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Xenophobic Holidays - Lennox - 07-26-2012

Xenophobic Holidays

During a mission in Kusari, ordered and personally watched by the Overwatch of The Order, the leading ship, the Tatenen and its escorts were shot down by the Kusari Naval Forces. In a long and exhausting battle between the two fighter wings, the KNF group was able to gain the upperhand, overpowering Order wing step by step. Being caught in his pod, the Overwatch had no chance of escaping captivity. Being brought to Fuchu station in the hold of a Chimaera, the last attempt of regaining freedom failed. The Overwatch had been brought into custody on the prison station. Although, due to the risk of holding an Order agent on Fuchu, who caused a lot of damage with his last attempt of escaping imprisonment, the KNF see themselves forced to move him to a safer location, to Battleship Nagumo in Kyushu.


1st part:

Who: [KNF], ]bd[

What: Gathering information

When: Saturday, 4th August, 1600 GMT

Where: Hokkaido

2nd part:

Who: [KNF], ]bd[, Order|, BHG|-Core

What: Recapturing the Order Overwatch

When: Sunday, 5th August, 1600 GMT

Where: Shikoku, New Tokio, Kyushu, Hokkaido

Why all this: Activity, role play and fun


General rules and guidelines:

1. We only fight in fighters, VHF class or lower. Only exceptions are the two Liners used by the [KNF] and the transports used by the Order|.
2. Independents are not freely allowed to take part in this event, but may jump in, in case the numbers aren'€™t even.
3. Have fun and enjoy.

Part1 - The Trail
The Blood Dragons hear from a Prison Liner of the KNF moving to Sapporo station in Hokkaido, where it'€™s supposed to be re-fitted to make it operation worthy again. Right after the Prison liner unmoored from Sapporo, the Blood Dragons move in and try to gain as much data as possible as well as trying to destroy it. The Prison Liner sends an emergency call to all KNF units in Kusari, on which they react. The KNF then sends a fighter squadron to Hokkaido to defend the Liner against the Dragons. Due to minor issues in the machine room, the cruise engines of the Liner have yet to be repaired and therefore cannot jump on cruise speed. When the Naval Forces arrive, the Dragons make it to stop the Liner entirely by destroying wide parts of the engines. If that happens, the Blood Dragons will start trying to gain valuable data from the Liner. The Dragons have to survive at least 15 minutes to scour the databanks of the Liner until the data are sent and safe. That requires at least one of the Blood Dragon ships to be in close range to the Liner (2 km). Continuously trying to attack and destroy the Liner to get intel about flight routes, prisoner information, escort plans etc., on which the Liner'€™s databank was updated at Sapporo, the KNF fights a heavy fight after the Liner was set inoperative.

If the Blood Dragons make it to extract the data from the databanks of the Liner, they send them to Kyoto, where they will be analyzed. If the KNF make it to destroy the Blood Dragon ships within the time of 15 minutes, they will bring a repair ship for the Prison Liner, which will then be brought to Yokohama Shipyard in New Tokio.


Primary objective of [KNF]: Protecting the Liner from the Blood Dragons as well as the total destruction of the enemy force.

Primary objective of ]bd]: Gaining information from the Prison Liner.
Secondary objective: Destroying the Liner and all KNF forces to eliminate witnesses.

  • [KNF] fightercraft start from Planet New Tokio, ]bd[ fightercraft from the Chugoku jumphole, the [KNF] Prison Liner from Sapporo Station in Hokkaido
  • the Liner must not leave the radius of 1 km around the station until the ]bd[ are visible on the radar
  • the Liner must not engage cruise engines to speed up the movement
  • the Liner'€™s engines slow down to 0 m/s when the [KNF] arrives at the place

Lawful conditions for victory: Destroying all ]bd[ ships under 15 minutes.

Lawful conditions for defeat: ]bd[ destroys every [KNF] ship defending the Liner or survives for 15 minutes in a radius of 2 kilometres around the Liner.

Unlawful conditions of victory: Destroying all [KNF] fighters defending the Liner.

