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Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - Printable Version

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Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - ryoken - 07-25-2012

[12:33:37 PM] WRECKER: yes i am Yorktown
[12:33:55 PM] WRECKER: I am also 7 other Navy and LSF ships that this BS base fires on
[12:34:35 PM] WRECKER: The base is not allowing navy and LSF ships to pass. That is against rules as all are allowed in Alaska'
[12:34:56 PM] WRECKER: the ID states it, and rules state it
[12:35:00 PM] Timur Pirkhal: |-(
[12:35:06 PM] Timur Pirkhal: you must have LNS- tag
[12:35:07 PM] Timur Pirkhal: or
[12:35:23 PM] Timur Pirkhal:
[12:35:27 PM] Timur Pirkhal: post application here
[12:35:27 PM] WRECKER: No i must not. It is not required to have a LNS tag on caps you dum ****
[12:35:30 PM] Timur Pirkhal: we will add you
[12:35:40 PM] Timur Pirkhal: that was terms that been agreed with =LSF= and [LN]
[12:36:11 PM] WRECKER: Sorry even official factions cannot allow any Navy or LSF from entering system
[12:36:31 PM] WRECKER: And factions cannot demand that a player changes their name
[12:36:50 PM] Timur Pirkhal: well if you open fire on that stantion again it will be act of agression and you will be destroyed
[12:37:17 PM] WRECKER: i been Yorktown for 5 ****ing years, and will not change it for some BS new non Oficial faction.
[12:37:37 PM] Timur Pirkhal: then post application on that linc
[12:37:39 PM] WRECKER: Go ahead. You fire on same IDd players and you are breaking the rules
[12:37:48 PM] Timur Pirkhal: we will add you to tag list and base stop shooting you

Ok this is from skype, as the station in NY at Zone-21 is firing on navy and LSF ships without a tag. As i understand it. That is against rules, as it is a navy base firing on other navy and LSF ships. It is also denying access to the system as it is in only path through the mines, and any navy or LSF ID'd ship is allowed to enter that system. this base is not allowing that, again breaking rules as i see it. I got some more screens below of ingame chat. LSC is claiming all navy ships must mount LNS in thier name to enter this system, or get past the base. This is also against rules telling others they have to change their names, or they will not be considered navy or LSF? This is plain and simply power gaming big time.
In short.
1/ Denying access to a system that an ID allows.
2/ Forcing other players to change name or be fired on.
3/ Firing on same IDd players.

This is not a trial by forum, as topic is to "ADMINS ONLY" so no others should be replying here. <strike>As that is also against forum rules.</strike> No it's not. -Gheis

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - Jihadjoe - 07-25-2012

Mate, you only have to ask, and your name will be added to the list.

The point of the base is to increase Z21 security. To stop people who should not be there, from entering. If you are someone who is supposed to be there, then you can ask, and your name will be added.

However, raging at someone before just asking probably isn't the best solution.

As for your "TO THE ADMINS ONLY" thing... No, it's not. If it was a rules matter to the admins only, you would have PM'd it to them or dropped it in the rule violations section. This is here because you wanted an audience, but sadly, non-participatory audiences do not exist on disco.

Just ask Timur to add your name to the list, and anyone else you can think of who is flying a navy/LSF ship without a tag of some sort. Problem solved. It's not like Timur and the SFC are unwilling to add your name, dude.

Then again...

Ryoken's sig Wrote:[Image: sig2.jpg]

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - kikatsu - 07-25-2012

Odd, when I flew by the base on my Junker it was neutral to me, it did not fire or anything, I even tried to dock on it but it said the docking was restricted.

But yeah, I guess that changed, regardless I guess the solution is to ask the owners for permission for your ships.

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - Dubstep - 07-25-2012

Admins only? Nah, don't think so since it's not in the sanctions forum:cool:

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - Daedric - 07-25-2012

Wow. As you understand what? There are zero rules regarding how people set their base's defense mode. None. Just like there is no rule saying I can't post here because you claim the topic to be admin only.

Legit use of a player base if you ask me. Little in role play heads up would have been nice, I'll give you that, but it doesn't seam like Joe or Timur are treating you with a NO U attitude.

I'd like to see the reaction of indy Zoners flying their Whales through there now though. I'd imagine they'll be ragey about it.

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - kikatsu - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:I'd like to see the reaction of indy Zoners flying their Whales through there now though. I'd imagine they'll be ragey about it.

Maybe we can get some base turrets with cruise disruptor mounts? You know, for added antics?

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - Jihadjoe - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:I'd like to see the reaction of indy Zoners flying their Whales through there now though. I'd imagine they'll be ragey about it.

That is exactly why the base is there in the first place.

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - Daedric - 07-25-2012


Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - ryoken - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:Mate, you only have to ask, and your name will be added to the list.

The point of the base is to increase Z21 security. To stop people who should not be there, from entering. If you are someone who is supposed to be there, then you can ask, and your name will be added.

Then again...

Sorry joe. But LSC told me in game, and on skype all navy ships "HAVE" to have tag to be added. And there is no Fracking way i am changing my 9 Navy and LSF ships names so i can have access to a system my ID allows me access to.
Denying a player with proper ID and rep access to systems be them guard or otherwise is against rules, and that is exactly what this base is doing, and hence those who made the turrets so they fired on such.
As for filing a sanction report? Done, and done.
Not all players will know who built this base, so will have no idea how to "register"(which forcing players to do is against rules also). There is no Posts on forum about the base, or how to get friendly to it to avoid being fired on. It is basiccally a way to power game, and force all non Tagged players to bow down to thier will, and yours to be honest for having [LN] support it.

4.5 Official player factions are free to restrict or not restrict access to their owned systems and tax players who enter owned system. However, properly Tagged and ID'd independent players may enter Guard/Owned systems, and cannot be taxed. Access to systems that surround owned system must not be restricted unless there's a war with another faction.

Navy station firing on navy players because they do not change name? - ryoken - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:That is exactly why the base is there in the first place.

I understand the purpose of the base. No issue with that. My issue is with it firing on Navy, and LSF IDd ships because they have no tags. That is power gaming, and restricting access to players that have proper IDs to be there.
Also forcing players to "register" which is against rules to do. Cannot force players to register or change names.
The base should have been set up to allow all Navy ID and all LSF ID players to pass. Not all players with a certain Tag. Also threatening to fire on a navy ship that kills that turret is self defence in order to pass is firing on same IDd player ship. also against rules. Last i seen LSC is not an "official" faction so they have no rights to do frack all over indies.