found this.

Now, I'm sure even from your beach house on Honshu I'm sure you heard of the Republic of Dublin...haven't you?"

Gideon could see the Vice Admiral had.

"Then you know that the crown now treats Dublin as a sovereign territory ruled by the Union of Gold. You see UOG have gotten what they needed out of the battle of Dublin, by killing a few Colonials they got enough leverage to get Dublin from the Queen."

"Michael, this is truely interesting material, but I still don't see what this has to do with deuterium and plutonium...which begs another question. Don't you sell plutonium to Mollys in Newcastle?"

"Quite right, which provides us with enough influence over the general Molly population, those not in the Union of Gold, to keep the Union of Gold cooped up in Londonderry isolated from the rest of Bretonia. Chijin, if we can't move that material through Kusari we'll have to stop selling to the Mollys, who will in turn go to their powerful brethren in Londonderry for their bomb materials-pumping warm bodies into their ranks.

Admiral, if we don't keep Dublin open, you will have all of Bretonia, the UOG and the Outcasts invading Tau-29 within the year."

Gideon let that sink in for a moment

"The president is ready to pull out of Dublin Admiral. He doesn't see the point if we have to pay Kusari tariffs, or bribe the Shogunate off when we already risk our lives to maintain the balance of power in the Taus.

I don't think I can convince him to stay if I come back with a price tag on the Tau-29 to Kyushu gate..."

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Ophiuchi - 05-20-2008

The silence stretched on for an interminable period as Chijin weighed the Ambassador's comments. He rose and moved to the small wardroom's viewport, looking out in silence at Matsue Station. Gideon waited politely for the Vice Admiral to respond. Finally, Chijin turned and faced the young man.

"While I see the wisdom of your arguments, Michael, I'm afraid we must put a better 'face' on them before presenting them to the Shogunate. The threat to pull the Colonials from the Hood and Dublin smacks a bit too much of blackmail to be well-received...

"The Navy will argue that the 'balance' in the Taus is swinging towards Kusari. Perhaps an open show of assistance in that area will help to convince them. Is your President willing to go that far for trading rights in Kusari?"

The Colonial Ambassador began to respond, but Chijin held up his hand.

"Don't take offense, my young friend. I still believe we have mutual interests.. strong interests! I am playing Devil's Advocate now to resolve the questions that may come up for us both on New Tokyo."

"I understand, Admiral. You feel that we Colonials must also make some concessions. Perhaps if our niobium flowed to Honshu instead of Rheinland..? And Kusari's trade fleets were offerred Viper escorts in Tau 23 and 37.."

"A good start, Ambassador. But the deuterium route must also be on the table. What many in government fail to realize is that without stores of deuterium, H-fuel can't be produced. What I would propose would be joint Colonial and Kusaran convoys to ensure the secure flow of this vital commodity from 49. In exchange, I would do everything in my power to remove that 'price tag', as you put it. Free export of 'sensitive' goods for your traders, in exchange for mutual assistance through the Taus, Edinburgh, and Dublin.

"As to the destination of Plutonium exports, I believe you're aware that the Temporary Autonomous Zoners paid dearly for an export license.. half a billion credits! Their shipments don't all go to Canaria, I'm certain; yet it seems the Government is willing to turn a blind eye to Newcastle, in exchange for what the TAZ brings to Kusari. I see no reason why that same shortsightedness would not apply to your own situation. I agree that the Mollies in Newcastle are the lesser of two evils in this case."

Now it was Gideon's turn to be silent as he considered Chijin's proposal. While the issue of trade might be the precursor of these talks, both men knew that the blood and lives of both Kusaran and Colonial pilots was the real issue.

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Yngen - 05-21-2008

Before Gideon could finish his thoughts, the discussion was interrupted by a chime at Chijin's right hand. The Vice Admiral activated his intercom,


A short exchange from a bridge officer followed.

"Mr. Gideon, we have arrived. And whats more, we have no more time for chit chat. The Shogunate are already assembling and we dare not keep them waiting. Prepare yourself, young Colonial."

Gideon's eyebrows raised.

"I must send a quick transmission to the President, can we wait 30 minutes."

Chijin grinned

"I believe i is it said? Stall them, for a bit. But my parlor jokes are not endless, be quick."

The admiral showed Gideon to a transmitter powerful enough to reach Tau-44. Gideon went to work quickly.

Colonial Envoy to New Tokyo - Yngen - 05-23-2008

Gideon had finished his message to Colonial One and was walking towards the forward airlock of the "ChujoChijin." Captain Nebotuda stood awaiting him.

"I trust your message was received Mr. Gideon?"

