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OS&C to Zoner authorities in omega 49 and omega 50 - Printable Version

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OS&C to Zoner authorities in omega 49 and omega 50 - djordje_petrovic - 08-04-2012

***incoming transmission***

Location: OS&C HQ cortez system Planet Curacao

Respectfull fellows, i have to inform you that due to new situation near dublin o49 jump hole we are forced to suspend all our flights and tranport routes to planets Gran Canaria, Porto Novo and Boavista Station. Some base called goldern coin imposed blockade of accesing your home systems for almost any ship. I even heard a rumor of opening fire on zoner vessels.

I am sure that this situation benefits neither all of us. Big part of our bussines are tied to those systems as many people come and go from here . We transport zoner passangers too , and now systems are trapped. We have alternative route for traposrt via omegas of southern sirius and omicorns, but those passage are ectremly harrsh and hard to traverse with our liners due to dense rock asteroids hidden in treacherous nebulas. Dont need to mention who can we stumble upon in that space.

We contacted Bretonian authorities but they are reluctant to make some substantiall moves. As we consider zoners our long term partners we can arrange charter flights in our yachts via alternate way if you contact us directly via long range scans.

We urge you to solve this situation . We visit system frequently , we already contacted OSI executive board and they replied that they are trying to solve issue.

***encryption code activated***

****1001010101100010101**** if this situation is not negotiable in civilized way , we might find other possibilities whatever that means. Our Executives judge that this base will be thorn in the eye of many people, and not all are kind and peacefull as we are. Contact us to know your excact position about this****1001011101000001000

***Message ends***

OS&C to Zoner authorities in omega 49 and omega 50 - Kampanom - 08-04-2012

<<Incoming transmission

Vibiis Egnatiis

I know what you're talking about. Unfortunately. Me myself was a victim of an attack today, while on my usual Omega 49-Shikoku route passing through the Western reaches of the Sector. I was attacked by the weapon platforms of the base once I entered Dublin, and barely managed to survive. But, sadly, not everyone may be this lucky. Knowing the danger this blockade creates on merchants like me (and not just this kind of people), I feel it is necessary to either convince the owners of this pseudo-casinò to stop targeting people, or to just come in force in Dublin and destroy this threat to Sirian trading.

Vibiis Egnatiis out.

<<End transmission.

OS&amp;C to Zoner authorities in omega 49 and omega 50 - Daedric - 08-05-2012

[Image: vcrosstrans.png]

The true purpose of the Goldern Coin weapons platform is all over the news nodes here in 49 and I'm sure the news nodes in 50 are awash with it also. As my company doesn't have the resources to remove such an obstacle nor are we sure our direct involvement in any effort to remove it would be wise on our part; we're debating our own course of action. As is our way, we will attempt diplomatic measures first.

This blockade hinders our customers ability to reach us, endangers other Zoners, and endangers the sustainability of Porto Novo and Boa Vista who rely on tourism to persist.
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

OS&amp;C to Zoner authorities in omega 49 and omega 50 - djordje_petrovic - 08-05-2012

***incoming transmission***

Sender: OS&C managment stuff for southern Sirius

Yesterday later, big attack of Corsair fleet was commenced on station. Heavy bombardment , over 2 hours, several BS. Corsairs of course act on their interest primarly, but this happy coincidence could balance the tip. From insider information we have as we dispatched yesterday small ship close to corsair worlds to send informal contact, according to information we obtained later corsairs attack failed and they need more firepower. Probably willing to ally with everyone in sector temporarily for this issue.

We prefer diplomacy, but we share this information to you if you want to strenghten your position in diplomatic moves you are going to conduct. In any way for exploiting this outcome of events Corsairs are adress to be notified primarily, OS&C are third party only who want protect free tranposrt through the colonies.

Mr. Prescot btw who initially contacted you works for our commercial branch , as he first spoted blockade earlier.