Unlawful conditions of defeat: [KNF] destroys every ]bd[ ship under 15 minutes


Part2 - Recapturing
After validating the most important information from the data, the Blood Dragon group sent from Hokkaido, the High Command of the Dragons informs the Order High Command about the intel, the small group of Dragon ships was able to gain. Not hesitating, The Order sends a squadron of Order ships together with a specially designed transport and a rather usual transport, into Kusari, hoping to be able to recapture the Overwatch together with the Blood Dragons.

On the other side, the KNF sets up a fighter wing as escort for the Prison Liner, as well as hiring the Bounty Hunters Guild Core to protect them, to be sure nothing goes wrong. The KNF starts from Fuchu and expects the Core to join at the gate to New Tokio. The convoy is supposed to take the fastest route through New Tokio, to reach Planet Kyushu as quick as possible.

Working out a plan together with The Order, they manage to get a possible route of the vessel the Overwatch is supposed to be transported on from the available information. They then prepare their ships for an attack on the convoy. Already stationed at Ainu, the Blood Dragons and The Order forces start to move, taking the jumphole to Kyushu. Expecting to be able to disrupt the enemy convoy in New Tokio, between the Planet and Shinjuku station, they head for the jumphole leading close to their destination. The Order and Blood Dragon forces move to the lanes and wait there for the KNF to disrupt the lane and free the Overwatch.

When the KNF gets thrown out of the lanes, the two groups start to fight after some talking. The Order brings in their transports and try to move it close to the KNF'€™s Liner, attempting to board the vessel and get the Overwatch out. The recapturing of the Overwatch lasts exactly 3.30 minutes. The countdown begins for the recapturing attempt if the Order transports enter the 500m area around the KNF transport. The timer only goes down in these 500 metres area around the KNF Liner. While the KNF and the Core try to defend the Liner against the boarding attempt of The Order, The Order and the Blood Dragons try to defend their transport as well against the fighters of the KNF and the Core. However, due to the urge to protect the tranpsorts, both fighter wings, the bd-Order and KNF-Core one, will have to fight each other first. Due to the risk to to damage the Prison Liner by destroying the transports inside the 500 metre area, they can't effort the loss of the Liner and a possibly important and valuable Order person and should under no circumstances try to damage the hull. It's, however, up to the Prison Liner captain to fire on the Order transports or not. The fighter wings however, can try to keep the shields of the transports low but not damage the hull.

Because The Order really wants and needs the Overwatch back, they prepare two of their transports for this operation. Both transports will jump in as soon as the transport is in range and, if successful, will use every possibility to escape. The KNF-Core forces have to prevent that.


Primary objective of [KNF], BHG|-Core: Protecting the Prison Liner against the boarding attempt of The Order.
Secondary objective of [KNF], BHG|-Core: Destroying every hostile entity of the Dragons and The Order.

Primary objective of ]bd[, Order|: Protecting the Order| transport against the attacks of the KNF and BHG.
Secondary objective of ]bd[, Order|: Destroying every hostile entity of the Naval Forces and the Bounty Hunters Guild.


  • [KNF] gathers at Fuchu in Shikoku and groups up with the BHG Core at the gate to New Tokio, starting when the ]bd[/Order| group is in New Tokio; ]bd[ and Order| start from Ainu in Hokkaido
  • fighters must not damage the hull of the transports but can lower the shields, unless not in the 500 m radius around the Prison Liner

Lawful conditions for victory: Defending the Prison Liner and bring the Overwatch safe to Planet Kyushu.

Lawful conditions for defeat: If the Order transport makes it to stay in a 500 m radius around the KNF Liner for 3.30 minutes and reaches Ainu in Hokkaido. The loss of all escorts would mean defeat as well.

'€˜Unlawful'€™ conditions for victory: Staying 3.30 minutes in the 500 m radius of the KNF transport and recapture the Overwatch to bring him back to Hokkaido.

'€˜Unlawful'€™ conditions for defeat: The destruction of both transports of The Order.