"It was, and I have my instructions."

Nebotuda noticed a change in the Diplomat's posture from their earlier meeting on the "Chijin's" bridge. The young man was obviously under stress. It appeared the message from Tau-44 hadn't said what he'd hoped.

"Captain, I am ready."

"Hai. The Vice-Admiral has prepared for your arrival."

The airlock door opened and the Captain led Gideon into an anteroom where Samurai in ancient dress stood guard. Gideon was led through the anteroom into what must have been a dome. Gideon beheld a vista that took his breath away:

[Image: 732px-Rikugien3.jpg]

Gideon was lead swiftly down paths bathed in diffused leafy light. Gideon looked up at a blue sky. Whether the color came from this system's (Hiroshima did he call it?) natural haze or if it were some artificial device, the effect gave Gideon a haunting reminder of his childhood on planet Cambridge where he played under a blue sky. Nebotuda didn't seem to notice Gideon's appreciation, he led the ambassador with hardly a glance to his surroundings. Eventually a building could be made out through the trees:

[Image: Japaneseteagardensf.jpg]

Up countless steps they walked, Nebotuda never slowing his pace despite his obvious war injuries. More Samurai lined the final steps into what must have been an assembly hall for some of the most powerful men in Kusari. The ancient ornate dekor of it's exterior belied the technological fortress within. Several security guards with modern weapons awaited inside. Nebotuda bypassed every security measure for the Diplomat and walked straight to a pair of gigantic doors. Seemingly of their own accord, the mammoth doors opened. It was time Gideon remembered Chijin's instructions...the slow walk with the Vice admiral to the middle of the room, the slow tandem bow...and then silence. No less than 30 seconds passed in complete silence as the Kusari lords regarded their guest. Then with no warning Chijin began speaking in his native tongue. Though he couldn't understand what was being said, Gideon imagined layers of formality being plied through by the Vice Admiral. Gideon waited patiently for the introduction to finish. When the time came Chijin bowed and stepped back. The Kusari lords turned to Gideon, who was now allowed to address them directly. Gideon couldn't make out the micro translation devices in their ears, but he surmised they must be there. He was accutely aware that he was without such a convenience, perhaps purposefully. With that disadvantage in mind he cleared his throat.

"Ever enlightened and just lords of the Blue Lagoon, my name is Micheal Gideon, descendent of the doomed planet Gemenon that was, and of the travelers who followed the distant Dog Star to Sirius...finding refuge by the Gods grace in the last bastion of humanity. I thank you for your hospitality and kindness. The wealth and might of the Kusari people graces these stars with the stability and resilience to overcome the evils of the universe. I stand in awe of the honor and passion of your subjects, the justice and compassion of your lordships, and of the precious beauty of your worlds.

Humanity is in dire need of such strong traditions as the Kusari. Ever have your people led the Sirius sector to prosperity, and ever has humanity needed such leadership. It may or may not surprise you to find that though I came here to increase trade within Kusari on high value commodities, our reasons go far beyond profit and local defense. We as a people fully respect your need to secure your own borders from your enemies. You no doubt have reviewed the records I shared with Vice Admiral Chijin. You have seen what the Molly's and their extreme wing the Union of Gold are doing in Londonderry. You have also seen what the Bretonian Queen has done with Dublin. The Republic of Dublin and its military buildup in Londonderry is pure Outcast agression against Kusari. They mean to defeat you swiftly, afterwords to make what they will of the Taus....possibly give Tau-29 to Bretonia Mining and Metals, the upper taus to the Outcasts completely.

The complete reversal of Bretonian policy vis a vis the Mollys has made free trade through Dublin a thing of the past. Though our warriors in Dublin have kept the passage clear these many months we cannot sustain such an effort at such a cost. Soon the fighting in Dublin will end, and all that will be left are the Mollys and a few stoned miners on the Hood. I don't tell you this to alarm you or to indicate we have given up, only that other matters require our attention.

Please, finish your war, be victorious. Do not let Kusari fall.

Out of respect to your wishes the Colonial Trade Cooperative will discontinue exporting Plutonium and engine parts from Kusari. Our movement of Dueterium into Kusari will continue as your laws indicate the import of such materials is not restricted. The Hiroshima system is now forbidden at all times to Colonial vessels. Should a colonial ship be detected in any way within the Hiroshima Sun's gravitational field the Colonial Remnant relinquish that person's civil rights to the Kusari government completely.

Thank you. If your lordships desire it I am available for a short period to answer questions and hear your responses, but I am called away on another errand in less than an hour."

Gideon bowed and stepped back abreast with Chijin...and waited for a response.