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Any Idears? - Printable Version

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Any Idears? - Xerxas Jade - 04-14-2006


iv been trying my hand at makeing a ship just to learn how it is done ect.

and i thought i had pritty much finnished it and was ready to fly it until........

i loaded up freelance and the ship is there..... but when i go to launce from manhatten (the place i made it buyable from) the game and my fl server crash after the fl sever gives me this error "E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3171160518) failed"


when i first by the ship i am getting the following errors
"E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3171160518) failed
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\PlayerDB.cpp(3033) : *** ERROR: Error retrieving ship type 3171160518"

Anyone have anyidear what this means?
Feedback welcomed :)

Any Idears? - Igiss - 04-14-2006

To read hash codes you'll have to get a program called CRCTool Beta 2. Search for it on TLR.

You've got an archetype error. For example, ship code might contain a link to ship model that does not exists. Archetype errors are usually caused by 'dead links' to non-existent models, icons, files, things like that.

Any Idears? - fwolf - 06-06-2007

Well, I was reading this, and Im having the same problem with my lan server. Im getting the following message on console:

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3196860547) failed

I downloaded the CRCTool Beta 2 and created the database. The hash code is not there. So, how I can remove the link? I already formated the Windows partition and reinstalled it, and also reinstalled Freelancer, that is in another partition.

Any Idears? - Igiss - 06-07-2007

If the hash code is NOT in the DB, then you (most probably) used an irrelevant item nickname somewhere. Search the files that you've modified.

Any Idears? - fwolf - 06-07-2007

Problem resolved.

It was the configuration files of my server. They were not stored in C:, but in I:, where the documents folder is. Thats the reason why, even after formating C: and reinstalling windows, the problem continued. The file was corrupted due to the fact that I use my server for playing with several mods. What I have to do is to delete the configuration file each time I try a different mod.