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Two forum accounts from same computer? - Printable Version

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Two forum accounts from same computer? - guardian - 05-13-2008

Hi All:

I've tried creating a second forum account from my computer, but it keeps disappearing. Can we have other accounts for other family members or house-mates?



Two forum accounts from same computer? - Jinx - 05-13-2008

you can have as many forum accounts as you like - as far as i know... up to you to make them public or have secret ones, too.

Two forum accounts from same computer? - sovereign - 05-16-2008

Yep, I've got one for my Wilde. If something goes wrong, just send a friendly PM and it'll get sorted out.

Two forum accounts from same computer? - Sorcha - 05-19-2008

i think you need another mail adresses for each, didn't tried yet to create 2 onto same mail^^

Two forum accounts from same computer? - ParanoidAndroid - 05-19-2008

Only what you need is another valid email address using which you can verify creation of another account. As far as I'm concerned there is no limitation on that. You can easily log off and log on the other one. Many people have separate accounts for their RP characters.