Signup template part1

[color=#FFFFFF][b]Ship name:[/b][/color]
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Ship class:[/b][/color]
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Additional notes:[/b][/color]

Signup template part2

[color=#000000][b]Ship name:[/b][/color]
[color=#000000][b]Ship class:[/b][/color]
[color=#000000][b]Additional notes:[/b][/color]

Additional info: Due to the lack of some folks on the bd-Order side, this event is opened for indies as well, from now on. I would like to be sure both sides are equal in their numbers. The indies, who sign up here, use the templates for signing up, too. I will add reserve slots to the bd-Order side of the second part of the event, due to the lack of participants that time.


Event part 1 roster


Prison Liner: [KNF]KDS-Abashiri
Slot 1: [KNF]Ik.Akashi.Haikiri
Slot 2: [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada
Slot 3: [KNF]Nk.Yin.Shizuku
(Slot 4:)


Slot 1: ]bd[Ryuu.Usami
Slot 2: ]bd[-Ryuu.Noboru
Slot 3:
(Slot 4:)


Event part 2 roster


Prison Liner: [KNF]KDS-Abashiri
Slot 1: [KNF]Nk.H.Ishikawa
Slot 2: [KNF]'Hatsuyuki'
Slot 3: [KNF]Nk.Yin.Shizuku
(Slot 4:)


Slot 1: BHG|Core-Devona|G / BHG|Gary.Penn
Slot 2: BHG|Ronald_Roberts
Slot 3:
(Slot 4: BHG|Core-Pepe.Nauru|A)


Slot 1: ]bd[-Ryuu.Noboru
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
(Slot 4:)
Reserve slot 1:
Reserve slot 2:


Transport1: Order|-Shade.01
Transport2: Order|TV-Knarr
Slot 1: Order|Ronald.Greer
Slot 2: Order|Souvik.Ahmed
Slot 3:
(Slot 4:)
Reserve slot 1:
Reserve slot 2:


If anyone has got a question or if something isn't clear enough, go ahead and ask me via PM or simply post here.

Xenophobic Holidays - SeaFalcon - 07-26-2012

Ship name: BHG|Core-Devona|G or BHG|Gary.Penn
Faction: BHG|Core or BHG|
Ship class: VHF
Additional notes: Not sure yet which one I'll take.

Xenophobic Holidays - Lennox - 07-26-2012

Ship name: ]bd[Ryuu.Usami
Faction: Blood Dragons
Ship class: Katana
Additional notes: -

Ship name: Order|-Shade.01
Faction: Order
Ship class: Transport
Additional notes: -

Xenophobic Holidays - Dubstep - 07-26-2012

16 GMT? :|

Xenophobic Holidays - Lennox - 07-26-2012

Aye, 16GMT. But because we still have some days until those events start, the time might be changed or not.

Xenophobic Holidays - Stuffz - 07-26-2012

Ship name: [KNF]Nk.H.Ishikawa
Faction: [KNF]
Ship class: VHF
Additional notes:

Will be busy on saturday unfortunately.

Xenophobic Holidays - ErikssonJeny - 07-26-2012

Ship name: Order|TV-Knarr
Faction: Order|
Ship class: Borderworld Transport
Additional notes: Secondary Transport

Xenophobic Holidays - Dubstep - 07-26-2012

' Wrote:Aye, 16GMT. But because we still have some days until those events start, the time might be changed or not.
You have 2 days XD

16 GMT is a horrible time for me (Saturday-Sunday afternoon >_>) but ye, if most people like it, have fun.

Xenophobic Holidays - meoshi - 07-26-2012

Ship name: BHG|Ronald_roberts
Faction:Bounty hunters guild
Ship class: VHF
Additional notes: -

Xenophobic Holidays - Lennox - 07-26-2012

I am open for suggestions consindering the time of those events at Saturday and Sunday. I already talked to some people about it but couldn't get a majority yet. Just pm me which time you think would fit in GMT. Just to see when folks have time and when rather not. For now the events will stay at 16GMT, though, except if the majority thinks a later time would be better.

Thanks in advance.:)