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LPI- HQ from =LSF= M.Brown - Printable Version

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LPI- HQ from =LSF= M.Brown - Mark_Brown - 08-01-2012

[Image: LSFTOP.gif]

ID; Mark"Douglas"Brown
IFF; Liberty Security Force

Dear, Police HQ.

I'm here to complain about one of your rude captains whilst I was on patrol last night around Manhattan.

Police Officer in question

Confirmed Papers of LPI- Authority

I was stopped at Newark Station by no other than Undersirable_Drug_beggar to which was pestering me about Marijuana, he had some in his cargo hold so I attempted to talk to your Captain Bernard Brown about the situation and he meanly suggested to do my own job, and called me fat.

Evidence One

Evidence Two

Unbelievably he let the drugged filled mule go, with 100 Cargo of Illegal Marijuana in his cargo bay.

Part of my role is Conducting covert action with or without the direction of the President to pre-empt threats to or achieve Liberty's policy objectives, I.e Liberty Law's when I'm no longer busy and my tasks were complete for that evenings patrol.

I don't know what was wrong with your Captain yesterday evening, but I'm sure you wanted to know he's letting drug abusers fly freely in New York.

Signed, Yours faithfully,

Mr Brown.

[Image: LSFBottom.gif]

LPI- HQ from =LSF= M.Brown - koske - 08-01-2012

[Image: 2hzq2rt.png]
Sender ID: Bernard Brown - Captain
Location: Planet Manhattan, New York
Ship type(s) used: BDR-804 "Guardian"
Report type:
[ ] Patrol
[ ] Trade
[ ] Embargo
[x] Other: (Reply)

[font=Georgia]Agent Brown,

First of all your attempt to start a fight with me filed. We all know when one of you agent is bored, but I mean totally bored because of lack in work time, he is spending some unquality time in front planet Manhattan.

I don't know how you even came to this idea to contact LPI HQ without any evidence on the suspect ship? Well, you don't have evidence because part with Marijuana is a pure fake. So Agent, I would advise you to mind your own business and let "us" do our job.

Bernard Brown
Liberty Police Incorporated

[Image: a0vxw1.png] - Forever for this transmission.

LPI- HQ from =LSF= M.Brown - Bauer - 08-01-2012

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] Low
SOURCE: Fort Bush, New York
TARGET: Agent Brown
COMM ID: Deputy Chief Jack Bauer
SUBJECT: Your complaint

Thank you for your complaint. Firstly, you have provided no evidence to suggest that Captain Brown did let a smuggler go, so I can't do anything about that. Secondly, I do have to question why you didn't stop him yourself.

Finally, Captain Brown, please try not to insult members of other agencies. And Agent Brown, surely there are more important things to do such as, say, protecting Liberty from external threats than wasting my time with trivial complaints like this. Remember, sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you.
Deputy Chief Jack Bauer
Liberty Police Incorporated

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]