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To: Liberty Navy Admiralty Board - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Navy Admiralty Board - ssc - 08-05-2012

[Image: LtCptSecred.png]
This is Lt. Cpt. T. Rogers of the SSC Security Agency. A Kempetai was reported by one of our ships. It was indicated that the Kempetai was seen engaging Melbourne Station. The vessel that reported the ship had engaged it to throw it off from melbourne, despite the Station's Defence Grid's aggression. The E.V Averon was badly damaged, but made it back to Newark for repairs. Although stations being attacked by a Kempetai seems nothing more than a trouble maker, what the ship was armed with was disturbing. The E.V Averon recorded Nomadic weapon signitures from the fighter. These weapons are from the Nomad ships themselves, and the SSC Council is disturbed by this report. The Kempetai name was Kumi, and thats all we have. The E.V Averon is the only ship that leaves SSC Space, which is in the Zoner systems of the Omicrons. The ship and her crew can assist by keeping tabs in the ship, if sighted.

On a side note, the SSC is looking for employees for transports and other major vessels. If some are tired offlying forthe navy and seek to travel, refer them to us, thank you.
[Image: SSCendtransmission.png]

To: Liberty Navy Admiralty Board - Asgardian - 08-06-2012

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[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]



First, I'll be needing any evidence you have of this engagement - The more the better. I'm fairly sure of the rogue Agent you're referring to, however I'll be needing that guncam footage to confirm.

Secondly, since Melbourne is a SFC base, where and why did the SSC ship approach from? We'll be needing this information to provide feedback to the SFC as to the placement of Melbourne's weapon platforms.

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

To: Liberty Navy Admiralty Board - ssc - 08-06-2012

[Image: LtCptSecred.png]
Understood. The Flight recorder was damaged and the data was lost, it would take weeks before we have varification on what happened. We do know the events occured were taken place 2 days ago. The E.V Averon was scanning the Badlands and exited, near the Texas Jumpgate. Then, when approaching the Trade Lane back to Manhatten, the fighter came on the scanners. Captain Jackson Riker felt that engaging the target would help out the Liberty Navy, since we recognize Liberty Navy Authority, not LSF. From there, the Flight Recorder was damaged, only information we have. We find, that any vessel with Nomadic weapons, except The Order, are a great threat to the Sirius Sector. Unlike the Order, we perfer to open relations with Navy of the House Governments.

As for the Station Defence Platforms, I would suggest placing 4 more platforms, 2 above and 2 below. The station looked like it got a beating from high and low. The fighter was weaving in and out of the station. We, ourselves are planning to construct a station, but until we have the supplies to do so and the ship for it, we're waiting for funds to rise alittle higher. As I said before, the E.V Averon can assist the Navy in locating potentcial threats, and assist, as long as there are other Navy ships to back them up.

[Image: SSCendtransmission.png]